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Best Poems Written by Wes Martin

Below are the all-time best Wes Martin poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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A Better World

A vision of humanity, a world without brutality, a beautiful fantasy, not a reality.
A vision of a world where the truth isn’t ignored and everyone is treated equal,
A world where no one is evil and people are peaceful.
A vision of a world without wars and conflicts, a world without hate,
A world with no horror, where everything is great.
A vision of a world without genocide and assassinations,
A friendly world with polite conversations.
A vision of world without jealousy, greed and corruption,
A safe world with no weapons of mass destruction.
A Vision of a world without blood spilling and constant killings,
A civilised world, one with no villains.
A vision of a world without hunger, tears and crime,
A world with plenty of food and water, a world where everything is fine.
A vision of a world without torture, torment and persecution,
A world with no natural disasters or air pollution. 
A vision of a world without people living on the streets,
An equal world where everyone eats.
A vision of a world that wasn’t so obsessed with fame and fashion,
A world where we all showed a little more love and compassion.
A vision of a world without cruelty, terrorism and bloodshed,
A world without slaves, a place where every child is fed.
A vision of a world without intimidation, alienation and exploitation,  
A world where third world countries get proper education.
A vision of a world without hatred, hostility and pain,
A world where everyone is loving, thoughtful and sane.
A vision of a world without malice, bad blood and animosity,
A world that is caring and full of generosity.
A vision of a world without abusive drunks beating their child,
A world without rage, one where everyone smiled. 
A vision of a world without savagery and madness, one without fear,
 A world where everyone is genuinely honest and sincere.
A vision of a world where no one is blind, deaf or mistreated,
A world where everything is fair and no one gets cheated.
A vision of a world without racism, cancer and AIDS,
A world where people don’t have to use guns or grenades.
But vision without action is merely a dream,
If we all came together we’d be an unstoppable team.
The past is a source of knowledge, and the future is a source of hope,
I have to think positive, that’s how I cope.

Copyright © Wes Martin | Year Posted 2017

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A Planet of Pain

Kids dying for diamonds in Sierra Leone,
Innocent civilians killed in Iraq’s warzone.
Indigenous tribes removed from their lands,
Children in the Congo losing legs and hands.
Arms companies still supplying while civilians are dying,
Kids begging on the street while the rich keep buying.
Sex slaves sold, countless stories untold,
So much unnecessary hate in a world that’s so cold.
Shameful, disgraceful racism in South Carolina,
Tens of thousands of baby girls abandoned each year in China.
Discrimination will never disappear, it will always be here,
Numerous Pakistani and Somalian women constantly living in fear.
Diarrheal diseases in Bangladesh, killing over a hundred thousand children each year,
While Libya continues torturing citizens for drinking a beer.
Botswana and Swaziland infested in HIV/AIDS,
In the Central African Republic a Coca-Cola cost more than grenades.
War hysteria in Syria, Kidnapping cases in Nigeria,
Human rights violations in all parts of Algeria.
Endangered tribes in the amazon crying for help but nothing is been done,
And when’s the last time a child in a Brazilian favela had any fun?
Corruption levels in Uzbekistan and Zimbabwe remain at an all-time high,
Shocking and Inhumane laws condemned by the government of Brunei.
Genocide in Darfur, millions dead from starvation in North Korea,
The US military has ruined beautiful Diego Garcia.
Chocolate child slaves whipped for working too slow in the Ivory Coast,
And celebrating thanksgiving is nothing but a genocidal toast.
Poverty is everyone’s responsibility, and it continues to increase,
A violent environment, that’s allergic to peace.

Copyright © Wes Martin | Year Posted 2017

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Wake Up Humanity

We’re complaining about life and throwing food away,
But there’s nearly 800 million people going hungry in the world today.
Over 150 million children involved in child labour worldwide,
And Innocent people are being killed right now due to genocide.
More than 80 million working in hazardous conditions,
While women in the middle-east are victims to old-age traditions.
Celebrities in restaurants paying a hundred dollars for a dinner,
While kids in third world countries just keep getting thinner.
More than twenty percent of children in Asia and Africa are underweight for their age,
And some are so malnourished, you can actually see their rib cage.
Kids in sweatshops are paying the ultimate price,
Just so we can wear fancy Nike merchandise.
They’re digging for coltan in the Congo while being worked to the bone,
So think about that when your texting on your blackberry phone.
And how can you be happy with the world that we’re living in?
When people are getting murdered due to the colour of their skin.
We need to break down racial barriers because we all breathe the same air,
We need to show more respect for each other and learn how to care.
Human life is worth more than paper but some are obsessed with greed.
Life is about caring for each other, so why take more than we need?
We can still be happy without materialistic treasures,
It’s time to wake up and relish small pleasures.
We are all the same, we are all equal,
We are all human, we are all people.
So why can’t we all work together and try to live peaceful,
We’re only here once, in life there’s no sequel.
I’m trying not to get emotional but it’s just too tough,
Humanity please wake up, enough is enough.

Copyright © Wes Martin | Year Posted 2017

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Manipulations, misrepresentations and government violations,
America has been terrorising for many generations.
Spying allegations, secret conversations,
US imperialism continues to destroy nations.
Cheers and celebrations for leader’s assassinations,
Activists disliked for anti-war demonstrations.
Iraqi invasions, Strategic implications,
Lies and propaganda from bias media stations.
Military occupations in various locations,
Native Americans forced back onto reservations.
Greedy multi-billion dollar corporations with no limitations,
The IMF plus World Bank equals evil creations.
Forced sterilisations, fake vaccinations,
Too many unnecessary health care complications.
Firearm fascination, covert operation,
Bombing without hesitation, countries left in devastation.
Celebrity fixation, racial discrimination,
A country facing global economic isolation.
Guantanamo detainees tortured for information,
A brutal CIA program called enhanced interrogation.
A history of government attacks and ruthless intimidation,
Kids in Fallujah continue to be poisoned from radiation.
Too many Palestinians are victims of dehumanisation,
The US and Israel are a deadly combination.
No admiration for globalisation,
Time to abolish every greedy organisation.
Coca-Cola, Starbucks and McDonalds in every location,
While Wall Street fantasies about world domination.
No exaggeration, it’s not my imagination,
Welcome to the age of Americanisation.

Copyright © Wes Martin | Year Posted 2017

Details | Wes Martin Poem

Year Zero

Cambodia, the Khmer Rouge movement, the leader Pol Pot,
Killed twenty-five percent of the population, a fact most people forgot.
To spare you is no profit, to destroy you is no loss,
That was the ideology of the evil boss.
Buddhist monks were killed and religion was banned,
No one was safe with this beast in command.
Children placed in labour camps, civil rights were abolished,
Schools and hospitals shut down, homes were demolished.
People getting shot for wearing glasses, laughing and even crying,
And if you spoke a foreign language you were definitely dying.
Slave labourers dying from overwork, malnutrition and executions,
While the U.K. gave the Khmer Rouge plenty of contributions.
Minority groups were targeted, Thai, Muslims, Christians and Vietnamese,
But they explicitly targeted the ethnic Chinese.
Millions of pounds from the U.K., millions of dollars from the states,
All working together in terror, they were the best of mates.
What Nixon and Kissinger began, Pol Pot completed,
And none of them ever showed remorse for all the people they mistreated.

Copyright © Wes Martin | Year Posted 2017

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A Time For Everything

There’s a time to be born, a time to mourn, a time to laugh and cry,
A time for happiness, a time for sadness and even a time to die.
A time to sleep, a time to wake up, a time for work or school,
A time to think, a time to gain knowledge, a time to stop acting the fool.
A time for concern, a time to learn, a time to improve your mind,
A time to be thoughtful, a time to be friendly, there’s always time to be kind.
A time to sit, a time to walk, a time to jog or run,
A time to focus on your goals, a time to have some fun.
A time to be self-conscious without acting pompous,
A time to pay attention and ignore all the nonsense,
A time to be honest, a time to be modest, a time to fight for human rights,
A time to stand up for your beliefs, a time to reach new heights.
A time to win, a time to choose, a time to share your views,
There’s no time like the present, so hurry there’s no time to lose.

Copyright © Wes Martin | Year Posted 2017

Details | Wes Martin Poem

A Planet of Pain Part 2

Is it any wonder why this world is falling asunder?
These days obesity is more common than hunger.
Humans abusing, society’s confusing,
Unfortunate drug addicts who can’t stop using.
Daily stabbings in prisons, youths making bad decisions,
Too many neglected children living in terrible conditions.
Politicians taking bribes, evil armies wiping out tribes,
People forced to take sides because religion still divides.
Homelessness increasing, police not policing,
Endangered species are rapidly decreasing.
Droughts in Africa, madness in the Middle East,
Millions living in the belly of the beast.
Misogynistic attitudes in China, a barbaric one child policy,
A crazy law invented by an evil ideology.
And while we’re trying to achieve all our goals and dreams,
Child prostitution keeps rising in the Philippines.
So you can boast about your gold watch and your platinum chains,
But there's children in Syria suffering from hunger pains.
Suicide bombers in Afghanistan as young as six years old,
Poor illegal miners in South Africa are still digging for gold.
Girls force-fed in Mauritania hoping to marry a man,
Many racial problems in America, it’s not just the Ku Klux Klan.
Rising sea levels in the Maldives is a serious threat,
Kids in Indonesia think’s it healthy to smoke a cigarette.
Greenland and Antarctica’s ice is melting faster than ever,
And this planet we call earth won’t last forever.
Worldwide Genocide, millions have died from political lies,
Unconscious minds please open your eyes.

Copyright © Wes Martin | Year Posted 2017

Details | Wes Martin Poem


Americans, Algerians, Australian aborigines,
Corrupt leaders of the world involved in illegal activities.
Bloodthirsty bullies brazenly bombing bystanders,
Militaries full of corrupt army commanders.
Charities for children, carers in communities,
Third world countries deprived of equal opportunities.
Doctors, dentists, drugs, disability and depression,
An angry generation full of negative aggression.
Evil egotistic eejits entering elections,
Profiteering politicians with the right connections.
Foul mouthed fools fighting over fossil fuels,
Crooked government clowns creating their own rules.
Greedy gangs gambling, goons glamorising globalisation,
A sad and unfair planet, full of frustration.
History of horrific holocausts, hate crimes, hard times,
Skull and bones, secret societies, illuminati hand signs.
Isolation, intimidation, immigration, inaccurate information,
Hiroshima and Nagasaki still suffer from radiation.
Judge and jury, jam-packed jail cells,
Relentless rebels not doing it for the medals.
Kalashnikov culture, killers keep killing,
The reality of climate change is extremely chilling.
Lame loud mouthed liars living in luxury,
Corrupt politicians should be in custody.
Microchips, machine guns, military madness in the Middle East,
The rich get richer while homelessness continues to increase.
NASA, NATO, new world order, negative nonsense,
Celebrating Columbus Day, do they have any conscience?
Outrageous organisations occupying oil fields,
Double dealing leaders involved in shady deals.
Pitiful pessimists publishing pointless propaganda,
While aids and malaria increases in Uganda.
Quality over quantity or quantity over quality,
An overused phrase that’s used too commonly.
Radicals rallying, ready for revolution,
Air, water, soil and radioactive pollution.
Sick, sadistic sinners selfishly selling slaves,
Fredrick Douglass must be turning in his grave.
Terrible terrorists taking over territories,
Religious beliefs still creating enemies.
Unconscious unkind useless United Nations,
CNN plus Fox News equals bias news stations.
Various victims viciously victimised,
Deadly missiles falling from the skies.
Wars, weapons, whistles blowers on the World Wide Web,
While others sell their souls just to become a celeb.

Copyright © Wes Martin | Year Posted 2017

Details | Wes Martin Poem

Forgotten Tribes

Australia the lucky country but not for all,
It's time to tell a tale that's not so tall.
The country's past is dark and really no mystery,
Most people know the country has a black history.
Captain Cook arrived, things would never be the same,
Two decades later the natives felt nothing but pain.
In 1788 eleven ships arrived to occupy their land,
But the Aboriginal people said no and took a stand.
Violent acts of resistance followed, many fought but lost,
This invasion was so similar to the Tasmanian holocaust.
Harassment, persecution, white Australia's illegal activities,
More than 200 years of discrimination against Oz's aborigines.
Racking and stacking them in prison, they're living in hell,
No justice for Eddie Murray who was found dead in a cell.
Police showed no remorse or regret when Ian Ward was literally cooked to death.
And why do people celebrate invasion day?
January 26th is just a disrespectful display.
They're still suffering, still neglected, still living among violence,
The world needs to take notice of the great Australian silence.

Copyright © Wes Martin | Year Posted 2017

Details | Wes Martin Poem

Stolen Island

Before it was Camp Justice and a U.S. military base,
Diego Garcia was a peaceful paradise, a beautiful place.
The U.S. and U.K. wanted the island swept and sanitised,
Depriving the community from basic supplies.
Never an uninhabited island, the residents were secretly expelled,
First they killed their dogs, a warning to those who rebelled.
Forced off their land onto a filthy cargo ship,
The slums of Mauritius, the beginning of their hardship.
Others were deported to the Seychelles to live a life of poverty,
No food, no water, not even a piece of property.
Ministers and officials mounted a campaign of deception,
Showing the citizens of the island no love or affection.
26 families dead by the end of 1975,
While the rest done their best just to survive.
In 1982 they demonstrated in the streets of Mauritius,
A peaceful protest that really embarrassed the British.
Bruce Greatbatch and Harold Wilson had no conscience or no shame,
And there’s plenty of more involved, just too many to name.
Taken from their blue ocean and beautiful white sand,
Now they’re British citizens who can’t return to their land.

Copyright © Wes Martin | Year Posted 2017


Book: Reflection on the Important Things