Below are poems written by India poet Prabhjeet Singh. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Prabhjeet Singh.
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Best Prabhjeet Singh Poems
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Nobody really understands love. Certainly not the poets. Love defies understanding because it is never the same for any of us. It seems to be Universal. It seems to be Timeless. But, those are just illusions because, even though it's something we all experience, it's also something we all experience differently. Love is an individual experience, filtered by our own lives and expectations. No one truly understands it because it's invariably a very different thing for each of us. Go to Quote / Comment | by Prabhjeet Singh
Having soulmate is like a having heaven. Go to Quote / Comment | by Prabhjeet Singh
Life without love is like body without soul. Go to Quote / Comment | by Prabhjeet Singh