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Best Poems Written by Rebekah Foulke

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I'M Sorry

"I'm Sorry"


Rebekah Foulke

to me
2 minutes ago


"Just put pen to paper and write" I told myself
But it's just not that simple
It's hard,
Then harder

There are no words to describe this emotional whirlwind erupting in the soul
Ever so delicately, but even so destructive

There are no words to describe how others feel

If only I knew
If only you knew

Everything is just so melancholy
If only I knew
Vision is so very blurry
If only you knew

I guess what I'm trying to say is...

Copyright © Rebekah Foulke | Year Posted 2018

Details | Rebekah Foulke Poem


You were you and I was me
Everything was as it was, a daily routine
Maybe we were never even meant to be.
But we met, and you were you.

To fall in love with your soul
You're everything I wanted and nothing I needed.
You're like an illusion of perfect
So much more than amazing

You just deserve more.
More than me.
Being with you is like dreaming of a dream

We're on the phone, but silence remains.
Nothing to say, because there's too much to say.

Already feeling the connection
An unbreakable bond is formed

I'd jump in your window, and sleep in your arms until the stars shine no more...

Arms entwined around. My face pressed against your chest, heart beats fast but feels like home.

The sun beams down to a glorious afternoon, waking up to an empty bed
The first I think of is you

Thinking of you
Such sad sorrow
But such precious memories

I miss you and you haven't even gone yet.
You're still here, but I miss you as far as it would take to reach the sunset

Two differences but two seeing eye-to-eye.
Consumed by overwhelming emotions
Salty difficulties, and bittersweet joy.

Wanting to share to the  world, but it's much too personal

It's been days since we've met and a lifetime has gone by

And we're speaking as if we're saying goodbye.
But it's not good bye
It'll never be goodbye
...maybe it's just hello.

And I love how we're comforting each other already.
I love how our conversations get sidetracked to oblivious bliss.
I love how we are just us.

I just want to hear you say "I'm fine"
But I know better

So in the near future, when we finally meet for the first time
You'll be standing 5 years away, perfectly still just as I never remembered.
But I'll run to you, and throw my arms around in an embracing farewell hello.

Maybe it means we were never meant to be
Maybe it means a million different things
But for now...
Let's just say what we always used to say
What we will continue saying in the hopeful near future
Sweet dreams
Sweet dreams my...

Copyright © Rebekah Foulke | Year Posted 2018

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry