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Best Poems Written by Eden Barton

Below are the all-time best Eden Barton poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Dreams In Her Eyes

She see's through daisies and succumbs to night things
Her heart keeps on breathing for pleasure in the evenings

She's wanting to see you at any time of day with eyes wide open
Even when she see's through an ivory of daisies amidst within

Her viewing embers are so well hidden, along with her knowledge
Are her own makings with in this fine enclosure of foliage

She's the epitome of a wonton beauty as you shall see
Oh how she does love you, while smells and is so free

She see's through daisies and succumbs to night things
Her heart keeps on breathing for pleasure in the evenings.


Copyright © Eden Barton | Year Posted 2016

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Spring Flowers

Spring Flowers 

Another day she floated by so silently and poetically so graciously
Brightened each day quite magnificently as she held blossoming Begonia's
Captivated and enthralled by what nature smelled like sweet carnations
Daringly she held the intoxicating cherubs of those daffodils 
Earnestly she held those beautiful elderberry blossoms in early spring
French Marigolds were her favorite flower as she planted every year
Garnishing with the ever loving gardenia, flourishing in her back yard
Hyacinth's are what her dear beloved mother grows each year
Iris Lilies are so very fragrant at any time of year
Jasmine, Jupiters Beard are all that comes to mind
Karume Azalea only grows where there are much heat and density
Lavenders lavish lusciously living in any country if you know about plants
Morning Glory is so very special it has been here for many generations
Narcissus Confusus only grow in Spain for their heat is so very dense
Often orchids of Oleandra's are so inviting which throughs many scents so inviting
Precious so few are the lovely petunia's which she grew each and every year
Quickly the Queen of the Ginger Lily quilts often so many vast colors over country landscape
Rhododendron is like the ravishing flower of the apple blossoming
Sensational flowers such as the Shasta Daisy almost resembles the Silver Princess
Tantalizing our eyes are the Trillium and trains of  many stems of Taurus Cerastium  in my greenhouse
Ulysses's Ulex as known as the Eupaeus Flore Penois is double flowering gorse
Violets which I always grow indoors for they like the stability and love I give to them
Water Lilies I took many pictures of them when I went to Bangkok in early spring
Xeranthemum is a lasting sweet scent which belongs to the daisy family
Yielding to the yellow or purple Yucca plant which thrives and grows in Mexico and West Indies
Zephyr Lily thrives in wetlands for they love the rainy season and wetlands: also saw then in Bangkok.


Copyright © Eden Barton | Year Posted 2016

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Cowboy Joe

Cowboy Joe

My dad Joe, often rode the circuit rodeo
He lasso'd horses from the word go
Often he'd break them for many a few
His lasso event went far, for his name's Joe

Many men tried to go faster and win before him
They all found out, they were all left out on a limb
Now Joe didn't have not one mean evil, evil streak
He rode on many long extended trips in his younger peak

And he was one of the best of the happy hunting men for game
Always brought home lots of food for us, so we could all tame
He was one of the best riding lasso of mem who was in Rodeo's Hall of fame
I'm so dang proud to have him as my gifted riding cowboy of a father

Now ya'll come on over and give us a loud caller
For we always got on a full pot of coffee or tea
Cause we all learned from our dearest parents
How to be and expect to respect strangers with 
hospitality and have extra edibles like peppermints.


Copyright © Eden Barton | Year Posted 2016

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Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle
I am rowing my boat along the long and endless Crimson Locke
Up high, so very high I see near the top of a crevice of rocks
My loyal companion my good friend Joe does see a long beagle
Which we both then see and view is a nest of an eagle.
The eagle does turn and thrust its beak into its nest
Watching its young while they are all at nesting and rest
The eagle is a proud mom and spreads its proud wings
She’s protecting the young of how her love as she sings.
She’s gracious of beauty of all heavenly birds
God is out watching and talking of heavenly words.
The bald eagle soars up through the warm and inviting sky
To hunt for nourishment to feed her budding young
So they can all survive and not have to be wasted and die.
God is protecting all living and beautiful things as she soars and sings
He gave the bald eagle majestic wide wing span of beautiful wings.


Copyright © Eden Barton | Year Posted 2016

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Climbing Mountains

Climbing Mountains

Sitting atop on the mountain; I'm leaning
against a crevice of a rock
I'm viewing the stars and the clouds
They have not waged mere wages of war
All the natural brooks are streaming  into formation.
As the mountains are spewing many endless stones
Of fiery glimpses into the mountainous river
For unto this mesmerizing and panoramic view
There are plentiful darkened crevices along each side.

There may be no shelter to hide you when the
Rain begins to flow; swaying all leaf's to which it may hide,
Under an opportunists belief so many fearless mountaineers
Are making a strenuous leap into the highest mountain peak.

As the final ending is in full view of our mountainous climbing
Fears are not for his natural habitat for we dearly love an evening score.

Written: 3/22/14

Copyright © Eden Barton | Year Posted 2016

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Joyous Laughter In the Park

Joyous Laughter In The Park

Here I am sitting while I'm all alone in the park and thinking
And by the way, the swaying of the swings and children playing
Off in the distance, I see many standing squirrels stand as if they're praying
I can imagine as if their stance were molded and often wonder.

Perhaps if mankind were timid and thought like perchance a squirrel.
Could us humans be as unkempt and fend for ourselves and drink much water
Or keep on swinging and twirling like the children as they all twirl
Their joyous laughter flies off into the distant breeze.

And cheerfully dances across the park and the summer park and singing.
While all the adults and children are standing near amongst the trees,
While the smaller children are all happily swinging and singing
So while I'm sitting here and thinking as if you were so near
Like a vision of a squirrel praying and gathering food and precociously eating
Now I'm thinking that if in a  moment it was praying just let it go!!

Copyright © Eden Barton | Year Posted 2016

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Killing Me Softly

Killing me softly with his harmful, diseased hurtful words
Illustrated how his many characteristics could be heard
Loudly, menacing not knowing how these words do hurt
Leaving me beyond all excruciating pains of hardened heart
Ironically battered beyond all any mental delusions of my mind
Not even knowing how all these motions had left me hurting as I find
Gifted was his vanity and diseased cutting words as I left

Madly, I left with nowhere else to go and making me feel so bereft
Eternity will lead me to a better place to live quite far from here

Slowly I will get my life right back on track and feel safer else where
Often when I make a decision, I do know I will get better and not feel so abused
Friendlier places and better people I do know I will find a better place and no longer feel used
Traces of hardened lines fill my face with each step as I do walk on
Leaving I know is the best thing I could do and leave this abusive man behind at the near dawn
Yesterdays pains and hurts will no longer be or cause me to change my attitude about hurtful me; for now I now I have the chance to win.

Wrritten: 25/04/2016

Copyright © Eden Barton | Year Posted 2016

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Drifting Away

Drifting Away

All alone one might think they stand in muddy water unclear
Now feeling like a drowned rat in time and not utter a peep,
Where all at once there might have been a wooden pier
Like a wooden driver pilings driven in still waters so deep.

Crustily, dusty and maybe even barnacled big and beside
Against a ravaging, descending shoreline as if it were cascading,
As though in silent trembling tenors when at once it was denied,
Then came in full force as if it was intended to be tending.

In courageous flow and dubious angles as in endless angles tilted
Against thundering tumultuous wind and wave at raging hand
Like the all elusive lost lonely lovers of long and been jilted
For all would think that they were stuck in between sea and land.


Copyright © Eden Barton | Year Posted 2016

Details | Eden Barton Poem

A Waiting Game of Song

A Waiting Game of Song

In life's journey, many a woman gets lost along the way
Of this, I know for sure most definitely I do have to say
Some people say if you have a softness and lightness
Of how certain types of poets, writers, authors can convey
An all ulterior false of humanistic proximity in realities I say.

Can leave an innocent and endearing poet or writer hurting in their heart
In all unknown circumstances whom can say if they are right or wrong
Can thou cast an interior or exterior absolution which does belong?
Dare I say we all have shed many a tear within our mortal souls their art.

Has there ever been a true love that has ever long and last
Can a woman and a man; be so in tune and never will cast
A disillusioned broken heart may mend in time
In every waking hour of every day, minute, second and hour
I'll always think of your charismatic charms of willful power.

Someday almost many people in love say it’s just a waiting game
Many people contemplate and call it just a cruel kind of a name
If I could feel your heart sing a song full of artistic fine gifted love
Maybe someday we'll stay and sing a rhapsody of how we feel of

A concerto of how love can and be so ever loving and deliciously bring
Then we'll be forever enveloped in a powerful tune that can really sing
Then we'll be forever enveloped in a powerful tune that can really sing.


Copyright © Eden Barton | Year Posted 2016

Book: Reflection on the Important Things