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Poems by Daniel Tate

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Below are poems written by United States poet Daniel Tate. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Daniel Tate.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
12/31/2012 Timeless Blue Dreams 525 Blank verse
09/14/2012 Galaxies 516 Free verse
09/10/2012 Writers Block 464 Free verse
09/08/2012 The Gemineyed Damsels Distress 427 Blank verse
09/07/2012 Mindless Fb Chat 900 Haiku
09/06/2012 Winter 469 Blank verse
09/06/2012 For Perky 455 Rhyme
09/06/2012 The Love Hate Game 439 I do not know?
09/05/2012 A Poem For Ever 417 Blank verse
09/05/2012 Broken 497 Blank verse
09/05/2012 My Selective Amnesia 410 Rhyme
09/05/2012 Elke 486 Blank verse
09/05/2012 I Came In 411 Rhyme
09/05/2012 A Confused Heart 657 Blank verse
09/05/2012 Words That Lack Meaning 505 Blank verse
09/05/2012 The Journey 887 Ballad

Book: Reflection on the Important Things