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Best Poems Written by Trey Hamner

Below are the all-time best Trey Hamner poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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I Versus Me

In the deepest part
of myself
Sits a work of art

Copyright © Trey Hamner | Year Posted 2018

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Importunity Talks

"When opportunity doesn't knock, build a door"
When possibilities don't arise, look for more
When all you can do is build a bridge
to connect the mountain peak to the ridge
You find that strange and patient zen
That comes from knowing why and knowing when
When your blueprint for this thing called existence
Meets with disapproval and resistance
Remember the architect designed it as such
All the way down to the final touch 
Opportunity and obstacle are kissing cousins
Failure is not up for discussion
Don't allow self-doubt to cause you concern
These challenges are meant to help you discern
What is right and what is true
what to think and what to do
So trust that quiet, retiring voice
That says to you "Make this choice."

Copyright © Trey Hamner | Year Posted 2016

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Assuming My Role In the Diorama

I awake with the question "Am I like my predecessor?"
Automated and fabricated to slave for the oppressor
I join the procession yet I am an orbate transgressor
Dissipated and attenuated with no clear successor 

Then I drift into much more lofty domains
With greater rewards yet more precarious terrain
A place where answers can not quite be explained 
Where the mind is confounded but the spirit ascertains

Then I shower and shave; I sigh and greet the day
Will it be my chagrin or triumph I put on display?
In my head I have a tempest, in my heart a bouquet
I must choose which one to portray, which one to obey

Copyright © Trey Hamner | Year Posted 2017

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Ouroboros and Samsara

karma is a boomerang  an unassailable yin and yang

Cliche:  "What goes around comes around"

Copyright © Trey Hamner | Year Posted 2018

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Fault Lines Re-Drawn

There was a great asthenospheric disruption
Followed by parallel volcanic eruptions
There was a great, abrupt tectonic shift
In a moment, a million years of continental drift

The ground shook like a wet dog out of water 
Mother earth swatted her sons and daughters
The fault lines re-created all notions of cartography
Beneath coal mines, earth re-wrote her autobiography

Out of the havoc sprang a deeper appreciation
Of how life is led in an "advanced' civilization
Such planetary tumult resolved every human dispute
And made humanity, as geography, to transmute 

Just as battles lines are re-drawn, so are fault lines
Within the confines of the denouement, we all felt fine
When the fourth wall is broken down by the stage director
We've emptied the garden of Eden of all its nectar

Copyright © Trey Hamner | Year Posted 2016

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Waiting on the coordinates of my new mission
I vacillate between choice and decision
Clinging to hope, but also self-derision
I can hear the sub-atomic particle collision
Standing at the wishing well and pulling out a quarter
As the days seem to get shorter and shorter
Looking at the heavens and the cosmic order
I see there is no invisible border
That separates mankind from creation
Not exactly a revelation, but a realization
Boundaries don't exist for the truly patient
Even in this social stratification
So I choose to pray for that which I can not see
and invoke the words of Jeremiah 33:3
I want to pierce the fog of this great mystery
But I don't need technology, psychology, or biology
Just aim me towards the narrow road
and consecrate the alpha-numeric code
I seek to inhabit a spiritual abode
where my soul is expanded as my mind explodes

Copyright © Trey Hamner | Year Posted 2016

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Somewhere, Somehow

Somewhere in Madagascar a baobab yields its fruit 
Somewhere in Australia a thylacine chases a bandicoot
Somewhere in Timbuktu a man is speaking in Urdu
Somewhere in the Blue Ridge Mountains an old woman stirs burgoo
As some skinny guy tiptoes on skyscrapers
Vagrants and vagabonds burn yesterday's newspapers
As the world turns, my heart yearns and my stomach churns
and as time grinds my mind discerns and my soul is spurned
A child plays somewhere with wild animals
and an orphan blesses the food with refined cannibals
A dog lays somewhere on someone's front porch
and an orchard withers somewhere, its ground is scorched

Copyright © Trey Hamner | Year Posted 2016

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If I Were An Elephant

If I were an elephant, I'd lumber around
Gracefully plodding on my stomping ground
If I were an elephant, I'd flap my ears
High above the savannah with no equals or peers
If I were an elephant, I'd cover myself in mud
I'd clash with other bulls, especially during rut
If I were an elephant, I'd cause a great stampede
Crushing all the poachers before they could succeed
If I were an elephant, I'd collapse all circus tents
And I'd save all pachyderms from being in such events

I wouldn't be arrogant, but elegant and eloquent
I wouldn't be petulant, but prevalently excellent
I wouldn't be negligent or hesitant or feculent 
I'd be so affectionate and have an even temperament
I'd be the most eminent in my thought development
I'd never be a detriment to a human settlement
I would be the most intelligent and it would be self-evident
To the peasant and the president if I were an elephant


Copyright © Trey Hamner | Year Posted 2016

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Meandering Through Space

Drifting in the vacuum, I see a sun rising
Pulled inexorably towards the event horizon
Infinity condenses into a single quark
Lighting the universe bathed in the dark
I see the charm of its strange, beautiful truth
Came up from the bottom; like a galactic baby tooth

The super symmetry of fundamental force
Has set us on an interminable course
The quantum mechanic can not fix our car
Because our neutrinos all have zero charge
So I guess we will hitchhike to the next star cluster
Led by a supernova and all its luster


Copyright © Trey Hamner | Year Posted 2016

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A Dirge and a Doggerel

You may as well put the shovel down
If you think this vivisepulture will be my end
I survived the suffocation of a small town
And I'll be damned if this is how I descend

Just another obsequious sycophant 
And a supercilious, self-aggrandizing fraud
In this room there is but one elephant
And it will most certainly break down the façade

I will use the stone you try to bury me with
To build on top of your house a splendid monolith

Copyright © Trey Hamner | Year Posted 2016


Book: Shattered Sighs