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Poems by Caleb Schmitt

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Below are poems written by United States poet Caleb Schmitt. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Caleb Schmitt.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
03/02/2013 You'Re My First Love 543 Blank verse
10/31/2012 Mender of Hearts 475 Rhyme
10/31/2012 Candle Lit 635 Rhyme
10/31/2012 Your Dreams 413 Rhyme
10/31/2012 Dear Love 416 Rhyme
10/31/2012 'no Title 442 Rhyme
10/31/2012 That Day On 407 Rhyme
10/31/2012 Her Eyes 423 Rhyme
10/31/2012 Love To Stay 365 Rhyme
10/31/2012 Falling 432 Rhyme
10/31/2012 Fall In Love Again 527 Rhyme
10/31/2012 Noticed 420 Rhyme
10/31/2012 Don'T Need You 339 Rhyme
10/31/2012 Only You 411 Rhyme
10/31/2012 Chains 467 Rhyme
05/07/2012 Your Moon, My Ocean 804 Rhyme
03/12/2012 Moon Can You Hear Me Tonight 494 Rhyme
02/15/2012 Clocked Out 684 Rhyme
02/09/2012 New Voice 472 Rhyme
02/06/2012 Lost 444 Rhyme
02/01/2012 Insanity's Kiss 423 Rhyme
01/26/2012 Sleep 444 Rhyme
01/22/2012 Silent Suicide 580 Rhyme
01/07/2012 Fire and Ice 507 Rhyme
01/07/2012 Valentine 730 Haiku
01/05/2012 Cure For Love 477 Rhyme
01/03/2012 Her Eyes 570 Rhyme
12/15/2011 Candle Lit 707 Rhyme
12/15/2011 Death's Dance 378 Rhyme
11/22/2011 Nice Guy 609 Rhyme
11/10/2011 This Christmas 520 Rhyme
11/09/2011 Love 648 Rhyme
11/09/2011 May Flower 633 Rhyme
11/08/2011 Natural Beauty 507 Rhyme
10/24/2011 You 1011 Rhyme
10/24/2011 Answered Prayers 491 Rhyme
10/24/2011 Fragile Or Not 477 Rhyme
10/24/2011 My Rose 559 Rhyme
10/24/2011 Halloween 469 Rhyme
10/24/2011 Nude 639 Rhyme
10/24/2011 Dreams 545 Rhyme
10/24/2011 My Crafted Inferno 477 Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things