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Poems by Melanie Tan

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Below are poems written by Malaysia poet Melanie Tan. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Melanie Tan.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
07/05/2012 The Black Tenth 657 Free verse
07/05/2012 Submarine's Love 754 Free verse
06/19/2012 My First Sonata 609 Free verse
06/19/2012 Missing 583 Free verse
06/19/2012 A Tribute To Baby Angel 612 Free verse
06/19/2012 How Far Is Far 711 Free verse
06/14/2012 When I Was 21 892 ABC
06/14/2012 A Step To the Blue Mountain 636 ABC
06/12/2012 Turbulent of Anger 559 ABC
06/12/2012 A Solemn's Vow From An Anchor's Heart 617 ABC
06/12/2012 Unlock the Heart of Enigma 500 ABC
06/12/2012 Green Gables 513 ABC
06/12/2012 Sahara's Pearl 476 ABC
06/12/2012 Shattered Heart 739 ABC
06/12/2012 Childhood 654 ABC
06/11/2012 Willow's Heart 689 ABC
06/11/2012 Mystic Beauty 1014 ABC

Book: Reflection on the Important Things