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Read Poems by Becca Fletcher

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Below are poems written by poet Becca Fletcher . Click the Next or Previous links below the poem to navigate between poems. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth. Thank you.

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If You Were a Poet

If you were a poet 
how would you write about me?
Would you flaunt my insecurities 
or bury them deep? 
Would you showcase my demons 
or smother them in a blanket of equivocation? 

If you were a poet
How would you convey my sorrow?
Would you weave an image of a wave?
Overwhelming. Engulfing. Suffocating.
Or would you imagine it like static? 
Static which clouds the mind,
stifling any glimmer of happiness 

If you were a poet 
Would you change me in any way? 
Creating a romanticised version of you lover 
or a more truthful, downcast depiction of you sweetheart

If you were a poet 
and i was your poem 
Would you treasure me? 
Would you hang me with pride? 
Subjected to the worlds judgemental gaze 
Or stash me away?
till all memory of me is buried and neglected

Copyright © Becca Fletcher | Year Posted 2021

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry