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Best Poems Written by Gayle Rodd

Below are the all-time best Gayle Rodd poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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It Was On a Kansas Farm

It was on a Kansas farm 
I saw the beauty and the charm
as I sat gazing out across the hills
Not a car or man in sight 
just a blue and cloudless sky
and the smell of barley wafting from the mills

A rabbit scurried fast
and a meadowlark flew past
and I could hear the quiet ripple of a stream
As the sun set miles away
I had hoped to keep this day
as I likened this adventure to a dream

As I lie upon the grass
with no rush to hurry back
to the city with its bustle in the street
I closed my eyes awhile
and in classic country style
I held a blade of wheat between my teeth

The ‘nothingness’ was there
yet it displayed a certain air
and the splendor of the tall grass was pristine
It was on a Kansas farm
that I found this scene of charm
and my heart rejoiced in all that was serene.

Copyright © Gayle Rodd | Year Posted 2017

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The Eyes Have It

Some are ever hollow
Some are full of lies
Some are evil; menacing
Some are old and wise

Some are full of mischief
Some are full of fear
Some are deep and soulful
Others full of tears

Some are ever roving
Some are ever cold
Some are ever staring
Some are even rolled!

Some are ever flirting
Some are green or blue
Mine are eyes 
That can’t disguise
The love they hold for you

Copyright © Gayle Rodd | Year Posted 2018

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Trinity's Eyes

For my niece with autism. 

Her intrigue melts in silence
as she gazes up at me
a big surprise
behind those eyes
that only she can see.

She leads me off to nowhere
as she takes me by the hand
a quiet side, where she abides
but doesn't understand

Oh let me in to ponder
and be there when she sighs
As I try to see
the great mystery
behind Trinity's eyes.

Her innocence shines through her
like an angel in disguise
There's love that knows no boundaries
behind Trinity's eyes.

Attention may seem distant
but she's trying to show me how
she craves the warm affection
That I shower on her now.

In her own sense of wisdom
she can dream without the words
and try to share with those who care
a world meant to be hers

love you Trin.

Copyright © Gayle Rodd | Year Posted 2017

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So, This Is What Loneliness Feels Like

It wanes a soft, subtle ache; unrelenting, whispering in my ear just loud enough to remind me. As I pace, I pick up a book and thumb through the pages with undue concern.  I glance again at the unwavering, uncaring time.  Outside the children still play, the cars still buzz by; for they don't know that I'm here, and lonely.  Where are the arms that will hold me when I'm 60 years of age? The longing gaze that tells me I am still meant to be here. This is not the grand solitude that I've always longed for. This isn't what the end was supposed to be. Where do I belong for the rest of my life?  Not here, not now. 
For if this is what loneliness feels like, I won't stay.

Copyright © Gayle Rodd | Year Posted 2017

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Sofia's Dream

For Sofia Coppola

The epitome of serenity 
lies just beneath the foot of me 
sashaying through the sweet, clean grass  
White linen bathes my skin 
my loose hair dancing in the wind  
billowy clouds, how silently they pass  

Oh Mozart!  
take my heart 
dance playfully and light about my mind  
Mandolin disrupts the wind 
glint of sunshine blinds my eye 
fat, sumptuous grapes exploding on the vine  
Brie, bordeaux, wild strawberries 
fill the bounty set in front of me 
my avid hunger puts me to the test  
To my woolly lamb, how safe I am 
amongst the wheat so tall and tan 
as I hold him firm and snug against my breast 

Take me home 
thatched roof and stone 
the proud gazebo stands beyond the stream
My duvet of straw and hay 
my eyes they close, my body lay  
to lose myself inside Sofia's dream. 

My impression after viewing Sofia Coppola's Marie Antoinette.

Copyright © Gayle Rodd | Year Posted 2017

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Thinking back when I was young
I still recall your bitter tongue 
you guys weren’t fooling anyone
behind those plastic smiles.

She felt the daggers in her back
and as she passed I heard you laugh
I’m sure she felt the aftermath
of your relentless wiles.

Your loyal cronies all stood by
and watched as you demoralized
and tortured her with callous lies 
she choked and ran away.

I saw her crying in the queue
and I just didn’t know what to do
I felt as much to blame as you 
because I’d looked away.

A football game, perhaps a dance
I’d meet her if by happenstance
and hoping for a second chance
to fix things, I would try.

Years have passed I think of her
I wonder how her life endured
all the pain from you and yours

…and now it’s me who cries.

Copyright © Gayle Rodd | Year Posted 2017

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As I laced up my tennis shoes
I hurried to meet up with you
and ran to find you getting off the bus
And when I saw you standing there
in uniform so debonair
I was hoping everyone would notice us
As you picked up your duffel bag
we walked, and you took off your cap
and put it on my forehead just for fun
And as my curiosity
began to get the best of me
I asked you if you’d ever shot a gun
My mother said that you’d been gone
you’d gone to fight in Vietnam 
I couldn’t have been no more than nine or ten
With pride I walked right next to you
And wondered if you felt it too
Or would you feel anything again?

Copyright © Gayle Rodd | Year Posted 2017

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A Needle In the Carpet

*spot poetry: Written in 15 minutes or less about any random subject.

Beneath the tweed
lay the nasty pin
It pierced my toe without a need
My foot had lost again

Of all the places I should step
I landed on this pain
"Walkin' on pins and needles"
just doesn't mean the same

I merely stepped up to the lamp
To read the daily news
When all at once
The pin, it stuck
Submerged up through my shoe

And yelling out obscenities
I screamed these words in pain
"Either I get shoes with thicker soles
or ne'er read news again"

Copyright © Gayle Rodd | Year Posted 2017

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My radar goes up when you don’t come home
You’ve left me sitting here all alone
I want to cry but the tears don’t come
The wheels in my mind are turning
I shout down the doubt that I have in my head
I should be asleep but I sit here instead
Waiting for word that you’re doing okay
I’m not onto you but I’m learning
I’m holding my breath as I sit here tonight
Stress has become a big part of my life
How do I know that you’re doin’ alright
And the choices you've made are discerning?
Disproving a relapse will be up to you
And like it or not there’s a lot left to do
Whatever the cost I’m counting on you
And hoping you’ll soon be returning.

Copyright © Gayle Rodd | Year Posted 2017

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The Button

*spot poetry written in 15 minutes or less about any random subject

There lay a button,
'neath the weather beaten tile,
Lay in it's dust, shadowed crust,
it had been there quite a while.
Hopeless trust amongst the feet
that scattered it abroad,
It dodged and hid itself for keeps,
in hopes 'twould not be trod.
It kept itself a distant force,
this button in the tile,
I picked it up to change its pace
and placed it in the pile,
Of buttons in my sheltered home;
'twould be so happy there
But who was I to criticize, 
or place it anywhere?
Perhaps it was quite happy,
in its home away from tacks,
So I turned around,
and put it down,
It was happy to be back.

Moral: Don't assume that changing ones'
surroundings are always what THEY desire.

Copyright © Gayle Rodd | Year Posted 2017


Book: Reflection on the Important Things