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John Bertin Poem
Deprivation is a great teacher
Empty cupboards and growing weeds
Cause the soul to stir
To disdain idle chitchat and merriment
Lessons learned transform the spirit from sand to granite
Conversely, dissipation and luxury turn lives to shards
Always getting one's way leads to the house of destitution
Too much milk and no meat
Copyright © John Bertin | Year Posted 2020
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John Bertin Poem
Eat dust
So long
Copyright © John Bertin | Year Posted 2017
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John Bertin Poem
you've got religion on your breath
and existentialism hanging in your closet
politically correct
cannabis vapor
give me purple diesel
or give me death star
some mental exercises
for longer life
and longer eyelashes
taste another green world
vegan parmesan cheese
saved by zen medicine
and rapid weight loss
philosophy isn't books, honey
it's a skin care offer
Copyright © John Bertin | Year Posted 2017
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John Bertin Poem
through a mud stained field
and thickets galore
mountaintops blue in the haze
walked through hayfield stubble
with a damp, faithful dog
I am anticipating Halloween
but thoughts dissolve quickly
in fields and forest hues
indian summer is over
litters of leaves all around
we pass a dead coyote
the white dog pays no mind
there's no need to hurry
lots of creekside bushes
cause my path to crook and veer
I miss the smell of brush burning
and dread the winter coming
I'll cancel my reservation
and head for some coral reef distant
summer without end
twinkling snow berms
and bitter cold will come
but technology can remedy
the chill nuisance
of Arctic's southward plunge
Copyright © John Bertin | Year Posted 2017
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John Bertin Poem
I had a dog way back when
With white teeth and tail a wag
He slept so fine in steepled den
Crunched on a chicken, like a rag
With eyes of brown, and fur of black
Patrolled the farm, a canine cop
The silly cats he would attack
And barking noise should never stop
One snowy day he disappeared
Walking a road he often trod
Did not return, as I feared
Where was my dog? I asked God
Then one night, I heard him bark
My friend returned in pitch dark
Copyright © John Bertin | Year Posted 2019
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John Bertin Poem
some electrons have been here
since the beginning of time
electrons prove their reality
by making "Big Bang Theory" intelligible
by turning a subatomic nebula
into Sheldon Cooper's face
locked in Hare Krishna trance
living room of decadence
sinking into deep abyss
as our skill in physics soars
Copyright © John Bertin | Year Posted 2017
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John Bertin Poem
death shall have no dominion
Dominion of Canada
Canada goose
goose egg
egg salad
salad days
days of our lives
lives in the balance
balance the budget
budget rent a car
Masters of the Universe
universal love
love and hate
hate your guts
guts but no brains
brains blown out
out of our minds
set your watch
watch TV
vegan pizza
pizza crust
crust of bread
bread and water
water bottle
bottle of beer
beer Vikings
Viking invasion
invasion of privacy
sea to shining sea
Seattle, Washington
washing clothes
clothes make the man
eater of flesh
tone it down
down the drain
drain clog
clogged sink
sink or swim
suits me fine
fine dining
dining out
cast a shadow
Copyright © John Bertin | Year Posted 2017
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John Bertin Poem
attract attention
attract and repel
repel the invader
repel mosquitoes
mosquitoes carry malaria
mosquitoes bite
bite the bullet
bite the hand that feeds
feeds on animosity
feeds on carrion
carry on your luggage
carrion eater
eater of flesh
eater of words
words to live by
words of wisdom
wisdom teeth
wisdom comes with age
age of aquarius
age before beauty
beauty is in the eye of the beholder
beauty is only skin deep
deep sea diving
deep six
six hundred threescore and six
six gun
gun collector
gun control
control yourself
control freak
freak out
freak show
show no emotion
show and tell
tell no tales
tell the truth
truth or consequences
truth or dare
dare to be dumb
dare to keep kids off drugs
drugs and drinking
drugs, sex and rock 'n roll
roll out the barrel
roll over beethoven
beethoven ludwig van
beethoven's fifth
fifth amendment
fifth of whiskey
Copyright © John Bertin | Year Posted 2017
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John Bertin Poem
the first one to drink it
is the rooster who crows
high in the mountains
where the coffee bean grows
a wakeful injection
a confection so brown
in a dark-coloured liquid
I daily do drown
to be wired and fired
and mired in glad
it's desired and I'm inspired
to never be sad
from cash crop bushes
high up in the Andes
the world's gone apeshit
for stimulant candies
Copyright © John Bertin | Year Posted 2017
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John Bertin Poem
blue is a number
after huckleberry squared
formula for rain
orange is a song
felt in the crook of your ear
louder than buzzing
animals are green
so is every magnet
and the earth's moisture
all feelings are white
contained in brown steamer trunks
old moths fly away
black is an engine
unimaginable speed
then it disappeared
Copyright © John Bertin | Year Posted 2018