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Poems by Freny Gilbert

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Below are poems written by India poet Freny Gilbert. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Freny Gilbert.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
03/14/2012 Love Survives 762 Lay
03/13/2012 All Over Again 527 List
03/01/2012 For Someone Very Special 683 List
01/14/2012 Memories 659 Lay
01/11/2012 Addicted 644 Lay
01/11/2012 Forget Me 634 Lay
01/11/2012 New 487 Lay
01/11/2012 Never Say Goodbye 689 Lay
01/11/2012 Seven Hours 630 List
01/08/2012 A Sweet Little Smile 701 List
01/08/2012 In Ur Eyes 527 List
01/08/2012 Stealing My Love 456 List
01/08/2012 Dream 561 List
01/08/2012 If Only 602 List
01/08/2012 I Wish 599 List
01/08/2012 Only One 544 List
01/08/2012 Lost Love 563 List

Book: Reflection on the Important Things