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Best Poems Written by Julie Soto

Below are the all-time best Julie Soto poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Where Our Dreams Never Die

I picture a place,
                                  a place filled with peace,
                  Where happiness realm's,  and a warm summer breeze...

                   A little blue house,
                                  matching barn on the side,
                   Trimmed all in white,  and fresh laundry on the line...

                   On the front porch a swing,
                                  to notice the view,
                   Of country-side wonder and our dreams coming true...

                    A white pickett-fence,
                                  keeps the chicken's inside,
                    And  a house in the oaktree, for the children to hide...

                    On the window sill in the kitchen,
                                  there is two pies, set to cool;
                    And at the table there is dinner, where we're still getting full...

                    In the den, there is a place,
                                  for a warm-burning fire,
                    To read stories to our children, before we retire...

                     On the doors no locks are needed,
                                  for no harm there resides,
                     It  is where happiness ponders,
                                  and where our dreams never die...

Copyright © Julie Soto | Year Posted 2006

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Softly when you kiss me,
                                           like the thunder, my heart roars;
                            And when you touch me gently,
                                           like an eagle, then it soars...

                            As you sweetly whisper to me,
                                           like a blossom, sure to grow;
                            Your tender words, become its soil,
                                           through your eyes, I can see its soul...

                            The way you find my inner-being,
                                           an innocence, Iv'e never known;
                            I can act out childhood fantasies,
                                            except now, I am not alone...

                            The  way you hunger for my love,
                                            like a starving theif, you steal;
                             Like the pureness of  winters falling snow,
                                            so  geuine and oh so real...

                             I cannot deny the fact that I,
                                            am  guilty just as well;
                             For without your love,
                                             I'd be incomplete,
                                             my life would be simply, .........?

Copyright © Julie Soto | Year Posted 2006

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                                                   Springtime has passed,

                                                       Summer is a blast,
                                                 The Autumn mist is near;

                                    Yes, Fall has come and it won't be long,

                                                    Till winters chill is hear.

                                    With Seasons bloom the darndest things,

                                                The Willow's shad the bee,

                                      There is much surprise to wonder of,

                                                  Just take a look and see.

                                    Yes, nothing but pleasures for all to find,

                                          And believe it or not,  they are free...

Copyright © Julie Soto | Year Posted 2006

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Just One

Just One

                                     I take these thought's,
                                     of burdened mind, 
                                     conceived within my heart.....

                                     Fueled by years,
                                     through searching soul,
                                     in desperate voice, my right......

                                     If many, 
                                     not enhanced by them,
                                     If mere few, 
                                     are touched tonight.......

                                     Then vain,
                                     my words could never be,
                                     If even one soul, has seen my light.........

Copyright © Julie Soto | Year Posted 2006

Book: Reflection on the Important Things