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Best Poems Written by Verlena S. Walker

Below are the all-time best Verlena S. Walker poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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A Porno-Graphical Slamming Rebuttal

Seems like I could be on top of the world.
I think about poetry like my tongue is pearled.
Just the other day I wrote a poem to honor another poet.
I spun around in a spin to unfurl to the Soupers whorled.
I know they think they’re the bombshell.
They are big headed and believe their words cast the spell.
They vortex puts us in a whirlpool.
They billow swells.
Soupers let’s keep it real.
The universe zeal.
We entertain each other with our thoughts.
Poetry is our appeal.
We write to regale.
Anything else considered is to no avail.
I laugh aloud.
Soupers the advantage is a tall tale.
I am here to share-out.
That there is such a thing as an amateur in the house.
I know many fill the title of a poet professional.
This is where real skills are grandeur and profound.
Soupers, the truth expose.
A writer’s right shows.
Angstrom to a wavelength, the brain thinks and the mind depicts.
As a Poetess, here I throw it to the wind; that it is you with the asshole.

To the Souper who asked for a rebuttal to his slam.
Penned February 18, 2015!

Copyright © Verlena S. Walker | Year Posted 2015

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Of Love of War

of love of war
the staff of a prophet, seen fairness not imagine, sings shouting out, obscenity recognized, yet in search of fame, seeking stance the moment arises, seek of voice of power, godsend renown supremacy, yet prophet not acknowledged, kept desire of a great life, sought skill of voice, articulate hardly ever, cheek no longer free, famous self seldom bite snarls dogma, link of country of faith, kinship all that’s true, fair play desired fame acknowledged, pent the home front, covetousness war or peace love or hate, just yelp puppy love, nice _________________________| Penned on September 28, 2014!

Copyright © Verlena S. Walker | Year Posted 2014

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Having Sex - Footle

buck wild
rodeo style

Copyright © Verlena S. Walker | Year Posted 2014

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Our Love

(Groom speaks...)
In this world are things to contemplate.
Therefore, life can be complicated.
Stairs we must climb to overcome conflict.
Heaven is an open door of realities.
As my adoration of you is metaphoric, 
I am blessed that you feel the same.
We are together as one.
Our passion flows.
Our ardor is aglow.

(Bride speaks...)
In this life are confrontations.
We must address our demons to form our inner being.
Nothing is more than the characteristic of self-worth.
I see yours darling and it is me.
May I be shallow in the passion I feel?
I adore you.
I am yours.
Let’s share this with the world.

(Groom speaks...)
I asked you to marry me.
You said yes.
My head start spinning.
I felt the depth in my chest.
Our marriage vows have been written.
Our big day has come.
I am your man.
You are my woman.

(The Groom says his written vows.…)
Complicated the world may be.
Our time together will be cherished by the passion we feel.
You are my paradise and my sunshine.
I am yours until the end of time.
Our life, as one, is intertwine with all aspects.
As a tree grows, so does our lust.
As a river flows, so does our thirst.
As a meadow brooks the crows, so does our fascination accept our conundrums.
I will ardor you forever.

(The Bride says her written vows.…)
Complicated the world is.
Our time together we cherish.
You are my sunshine and my paradise.
I am yours until the end of time.
Our life, as one, interweaves.
Life aspects will challenge each.
Our fervor defeats all our troubles.
As landscape flourish, so does our lust.
As lea bravado, so does our thirst.
As a meadow brooks the crows, so does our infatuation withstand any rival.
Our ardor is dominance.
Our ardor is exuberance.

(Bride speaks...)
I adore you my man!

(Groom speaks...)
And I, adore you my woman!

(Music continues to play in the background until the symphony ends.)

Copyright © Verlena S. Walker | Year Posted 2014

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Naughty and Nice

NAUGHTY & NICE I want to explore your womanhood. I want to take your mental essence to higher plateaus. I want to kiss you in the most sensual place. My desire for you is driving me crazy. No need to worry love the time has come. I am yours for now and beyond. Here I am standing before you. I am yours to adore. Give me some sex. Make me wet. I am yours to fulfill. Let’s enjoy ourselves. Let us make love in the moonlight. My body yearns for yours. Your body yearns for mine. We are both dramatized to captivate each other minds. Give me some sex. Come to me with your fine ass. Make love to me between these satin sheets. Please me. Shh, say no more. I am yours. |_____________________________________________| Penned On November 17, 2014!

Copyright © Verlena S. Walker | Year Posted 2014

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Love Story

The breeze is in my hair. The moon is gleaming behind me. The love I feel is everlasting. Cadence of my soul. Show me your happiness Share, my love. Laugh with me Our destiny is mixed with pleasure. Our essence treasured. Come walk with me in the garden. Alive - Let's reach our ultimate…high. Smile, darling smile Kiss me with your eyes. Forever we are. Champagne we drink To toss our uniting. You feel my sylph A fulfilled spirit. This journey succumbs me. I am free for you to love. Embrace your ideas Let the breeze come in. Dance to the ecstasy. Release all your fears. Capture this time As our minds, intertwine. Laugh with me Inflection of my soul. Show me your happiness. Share, my love. A majestic dynasty Our empire In time Now! Here we stand You and I forever. No obstacles have formed. You are my one and only. Woman, smile Kiss me with your eyes. Forever we are. Thrive - Let's reach our ultimate…highs. This is our life... Together This is our existence... Forever Ardor love Justified by God Come walk with me in the garden As we write our love story.
Man is man. His skin is what makes difference. His upbringing differentiates. This is, he states, “God's way.” DARK SUNSHINE - VSW _________________________________________| PENNED ON AUGUST 03, 2014!

Copyright © Verlena S. Walker | Year Posted 2014

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A Psalm of Praise and Worship

If the Lord isn't for me, why do I live?
If the Lord does not bless me, why am I here?
If the Lord isn't for me, why am I here?
If the Lord does not bless me, why do I live?

I know I am a sinner repressed.
I know I am saved through prayer.
On bended knees, I am as a child of God.
As I grew older, I lifted my head up to clouds.
Somehow, my path swayed.

If the Lord does not anoint me, why do I sing?
If I am not blessed via his blood, why do I live?

Nobody knows my troubles better then Lord does.
My life is enshrined because of the omnipotent.
Through a sacred path, I seek the Lord guidance.
Redeemed through his grace, I worship and praise.

If the Lord does not guide me, why do I live?
If the Lord does not supply my needs, why am I here?

I know I am a sinner repressed.
I know I am saved through prayer.
On bended knees, I am as a child.
As I grew older, I hoisted my head up to sky
Somehow, my path swayed but now, my life is saved.

If I am not a crusader for the Lord, why am I here?
If I am not on the battlefield for the Lord, why am I here?

Nobody knows my troubles better then Lord does.
My life is transmogrified because of the omnipotent.
Through a sacred path, I seek the Lord guidance.
Redeemed through his grace, I give the Lord God the highest praise.

To My Redeemer...

If the Lord isn't for me, why do I live?
If the Lord does not bless me, why am I here?
If the Lord isn't for me, why am I here?
If the Lord does not bless me, why do I live?
 Form: Anaphora
 Penned on December 13, 2014!

Copyright © Verlena S. Walker | Year Posted 2014

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Love, Peace, and Harmony

Discrepancy is an economic thing.  Have you ever known this to be anything else?
Money is the great separator of togetherness.  Man rob, steal, and kill just for the feel of its illicit presence.  Woman will sell, which defines exploitation, steal from you, and lie on thy neighbor for just a little wealth.

These concepts are aspects of someone’s life.

Crime becomes escalated and mental health becomes the strife.  The minister said within his blackness, “There has to be a better way.”  However, there is no reason for this other than the lack of fulfillment and/or greed.

As a poet and philosopher, I respond, “We have to help everyone to overcome poverty.”

Note, the media and academia went on “The Tour on Poverty.”  When they reported out, they showed how the Great Depression of 2008-2009 had affected the workforce and the home front.

Why are we not upset to see people living in poverty?

Academia stayed East and this made it seem that North, South, and West were the greatest downward spiral.  Therefore, I present to you The School of Social Theology.

The School of Social Theology is a new school of thought that states poverty is melodramatic to us not being there for our family and what friends we are.
We live well but we do not offer the same to all.

The School of Social Theology seeks eradication of social injustice to state poverty must end.  If you are working to end social injustice, today will not be the same as tomorrow...

A fight against social injustice is a fight for social justice!
Sponsor: Charlotte Puddifoot
Contest Name: 	Random Mix

Copyright © Verlena S. Walker | Year Posted 2014

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Courage Vs Conflict

The history of man defines Ape as a primate. Man seems to be in that mind-set today. He lives life as pent because he denies himself religious freedoms. God refined humankind once before and, therefore, he will do the same once more. The factor ends when iniquity meets perilous world. The mania of man will bring forth extinction. In parable, the elderly wisdom was predefined by the life they had lived since the beginning of time. They had seen themselves within their prime and captured these elements through their way of life. Their beauty was not a basis to define. They were primates of mammal and nomadic. Their skin was olive nonwhiten via sunshine. They hunted with self-made weapons and brought back a feast many times. However, one male cultivated the mind. He invented weapons for prosperity. An abundance of wealth all received.
Today is venturous. Humankind has crested to another prehistoric image. Our originations through inventions and development have implemented innovations. Our minds must continue to reinvent not to become another mandrill. The core of our existence relies on this. We are human beings and the highest intelligence. Insofar as we are not predetermine... Insofar as we are no predestine to a grandeur form... Insofar as we see no more adjustments that are required for humankind physiological form... We have peaked physiologically. Therefore, we will henceforth to inform our mental faculty. ____________________________________________________|
Penned on October 19, 2014!

Copyright © Verlena S. Walker | Year Posted 2014

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-this Is the Day the Lord Gave-

Looking out life’s window, Trying to find out why I am so sad and down. I don’t blame the Lord for my struggles. I know strife in life is there. If I did not live a meaningful existence, life would have no meaning at all. So maybe I am stretched to the limit but I will never give-up. Standing, I pillar because I am my self-worth. To those that suggest a difference, my earthly work magnifies who I am. Justifying my subsistence, my affluence is only a gen. The knowledge this provides is of a greater acumen. May I say that living is first and utmost privileged circumstance! The Lord is my keeper and to him I give honor and respect. In this solitary world, we seek companionship. We go through situations in our relationships and may lose focus. However, the Lord is there for us in our time of discontent. Regime is formed and we mindset. Our spirits are inner cored for fulfillment. There is no greater cohort than the Lord’s intellect. I know because this mountain I continue to peak. Without question, I am profound in my belief. That the Lord is the keeper of my faith and mankind is the persuader of a different way. In joy, I laugh aloud. I am not blind to the lies of mankind. My footsteps are admin to the all-powerful. This day is given by The Almighty God. Do I hear an Amen? ___________________________________________________________________ Penned On January 11, 2015!

Copyright © Verlena S. Walker | Year Posted 2015


Book: Reflection on the Important Things