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Best Poems Written by John Pen

Below are the all-time best John Pen poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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I Have Got To Go

For the piles of promises that were broken
And the avalanche of lies that were spoken

I have got to go, you know I've got to go

I have got to leave the lock of your arms
And escape from the spell of your charms

I have got to go, you know I've got to go

What we had was sweet while it lasted
But now it looks like our time was wasted

I have got to go, you know I've got to go

Copyright © John Pen | Year Posted 2014

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World Cup 2014

Pain in Spain
Bland England
Shame in the game
Who do you blame
When your approach is lame
Three lions or three blind mice?
I wonder

Copyright © John Pen | Year Posted 2014

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I Am a Slave

My message lies not in the sentence
If you learn to read between the lines
You will hear stories in my silence
My life is not about roses and wines

I look strong on the exterior
But I am weak on the interior
I may be smiling on the outside
But I am hurting on the inside

Copyright © John Pen | Year Posted 2014

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New Dawn

As I roll out of bed tomorrow
I’m gonna say goodbye sorrow
Fare thee well Mr. Cynicism
See you later Mr. Pessimism
Adios to Mr. Skepticism
Exit negativity, enter positivity
No procrastination and inactivity 
An idle mind is the devils workshop
That’s why I’ll exert myself nonstop
No more misery and depression
As exuberance replaces dejection
Success is around the corner
It’s coming now and not later
Victory is surely heading my way
No matter what people may say
I quit banking my future on luck
Time has come to break the duck
A new dawn has shown its face
My home will be a better place
I’m a potential winner, a true born victor
Within me lies a superstar, a megastar
No I’m not building castles in the air, 
I’m not dreaming, I’m not hallucinating
I have to earn my place in history
Put a good ending to my unfinished story
My story is about confidence, not arrogance
I advocate humility, not vanity
Trials and tribulation come and go
Sticky situations are not unique to you
But we all know as well as you do
You need hard work and determination 
For the youth, education is the only solution
You’ve got to make the decision
To extract yourself from destitution 
Leave nothing at all to chance
For fortune favours the brave
No sweet without sweat, no pain, no gain
Each time you fall recollect and try again
A dream doesn’t become reality through magic
Lazy genius is not only sad but also tragic
Stay focused, keep your eyes on the prize
There is no substitute for hard work
There are no secrets to success
Only in the dictionary does success precede work
We are all gifted, skilled and talented 
Unshackle that innate ability 
Let loose that latent capability
I’m gonna prepare, plan and plot
Execute and give it my best shot
Until the day that I hit the jackpot

Copyright © John Pen | Year Posted 2014

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Did I Waste My Time

At first school was cool
Had to abide by one simple rule
Read and write
And never fight
Recite the alphabet
How easy can it get?
One plus one is two
Two times two is four
D O O R spells door
Maths was about addition and subtraction
Multiplication and division
Studied animals and apes
And all them shapes
Circles and triangles
Squares and rectangles
Pentagons, hexagons
Septagons, octagons
Nonagons and decagons
Then I grew a little and things got tough
The stuff got a bit rough
School became boring
Talk of junior-high bullying
I got scared and
The maths got weird
Areas and volumes
Cones and pyramids
Cords and sectors
Quantities and vectors
Pi r squared?
Half times base times height?
No way I’m getting these right
Positives and negatives
Radius and diameter
Areas, perimeters
Voltmeters and ammeters
More and more shapes
Rhombus, star and trapezium
Physics and chemistry
Lithium and helium
Biology and history
Mussolini, Hitler and Stalin,
And the famous wall of Berlin
I thought I was done
But things got less fun
I started to debit and credit
Economics and statistics
Differentiation and intergration
Poisson and normal distribution
Assignments, projects and dissertations
Now I’ve got the diplomas and degrees
But guess what
I’m just a poet
Now, tell me
Did I waste my time?

Copyright © John Pen | Year Posted 2014

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Journey Into the Unknown

Let me take a journey into the unknown
A journey that might change what I thought I had known
A journey into the self
A journey into me
The id, the ego
Who am I?
Would I still be me if I stopped doing what I do?
(Would I still be me) if I changed my face?
(Would I still be me) if I changed my living space?
What is life?
Is it the breath, the body, the spirit or the soul?
Does it have anything to do with style?
Am I alive when I sleep?
How is life affected when I weep?

What is love?
What is love
Is it the friendship, affection or adoration?
How do I know when I am loved?
What signs are there when I give it?
Does my family always love me?
Do they love me when they are angry?
Do they love it when I am mad or sad and feeling bad?
Do they love me when I don’t love them back?
Someone tell me what is love?

Now let’s talk about death
Is death always cruel?
Or is it sometimes a favour?
I wonder why people cry
How else can you meet your saviour?
My soul is troubled
My heart unsettled
I am afraid, so very afraid
Why were we created if our inevitable destiny is death?
Who has the map to paradise?
Who knows about eternity?

I need answers about morality
Somebody talk to me about equality
Tell me about justice and truth
Do these things really exist?
Some things you will never understand
Where is the fairness when someone puts the letter l in lambdacisms and the letter s in lisp.

Copyright © John Pen | Year Posted 2014

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Here Is a Story About Myself

My mind went on a trip one sunny day
In that trance I was president
Papa was proud of me
Mama felt pleased too
“You are a natural leader” said my neighbor
“I knew you would make it, it’s not a fluke” commented another
Frenemies surfaced in haste

My face was on TV
I was a president on the move 
Ain’t nobody stood in my way
I travelled far and wide
My term was short
I had to make an impact
Etch my name in the hall of fame
History had to have my name

Time is a march and the powerful are drummers
He who drums loudest leads the song
His life is lavish and his abode magnificent
Look who is drumming
Would they be drumming if I weren’t president?
Are they friends or foes?
Only time will tell
Then there was a reality check.
The chimera was over

I am just who I am
The same old nobody

Copyright © John Pen | Year Posted 2014

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Mama, Oh Mama

Bleeding through my sinus
Experts say I have THE VIRUS

I try to smile but I can’t
My lips are numb (and)
My tongue is frozen
My eyes refuse to open
My mouth is ajar but I cannot speak
As this breath of mine gets weak
My dear life has become a mess
Sickness has robbed my happiness
The pills that I take are all in vain
Needles and pipes fail to erase my pain
I overheard the doctor conversing with a nurse
There is no vaccine or cure for my curse
I thank my folks for holding my hand
But mama, you better understand
Appreciate what my song is about
There is no denying, there is only one way out
Give unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar
Dust to dust, ashes to ashes
The writing is on the wall
The mighty tree must fall
Mama I will never walk again
Mama we will never talk again
Mama you will never see me again
It is time for me to face my maker
All my good things you must remember
The not so good things you must forgive
Please forgive me, for I have to leave
I lived right so I’m not afraid to leave
Like a leaf detached from its tree I fall
Time has come to answer my call

Copyright © John Pen | Year Posted 2014

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Sister Sister

Woke up one morning
It felt just like any other
Or at least so I thought
I guess I was young
I was naïve
I felt a bit restless
My pockets penniless
And my girlfriend was cheating
But that was nothing 
Nothing compared to what I felt
When I learnt later that morning
That you had scaled up to the skies
It was that dreaded day at the end of November
You left for us ever
But every time I close my eyes
Your image starts to materialize
Slowly and painfully I now realize 
I realize I will never see you again
But many a night I fail to sleep
As I try to wish away the pain
They say men don’t weep
But it’s hard to hold back these tears
Oh how I miss my big sis
She taught me not to doubt myself
You taught me how to walk tall
How to believe in myself
Self discipline, self confidence
She was the turbo drive of our family
The front propeller
Our umbrella
A mother, aunt, wife and sister
I get my solace from The Book
And The Book says
A good name is better than sweet perfume
And the day of death better than the day of birth
My heart still hurts when I think of you
I miss you sis we all do
I never knew I could ever feel this way
I look into the future and all I see is emptiness

Copyright © John Pen | Year Posted 2014

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I am more than a menace to society
There’s a twist in my sobriety
Please help me sculpt my destiny
Help me return to incorruptibility

Why do I believe Google not your holy book?
Why do I trust the teacher not the parent?
Why do I have faith in the label not the quality?
Why do I confide in counselors not my spouse?

Strangers become closer than siblings
Democracy daunts more than dictatorship
Price becomes more important than value
Which God do I praise and worship?

Who is the custodian of my conscience?
Who is the guardian of my scruples?
Who is the protector of my principles?
Who is the curator of my values and visions?

What if all that I know turned out false?
What if we were wrong about everything?
What if we weren’t who we thought we were?
What if infinity and zero were vice versa?

Copyright © John Pen | Year Posted 2014


Book: Shattered Sighs