Ancient petite green fairy,
dispenser of dreams vivid
In bar corners; this artistic
Madam, beckons the unwary.
Dignity falls beneath each pour,
dispenser of solitude encapsulates
between torn silk; its perfumed
whore, mont Venus in folklore.
Spinning giddy a celestial passion
dispenser of maggots all consuming
ego remains scattered; spilt lipped
wife, her lovers as dogs of a-fashion.
Oh petite liquid fairy so green
dispenser of timeless moon time
cold laying broken; a smudged jack
heart, jackass bitten, pale so lean.
Swirling in an andromeda ceiling
dispenser of ruination vomit bound,
breasts motion blurred; faceless mother
substitute, this fairy, with dawn deceiving .
Copyright © John Lusardi | Year Posted 2024