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Best Poems Written by Elizabeth Kinch

Below are the all-time best Elizabeth Kinch poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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My Wish For You

I wish for you long lives together
With more sunshine days than stormy weather,
To always share your laughs and tears
Support each other through your fears.
And when things get rough, as they sometimes will
Take each others hand and climb that hill.
When life is good and you're on cloud nine,
Rejoice and be thankful that all is fine.
I pray your life together will be blessed
Always try to do your best,
Hug, love be faithful and strong,
May your journey together be full of song.
To one another always be true,
These are the things that I wish for you.

2nd June 2017

I wrote and read this in Church yesterday for the marriage of my daughter Lucy and son in lawTom. Such a magical day was had by all. Blessings to them.

Copyright © Elizabeth Kinch | Year Posted 2017

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What does courage mean to me?
Well it isn't being fear free.
It's being brave and staying strong,
Facing all my problems, head on.
It's conquering hardships, being bold,
Reducing worries out of my control.

When I have to make a choice,
I listen to my inner voice.
I'll never lose my moral sight,
Courage will always choose what's right.

I give my opinion, speak my mind,
Try hard not to be unkind.
Apologise for a misdeed.
Courage will help me to succeed.

I don't have to follow the crowd,
Courage helps me to feel proud.
Negative thoughts I can ignore,
I take my emotions from my core.

Courage provides faith in my life,
It guides me through the storms and strife.
With courage, I face the unknown,
With God I'll never walk alone.
So be courageous in your skin,
Find your strength from deep within.

Copyright © Elizabeth Kinch | Year Posted 2016

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Twenty-Eight Tiers

My daughter's getting married
To a super guy called Tom,
It's really fast approaching,
It won't be very long.

The wedding dress is sorted,
The venue and the flowers,
The music and the fireworks,
But the cake, it took us hours.

We went to do some tasting,
Each sponge was quite divine,
Chocolate orange, vanilla
Pimms, coffee and praline.

The raspberry and the champagne
Made us salivate,
Strawberry and white chocolate
Tasted oh so great.

There was banana and spicy cinnamon,
Ginger and caramel,
All so gratifying,
Oh and Battenberg as well.

The carrot cake with walnuts
Was tasty as can be,
Rhubarb and rose petal
And one flavoured with green tea.

Piña colada with coconut
Like kisses on our lips,
Chocolate tiramisu
Oh the calories on our hips.

Odd flavours such as beetroot,
Pistachio and courgette
Were actually quite delightful,
A taste we won't forget.

Earl Grey with lavender,
Pumpkin with peanut butter,
Mouth-wateringly delectable
They got us all a flutter.

Chocolate fudge with peppermint,
Marshmallow and key lime,
Traditional dried fruit,
They were all sublime.

How could we make our choices
For a three tiered wedding cake,
We just couldn't do it
So we've gone for twenty-eight!

4th March 2017

Copyright © Elizabeth Kinch | Year Posted 2017

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O-n this Easter day God took you up to heaven.
L-ong days and nights followed, especially for your mummy who misses you with an
I-tensity that only a mother can. A
V-acant hole in her heart, forever longing for you.
I-nvisible threads of love will always bind you together, you are mummy's
A-ngel, who is always with her.

Remembering my niece Olivia who left this world twenty two years ago, aged three months.

Copyright © Elizabeth Kinch | Year Posted 2017

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Weathering Grief

Shock hits my heart like a bolt of lightning.
Then the tears fall, heavy rain from the storm cloud above my head.

The same questions; Why? Why? Why?
Guilt hits me, stinging my skin like hailstones.

Then anger comes. Like a tornado. I am engulfed inside this rotating column that twists and spins uncontrollably.

Slowly the freezing fog of depression envelops me. It reduces my visibility on life. I can't see a way forward anymore.

Eventually time brings a thaw. I see bursts of beauty between the showers. The rainbow brings its pot of gold, full of loving memories of you.

The sun begins to shine again, bringing acceptance and hope for the future. Its warmth is my connection to you.

As the seasons pass I still have days when the snow falls cold and silently around me. Or like a breeze you blow your memories over me, softly reminding me you are still here.

Copyright © Elizabeth Kinch | Year Posted 2017

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My Spirit Guide

Oh watchful Owl,
My spirit guide,
Help me to look
Deep inside.

Within my darkness
Give me might,
Patiently observe,
Wrong from right.

Guide me through
Our wondrous land,
In silence
Help me understand.

Give me your eyes
To seek what's real,
Attain true love,
That I can feel.

Help to rid me 
Of destructive ties,
Guide me to be
Forever wise.

Your ancient wisdom
Please impart,
Forever reside
Within my heart.

And when I'm ready,
Teach me to fly,
Spread my wings
Toward the sky.

12th June 2017

Copyright © Elizabeth Kinch | Year Posted 2017

Details | Elizabeth Kinch Poem

The Tree

In the middle of the meadow she stands.
Majestically reaching toward Heaven.
Beautiful in her solidness,
Patient and serene.

From beneath her branches
Kisses are stolen between lovers,
Their initials etched within
Proclaiming immortal devotion.

She is an enduring sanctuary,
Absorbing the suffering.
Tears from broken hearts fall.
She comforts the forlorn.

Youngsters are tempted into her shelter,
A magical secret hideaway.
They clamber into her green haven,
An enchanting retreat.

Friends rendezvous beside her,
A sociable meeting place,
Intimacies are shared
Amid her familiarity.

For years she has stood proud,
Her roots firmly grip the ground,
So glorious and green.
She is so much more than just a tree.

Copyright © Elizabeth Kinch | Year Posted 2017

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The Ballet Class

Skipping and leaping,
Lift legs up high.
Good toes, naughty toes,
Pluck stars from the sky.
Stick feet together,
Do you need magic glue?
Wave butterfly wings,
Hold out your tutu.
Little pink girl's
With little pink feet.
The Ballet class
Was just so sweet.

Copyright © Elizabeth Kinch | Year Posted 2017

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Thank God

Every day kneeling, praising Him
Thankful for each shining, morning Hymn.


Another attempt at a Tyburn, inspired by Roy Pett.

Copyright © Elizabeth Kinch | Year Posted 2017

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The Ghost

Pale and wan the ghastly, ghostly be
Made a scared and chilly, tingly me.


After reading The Busker by Roy Pett I was inspired to have a go at a Tyburn myself.

Copyright © Elizabeth Kinch | Year Posted 2017


Book: Shattered Sighs