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Best Poems Written by Afzal Nusker

Below are the all-time best Afzal Nusker poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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A Barren Land

In her dumpster fades away
    posy of love-struck feelings.
I plucked from my heart's garden,
           now a barren land.

Date : 01/30/2016

Copyright © Afzal Nusker | Year Posted 2017

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Dove Bleeds Poppies

I'm but a frail bird tasked to bring hope and spread peace. How shall I fly high in the sky with such a brittle burden! My heart pounds in dilemma like a ping pong ball as I release my wings in the air to take a flight at the height of a dark sky. As dark as it can be, above me, the cauldron-black sky with scary scars of blazing explosions emitting blinding light. Beneath me, the brazier ground groaning with an outcry, shedding tears of sparks that vaporize into nebulous smokes. In between is the whizzing of weapons, excreting smokes and urinating radiation that smothers the air with brutality. Warhead rockets, firing aircraft, missiles, bombs...stoke the fire of war for the sake of supremacy by killing morality. Shrills of ruination buried under the roars of madness spree while the two-legged demons having a bloodbath with big guns. Colors of bliss faded away and helpless time trying to flee as achromic misery taints moments with grim stains in gallons. Ember red blood is the only bold color that flows in streams dyeing the soil and water with a stench of rotting death. Once cultivated verdant fields are now burned into coal seams. Marred by violence, houses crumble like ashes in hearth. Such horrific images I see all around me as the hearth of fierce war burns with glaring flames and crackling noises. I fly, hover and fly with my singed wings as there is a dearth of safe shelter; my exhausted body trembles with fear. Would I be able to stop the war? I questioned myself with fear. Quite a hard-hitting answer I received in the form of a bullet that pierced my heart and I fell on the ground with tears. From my smeared blood, poppies bloom around me as I die.
Date: 11/12/2017

Copyright © Afzal Nusker | Year Posted 2017

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Colors of Love

My heart was like a blank canvas, longing to be painted with love.
Full of curiosity, searching for the true colors of love.
Till you came in my life with a palette full of gripping colors
and painted my heart with an array of emotional wonders.
You painted me red with passion, you painted me pink in true love.

You painted me loyal with sky blue and zealous with green in curve.
You speckled me happy in yellow and contrasted colors in swerve.
You also sprinkled on me some specs of grey, brown and black colors.
My heart was like a blank canvas...

You filled my canvas of heart with all the vital colors of love.
You gave me a thrilling experience, true feeling of true love.
I never thought brief moments of love could be so full of colors.
I cherish all the deep emotions that amazes me with wonders.
You painted on my heart an abstract image, masterpiece of love.
My heart was like a blank canvas...

Date : 10/31/2016

Copyright © Afzal Nusker | Year Posted 2016

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Evening Enchantment

Dusk jiggles and stirs evening enchantment.
A crystalline glass of intoxicating twilight
                      in hues of yellow, orange, magenta and blue.
                Globs of honey-dipped cumulus floating
          and garnished swirls of minty mist rising above.
Every drop is spilling out immense pleasure
                          that transcends me into euphoric freedom
            and my boredom drowns in it as I drink it all.

Date: 01/24/2016

Copyright © Afzal Nusker | Year Posted 2017

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Sunny Sunflower

She lures every body’s attention with her sunny charm and her radiant skin that dazzles bright like golden rays. Emblazoned with vibrant colors of fiery summer sun, her gorgeous silhouette surges her grace and elegance. Vivacious nature of her lights up every gathering as she fully mirrors the pizzazz of a sunny day. Everyone wants to playfully bask in her glowing warmth while she gently sways with her inevitable presence. She is abundantly gracious in spreading love and joy as if she's in charge to animate life itself with fun. A bright symbol of awakening for sharing the light that she seeks out to be enriched with spiritual brilliance. Flower of sun she is for dispelling the shades of grey with her vibrancy fades away all clouds of depression.
Date: 04/02/2017

Copyright © Afzal Nusker | Year Posted 2017

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Burning Candle

                am a   
            made of     
           wax. I may   
          appear to be      
          soft and fragile.
          My body shaped     
           so perfectly with a
            sheen on my skin.   
              But believe me, I
               have much more
                to offer. No less
                   than a knight,
                      an intense
                      ~I have a~
                   fiery spirit that
             spreads the light of joy.
             I can kindle hope into....
             fearful hearts by quelling
             the horrors of darkness.
             No matter how strong is
             the winds of misery that
             ....tries to fade me away.
             I flicker  high with  all my
             flaming strength.  More I
             keep emitting my soulful
             light, my body melts into
             a pool of nothingness....
             drop by drop. But I don't
             care, because I'm born to 
             fight for the right till I die.
             Light against  darkness is
             ....the battle,  I strive for.
             So be the  glorious death
             of martyrdom,  I wish for.
             Color, shape, size and my
             brand does not makes me
             worthy  for  this  world....
             but what I do, I stand for
             makes me worthy enough. 
             I burn and burn and burn.
             Passionately burning with
             ....compassion for others
             to serve my only purpose.
       And when I 'm done, there will be
   others in my place to keep the mission
going on. Victory of light against darkness.

Date : 12/27/2016

Note : For the contest (Concrete Crush) by FJ Thomas.
          *Placed Fifth*

Copyright © Afzal Nusker | Year Posted 2016

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Laments of a Widow

I looked in the mirror and all I could see was the pain of loss, draped in jet-black dress with a veil of gloom on my face. I tried to smile hard but all I could see was a forced on gloss dabbed on my lips to hide the bitter truth of grief's trace. I endured the sufferings of life but this was a misery of death digging the grave of my love imprisoned in a wooden case. I tried to joke it off but my laughter was soaked in tear's depth drowning my joyous memories of him in whirlpool of distress. I believed the idea to live happily ever after with him on my side dolloped with love but losing him broke my faith in shards. I tried to flee from feel of a widow but my mourning couldn't hide; drab heart of mine is like his cenotaph desolated and marred.
Date: 01/20/2017 Note: For the contest (Form E) by Broken Wings. *Placed Third* The poem is true to elegy form but also a personification cause it personifies the character of a widow.

Copyright © Afzal Nusker | Year Posted 2017

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Outgrew the Broken Wings

Once there was a youthful, bubbly butterfly.
Who loved to fly under the sunlit azure sky.
        Colors of joy reflected from her iridescent wings
        as she fluttered in the breeze to dance and sing.
                Through the lush meadow full of fragrant flowers,
                looking for the sweet nectar she gyrated all over.
Cherished by all, her company, her presence.
An epitome of beauty, elegance was her essence.
        Such was her charm that nobody could ignore.
        Slowly vile gazes followed her to ruin her demure.
                Many tried to force on her their lewd advances
                but she somehow managed to escape by chances.
Soon enough she learned about the preying mantis,
the ones that cruelly victimizes others with tactics
        Never did she think her charm could be a trouble
        by turning her joyous life into a daily struggle.
                Disturbed by her vulnerable being she sat on a rose
                to drown her worries with a drink of nectar dose.
Unaware of the decoy she sipped the whole drink.
A potion mixed in it made her conscious shrink.
        Out came an evil mantis hiding behind the leaves,
        who wouldn't take her no, took her to the sheaves.
                She woke up with horror to figure what happened.
                By now her body was bruised and her wings broken.
Her agony was mourned by nature as she cried
leaves full of dewy tears as if a part of her died.
        She wished death; to be devoured by that mantis.
        Bearing such pain is not easy without practice.
                Time passed by as she learned to survive the odds
                and transformed anew from her old arthropod.
She is no more a shy butterfly but a fearless eagle
with no broken wings neither with a body so feeble.
        Her unfortunate fall made her stronger than before
        and now again into the sunlit azure sky, she soars.
                Such deadly huntress she is with her watchful eyes
                that every preying mantis now fears her despise.

Date : 01/04/2017

Note : For the contest ( Form C ) by Broken Wings - *Placed First*

Yes women are butterflies in terms of their feminine frailty, beauty and elegance. But if you mess with them, they could be as fierce as an eagle to fight back the crimes of abuse, assault and racy comments against them. Sexual violence against women needs to be stopped and dealt with and we men should fully support women in this fight for justice.

Copyright © Afzal Nusker | Year Posted 2017

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Scary Night-Mystery

Scary night sky streaked in shades of indigo mysteries. Blazing light explodes - Sudden air strike unravels swooshing surprise as ravaging bombs destroy slumbering silence with shocking sound.
Date: 08/05/2017 Note: For the contest (Form - S) by Broken Wings. *Placed Fifth*

Copyright © Afzal Nusker | Year Posted 2017

Details | Afzal Nusker Poem

Daisy Darling

She blooms with the breaking dawn's first light
            with her breath so fresh and her face so bright.
She looks flawless with her beauty at its height
            like a symbol of a new start, hope's next flight.
Innocence is her essence, giving us an insight;
            she is an epitome of purity all dressed in white.
Swaying in the cool breeze her figure so lite.
               She is daisy darling, every gardener's delight.

Date : 09/14/2016

Note : Entered in two different contests. 
(1) Max of 10 lines, contest 201 by Brian Strand - *Placed Third*
(2) 8 lines max old or new by Rick Parise - *Placed Second*

Copyright © Afzal Nusker | Year Posted 2016


Book: Reflection on the Important Things