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Best Poems Written by Raphael Adegoke

Below are the all-time best Raphael Adegoke poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Mother Africa

Oh! Mother Africa!
From the East to the West, from the North to the South of     
Africa is strife, killings, starvation and poverty  

Brothers killing brothers
And innocent bloods are being shed every day
Arise! Mother Africa and save your child.
Give hope to the hopeless
And strength to the weak
Liberty to the oppressed
Peace to the restless and succor to the needy
From Free town in Sierra Leone 
to Darfur region in the Republic of Congo.
From the Niger Delta region in Nigeria to Monrovia in Liberia
From Addis Ababa in Ethiopia to Sudan
From Luanda in Angola to Kinshasa in Zaire
From Cape Town South Africa to Nairobi Kenya
Let there be peace, love, unity and prosperity in the Land
Dear Mother Africa!
Show us the way and save Africa your beloved child in whom you are  
Well pleased.

Copyright © Raphael Adegoke | Year Posted 2013

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Dream World

In the dream world where reality becomes a fantasy 
And fantasy becomes reality.

The impossible is made possible and death becomes no threat. Mountains turn to a plain ground and are surmountable.

In the dream world I can do the impossible and see the invincible. I can spread my wings, soar and fly through the clouds reaching the altitude of my fortune and destiny.

In the dream world I am unstoppable and unquestionable, conquering all my adversaries. The treasures of this world are at my disposal, kings and kingdoms are my subjects.

In the dream world wishes don’t count but choices are made. That is why I have made the choice to have you as mine forever. In my dream world where there is no pain but gain, no distress but fortress, no cross but crown.

Copyright © Raphael Adegoke | Year Posted 2013

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Queen of the Night

As I gazed into the sky in the middle of the night, to my surprise I saw an object coming towards me from the moon.
From an object it turned into a fascinating creature, from a fascinating creature it became an indescribable paragon of beauty.

She was so seductive and attractive. I could not resist her. Her love is like an ocean that has o end. 
She is like an angel that has no spot or wrinkle.
Her hair is like the expensive wool of Lebanon.
Her lips, so smooth and attractive
Her tongue, instinctively seductive and ravishing

To my surprise and amazement, she turned her back at me methodically and rhythmically.
She mysteriously shook her waist and I saw the most well carved art work of the Creator.

I saw her well-constructed behind invitingly stirring at me.
How could I resist such one in a lifetime offer?
Then turning directly towards me, I saw the most tempting and sensuous breasts in the whole universe.

Both breasts danced like a football in the field of play.
Now, I am trapped. No way out. Who will rescue me from this illusion. Illusion? No, I would rather call it fantasy. But no, it became a reality that I cannot but face.

Oh! Queen of the night you are just a relic of pleasurable island of paradise and unending love.
Please take me on a ride to your world of Eldorado.
Queen of the night 
You are my queen of the night.

Copyright © Raphael Adegoke | Year Posted 2013

Details | Raphael Adegoke Poem

The African Woman

She is so warm and friendly

She is a woman of virtue and great standards

Her beauty cannot be compared with any other

She is innovative, hardworking and industrious

She cares for all and sundry and taking everyone as though they are from her loins

She is so distinctive and attractive in all ramifications

She is a representative of integrity and she upholds righteousness

She gives hope to the hopeless and help to the helpless

The African woman is the desire of those that love life they that place value on integrity

The African woman is a symbol of tenacity, productivity and creativity

I love the African woman.

Copyright © Raphael Adegoke | Year Posted 2013

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Silent Night

It was a silent night, the sun had gone down, the moon and the stars had taken over the night shift.
Little did the human species in my apartment know that there was a fascinating scintillating and charming creature present in my room. This fascinating scintillating and charming creature is a paragon of beauty, the creative handy work of the creator.

As the alarm of the wall clock sounded, alas! It was midnight. This paragon of beauty made her first seductive move. She smiled at me from the sofa where she was sitting. Her smile was contagious. Oh! What is this happening to me? I also responded with a smile. Right inside of me I knew I had already fallen for her but pretended. She stood away from the sofa and walked towards me.

As she bent over her body to kiss me, the two sets of her breasts popped out of her clothes. They looked so ravishing, enticing and inviting. Well, I was ever ready for this task ahead of me. I grabbed the two sets of balls and rammed into them using the expertise of my tongue to tickle the ever stirring nipples which had already grown over an inches longer. She moaned in deep indescribable pleasure and ecstasy as if she was in Fantasy Island. 
On noticing her loud moans I sealed her lips with kisses, thereby reducing the volume of her loud moans. At this point in time my temperature had risen to its boiling point of breakage and needed a deep well of cool water to ease the high erotic tension. She has no choice than to ease this tension which she initiated.

I held and turned her under me and connected myself into her internet of extricating and electrifying pleasure island of no return. Finally out of my buoyant milk industry I poured out my milk into her desert to fertilize it. Ooh! I now feel like an accomplished man. With a deep breath of relief, I suddenly woke up from my sleep and discovered it was all a dream, a fallacy. Wow! I screamed. Why was it a dream?

Copyright © Raphael Adegoke | Year Posted 2013

Details | Raphael Adegoke Poem

Home Sweet Home

Oh! My home, my sweet home
When shall see my home?
Away from home in a far place, i remember my sweet home where there is no hunger. Wake up in the morning and in a jiffy food would be stirring at you.

My sweet home situated in the outskirts of the ever business booming big city of boomerang very close to the Niagara Falls which is called the city of angels. Oh my sweet home. I will never forget my home, where toads and frogs used to combine to form a mass choir in the middle of the night and giving us a horrible selection of tunes especially when the rain has just subsided.

Oh how I miss my sweet home
Fall sick and you are immediately healed by the pampering you get
Nothing can compare to my home
sweet home 

When shall I see my home?

Copyright © Raphael Adegoke | Year Posted 2013

Details | Raphael Adegoke Poem

Diva With a Liver

You are sensationally, motivational and sparkling beautiful lady. You are wonderfully and miraculously made.  Yeah! That is what you are

You are a Diva with a Liver..

You smell so sweet, creamy and look so radiant and crispy.

You are Pretty, sexy, palatable, reliable and well structured and sculptured by the creator.

God spent extra time to create you carefully that is why you look so amazing and captivating. 

Your beauty is natural and super natural at the same time. You look so angelic. 
I bet you emanate from heaven because the aroma that comes from you inspires and invigorates me to want to get closer and closer to you so I can express my profound love to you. 

You are a Diva with a Liver. 

That's what you are.

Copyright © Raphael Adegoke | Year Posted 2013

Details | Raphael Adegoke Poem

True Friendship

Friends are supposed to be there for one another in times of need. Friends are expected to tell each other the truth even when they know it can cost them their precious relationship. True friends feel pain when their friends feel pain. Friends are not yet true friends until they have a misunderstanding and are able to contain it. At this point in time that you and your friends have a misunderstanding, it will go a long way to unveil their level of maturity and then puts you in a position to make a decision whether you really want them to continue to be your friends. 

It is through the tests of time that true friendship is ascertained because when you are down and all seems not to be working both financially and otherwise, which is when you can truly know if your friends are really your true friends.
Among every ten friends, there is always a black sheep, that odd one out that acts strangely or can’t be trusted. Therefore, people should make wise choices before choosing their friends instead of just making friends. Our choices and tastes differ and when it comes to choosing, a lot of criteria’s are put into consideration. First of all, you really need to know and understand yourself, know what you want and don’t want before you can then make a choice of choosing the people you want to be in your life, 

A bad friend stabs you in your absence and praises you in your presence. Friendship should be the brotherly type that we share and show love even in times of adversity. Love is not choosy, love never despises, and love knows no colour, tribe or race. True friendship is an epitome of love.

If friendship is all about talking, laughing and jesting and not about how to make a difference in our generation, helping each other achieve our goals in life and making positive impact the lives of people, then the purpose of God for creating man will be have been defeated.

Copyright © Raphael Adegoke | Year Posted 2013

Details | Raphael Adegoke Poem

Barren Land

Why art thou barren oh land?
Why art thou desolate dry and weary land?

When will your fruitfulness be accomplished?
Arise and lift off the curse bestowed on thee and thy inhabitants

Loose thyself from everything that holds the captive
Let thy land be cultivated and let thy tree grow on thy lands

Let green leaves flourish all over thy lands

And let every part of you be fruitful

Copyright © Raphael Adegoke | Year Posted 2013

Details | Raphael Adegoke Poem

Searching For Love

Far across the river in a distant stride
                                     I went searching for love
                                      Yes, the love of my life
                              The elegant fortitude of my life
              The spoon with which I sip the breath that I live
         The barrel filled with milk and honey aka Canaan land
                The everlasting treasure that leads to pleasure
                  How could I survive without you my destined 
                                 Compatible bone of life
                I have finally found the one my heart pants for
                           The bone that fits my hips
           No one can ever find what I have discovered in her
  It’s the drive that turns me on and makes me feel horny and  
     Bouncing me to the island of unending romantic fantasy
                                    Searching for love 
                    I have found one my only sweetheart.

Copyright © Raphael Adegoke | Year Posted 2013


Book: Shattered Sighs