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Poems by Jesse Jones

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Below are poems written by United States poet Jesse Jones. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Jesse Jones.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
11/06/2007 Untitled #352 / Oh Stars, Even Stars 1616 Free verse
11/06/2007 Untitled #351 / Sagittarius A 1499 Narrative
11/06/2007 Untitled #350 / My Love Is a Miscarried Child 718 Free verse
11/06/2007 Untitled #349 / "let Love Guide the Way" 675 Lyric
11/06/2007 Untitled #348 / Or If... 857 Free verse
11/06/2007 Untitled #347 / Research 777 Free verse
11/06/2007 Untitled #346 / But 910 Free verse
11/06/2007 Untitled #345 / Three Problems 976 Free verse
11/06/2007 Untitled #344 / "what Is Your Name?" 3218 Dramatic Verse
11/06/2007 Untitled #343 / "how Can You Look Love..." 824 Dramatic Verse
11/06/2007 Untitled #342 / "is There a God?" 2791 Dramatic Verse
11/06/2007 Untitled #341 / So Much Problem-Solving 982 Epigram
11/06/2007 Untitled #340 / Colored Pencils 703 Narrative
11/06/2007 Untitled #339 / Bearstaff 573 Rhyme
11/06/2007 Untitled #338 / Who Can Hear America Singing? 643 Free verse
11/06/2007 Untitled #337 / You Are Invited 757 Free verse
11/06/2007 Untitled #336 / Swan Tiger, Savages, and Heaven 969 Free verse
11/06/2007 Untitled #335 / Astronomy Club 714 Narrative
11/06/2007 Untitled #334 / Swan Tiger 738 Dramatic Verse
11/06/2007 Untitled #323 / "why Did You Stop Shaving?", Pt. Ii 752 Dramatic Verse
11/06/2007 Untitled #322 / "what? None of These Make Sense!" 929 Dramatic Verse
11/06/2007 Untitled #321 / Games Without Frontiers 652 Lyric
11/06/2007 Untitled #320 / Timm 856 I do not know?
11/06/2007 Untitled #319 / In the Heart 611 Free verse
11/06/2007 Untitled #318 / the Uniter 559 Epigram
11/06/2007 Untitled #317 / Alien Civilization 708 Free verse
11/06/2007 Untitled #316 / Steal Softly 569 Free verse
11/06/2007 Untitled #315 / What Use Is There In Distinguishing 623 Free verse
11/06/2007 Untitled #314 / the Notepad 1242 Free verse
11/06/2007 Untitled #313 / Venus and the Northern Wind 568 Free verse
11/06/2007 Untitled #312 / Buddha 494 Free verse
11/06/2007 Untitled #311 / Insanity 639 Epigram
11/06/2007 Untitled #310 / "why Did You Stop Shaving?", Pt. I 743 Dramatic Verse
11/06/2007 Untitled #309 / Jenny 632 Lyric
11/06/2007 Untitled #308 / Universal Gravitation and the Human Heart 714 Free verse
11/06/2007 Untitled #307 / It's Mid-October 1733 Narrative
11/06/2007 Untitled #306 / Sober 565 Epigram
11/06/2007 Untitled #305 / the Traffic Teacher's Tale 743 Narrative
11/06/2007 Untitled #304 / Juvenile Court 564 Narrative
11/06/2007 Untitled #303 / Orange and White 649 Epigram
11/06/2007 Untitled #302 / Evil Monsters 586 Dramatic Verse
11/06/2007 Untitled #301 / Wasted Time 746 Free verse
11/06/2007 Untitled #300 / Thermopylae and King Leonidas 2829 Narrative
11/06/2007 Untitled #299 / Plush Yellow Car 856 Light Verse
11/06/2007 Untitled #298 / the Cosmic Ray-Detector 621 Free verse
11/06/2007 Untitled #297 / Ron Paul and the Doe 568 Dramatic Verse
11/06/2007 Untitled #296 / Spell, Pt. 3 607 Epigram
11/06/2007 Untitled #295 / Spell, Pt. 2 624 Epigram
11/06/2007 Untitled #294 / Spell, Pt. 1 599 Epigram
11/06/2007 Untitled #293 / Where Is Your Mind? 632 Epigram
11/06/2007 Untitled #292 / Words Weave a Spell 526 Epigram
11/06/2007 Untitled #291 / Turn Your Chin To the Sky 476 Free verse
11/06/2007 Untitled #290 / a Letter Every Day 436 Free verse
11/06/2007 Untitled #289 / the Winters 422 Epigram
11/06/2007 Untitled #288 / Life and Love 501 Free verse
11/06/2007 Untitled #287 / "why Don'T You Just Kill Yourself?" 472 Free verse
11/06/2007 Untitled #286 / Love and the Buddha Nature, Pt. Ii 571 Epigram
11/06/2007 Untitled #285 / a Shared Smile 520 Free verse
11/04/2007 Untitled #283 / I See Everything #3 482 Free verse
11/04/2007 Untitled #282 / I See Everything #2 400 Free verse
11/04/2007 Untitled #281 / I See Everything #1 445 Free verse
11/04/2007 Untitled #280 / $5 Million 68 Free verse
11/04/2007 Untitled #279 / This Week 423 Dramatic Verse
11/04/2007 Untitled #278 / Stranger 479 Lyric
11/04/2007 Untitled #277 / One Sunday Morning 404 Epigram
11/04/2007 Untitled #276 / Today I Know Her Heart Breeds Evil 470 Free verse
11/04/2007 Untitled #275 / Graveyard Mosquitoes 466 Epigram
11/04/2007 Untitled #274 / Unloved 480 Epitaph
11/04/2007 Untitled #273 / the Broken Chain 580 Epitaph
11/04/2007 Untitled #272 / a Place 535 Free verse
11/04/2007 Untitled #271 / George and Anne Ziegler 496 Ballad
11/04/2007 Untitled #270 / On the Day I Daw Love 1281 Narrative
11/04/2007 Untitled #269 / On the Day I Saw Evil 472 Narrative
11/04/2007 Untitled #268 / Victory 462 Free verse
11/04/2007 Untitled #267 / Look 441 Free verse
11/04/2007 Untitled #266 / Hang a Lantern On Your Problem 527 Free verse
11/04/2007 Untitled #265 / Blasphemy 413 Free verse
11/04/2007 Untitled #264 / Christian Girl 1707 Ode
11/04/2007 Untitled #263 / Cruel Creator 484 Free verse
11/04/2007 Untitled #262 / Pen 472 Ode
11/04/2007 Untitled #261 / Human Nature 1167 Free verse
11/04/2007 When You Compete With No One 590 Villanelle
11/04/2007 Dude In Homeroom 1017 Dramatic Monologue
11/04/2007 Four Lanternes 422 Lanterne
11/04/2007 Twenty Haiku 670 Haiku
11/04/2007 Beachwalk 495 Elegy
11/04/2007 Sharp Stick 561 Free verse
11/04/2007 Cloud-Cross 575 Free verse
11/04/2007 Tiny Pebbles 494 Free verse
11/04/2007 Iv. a Flytrap Slams Shut 531 Free verse
11/04/2007 Iii. Silence 589 Free verse
11/04/2007 Ii. Father Jones 588 Narrative
11/04/2007 I. Father Byrd 669 Narrative
11/04/2007 How Glorious the Sunset! 838 Idyll (Idyl)
11/04/2007 Ballgame 526 Free verse
11/04/2007 A Young Negro Testifies 455 Free verse
11/04/2007 She Is Black and White 557 Free verse
11/04/2007 Advice For Jentry 441 Free verse
11/04/2007 Intro To "advice For Jentry" 469 Free verse
11/04/2007 On the Degradation of Family Values (By the Homosexual Agend 759 Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry