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Best Poems Written by Dave Collins

Below are the all-time best Dave Collins poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Onoff the Cuff

I believe that poetry is and of is was were have has been of as one pretenses a 
poetic practical pompous, pro  (p) ransomedramatical  postenses
pretending to prose promise a 
predictive premise primatory practicum politicallty
polishing practcoriam process of primary  
preliminary postures pragmatic promulgates
telling the ta ta tumultuous tillo tales of tawdry 
banal blog lists calling me to quali-quantify the reso-resolutes
resounding in resilient quo quotients that bear a 
breach bridgeborn badge billed
barometer bearing broad billboard
catatonic catashrospies creating caustic crill 
coffinistic coiffures canonizing
socio unsettling  leo linguistic lies in a somewhat
lovevoid  livid liquiditoria regal
ransom based regalia resonating
rawbone residual retinal real time 
tombosoties transitioning with
toying transient trio tide tooth
crass cavity craino creep mandibulo master mildew 
mold molecular mamsy-pamsy sillopsuedo master of 
ever me present I , me , mine, maestro 
sitting back and looking at the world as a place to be
not to be, hope to be, wish to be, be to be, in the 
proper primer of humino yesnomenclatureculture of that which is u 
me us our belief sem radical of our prim-ordeal sociodiscontentselfevident
irrelevant mean fullness, to countercure our quick/quack quotient
umbrella upbringing to say do write feel text tank athink
all that is emo exit everpresent to keep the fecal faces free of 
founding father status inquo man although time is time in place. 
Mindfulness is a mute place ill unattended by sociocrap everlasting. 
Treasure travel inviting innate needs netherly nodding to the primo positive
practitudes of acoustic ancillary annotated awareness,  allowing all annuities
ancient archaic to willfully wind wind waveringly wish away intrinsic id-ideas.
It it is what u want it it to be, say, scroll, live, plural, self to self. Use it, lose it, 
share it,  beware it, con-cure it, it. Know it  it's criminal capitol is wary for before
u know it it, life it before it its u, and  will its it and
ego ale all eek out the precious profit of its itdom idiocracy illusionary in its 
illogical inness so mad made as not to gravely gravitate ungracious griefs
upon your its it.  
scary huh. Karma it, Big Daddy.

Copyright © Dave Collins | Year Posted 2013

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Interalphabetnet Sex Stew

Primose path leads to the slaughter of American
dream delete pause proficiency with internetty
webbegone after thoughts of yahoo googleyed 
interred intricacies that shed benign capsules of
 mom entary apple pie delquiences cooling 
the soul shopping for the next alias avenue of
pointless me procurement mauling an ongoing
onerous dildodate vis a vie in 
an engaging omnipresence of sextext no tact
spell ckeck chicshicshakplak no sense tik tok
Talk? Walk? Balk? Chalk? Sue? Sulk? 
Dinosaur diligence posse with the senior
gestages gestulating, we r forevre 21 and ying yang 
dung. Yes, good f ing luck with that!! Look at your 
petridish parents and see what box u check to lid close
and abscond with the lost liberal leftovers. That
is you in reverse in a few carnal years after Hilter youth
children decide to screw us as the new 
generation which skewer post present parental postulates 
to the oldster outhouse outlets so u can be "you”free. Little
do they notknow as they cumulatively co opulate 
that they set the stooge stage for no thanx ahole actions. 
The MICRo doesn’t fall from the SOFT Apple tree. Leave it, 
love it, learn it while ye may, the kid crisp cosmos of
offspring social dicktates are biting at your heartbeatbit 
empty elmo enterprises. Pause parenatal prenatal
preferences prepearing perinatal persons pretasking
postnatal practices, in which you have veno papa preparation.
Think before you For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge and Analyze
your ass-incarnate initiate. Borrow berofe u basterdize, 
condomize before u copu culminate, decide before
u dicktate, envision before u envy, fail before u foil, 
grasp before u germinate, halt before u hinder, 
illuminate before u illerate, jump before u jinx, 
kill before u keep, love before u lay, meaning before
moaning, neutralize before u now, obilerate before
u ooops! presence before predicament, quit before
quake, resilience before ridiculous, sanity before
sexusensuality, thinkth before u thumpth, utilize
before u unionize, victory before victimization, we 
before want, xx nor xy, zen before zeal. Pocket 
passion files fly in the face of ruined reason residules
to the point of pronounced perplextion plagued 
prominantly with no recall references to problematic 
protocals for near north normalicies in my buckeye
life measures of simpatico silly symbiosis sublime
of mini me monophile mucous made misdemeanor
milktoast memories. Pass go, collect $200.

Copyright © Dave Collins | Year Posted 2013

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Alphabet Constructs 3 2 1

Annotated Achilles amends fallen frame amputees

Bulimic Barbies browse media monkey banalities

Cameo clouds cling to beaded breath curios

Dopamine dreams delineate check cash desires

Echo endophfins eulogize bullet brain excrement

Fecal folly fantasies reveal relevant frivolities

Gonadal grownups gulp secret scrotal generosities

Helical hemorrhoids hinder senior stricken hemocraps

Idiotic ideals idioiosyncrate postpartum iconoclasts

Jack Jill juxtapositories seek sexestential jouveniers

Kryptic killer kisses ascot arrogant kingdumbs

Liquid lipid loiners fear frontline lucklullibies

Malevolent mommies masterbate rich reflective mommocules

Nevertheless nightingales nourish ruby rich noonbeams

Ovulatory occults outsource torrent tofu outrages

Pensive pisces picnics lovelorny passions 

Queer quiet quintensials release rancid quotients

Rape ripe residuals nullify nimble repercussions

Silky seafoam silhouettes fornicate frothy sandlets

Tepid torch trilogies belie belligerent tourniquets

Useless utterances utilize organize orgasmic utopias

Venomous vixens violate visions

White willow wombs softly seed hospice hell winds

XX XY xfactors envision extracurricular xraydoms

Yearning yoyo yesterdays calculate clearcovert yields

Zen zealous zions mirror magnify Zoneotones

Copyright © Dave Collins | Year Posted 2013

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For What Its Worth

Mindfull of a parallel sequence
we seem to function light between
thought and hurt hoping for
easy advancement up the channel steps--
pecarious invoking with someone who
knows--- and not knows inescapable from
ourselves compliant (fraud)  if need not be.
Backwash of hidden intermittent terrors preclude
external sensitivities---like my aching back
heat waves of generalized dizziness and
gender--izing. The sweet bird of youth
never suffers a jet lag stupor as we enjoy
and (softly) murmur the last rungs in a 
flaccid present tense loss of self faculty.
But the nevertheless picture of realitivity
lends a jargon journal future sometimes
nameless but  (at least)  omnidirectional

Copyright © Dave Collins | Year Posted 2013

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Catch a Glimpse

my three bird feeders
signals a symbiosis
believe in seeds of change
crescendo in b minor
summertime contemplation

Copyright © Dave Collins | Year Posted 2021

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Life In a Drop

Clouded sky in tears
Sorrowful sunrise
Midday monotony
Blues at sunset
Sleepless slumber
Midnight madness
Nightmare alley
Rude awakening

Copyright © Dave Collins | Year Posted 2022

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The Louver of Love

Love Loves loved Lovers loving lovingly.

Bite size poem 3

Copyright © Dave Collins | Year Posted 2021

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Poem For a Sleeping Child

There’s a wish to wander in your cool innocence
and cruise the thoughttides of no
responsibility—so easily you wipe your
shoeless feet on the ever waiting door
mat of socialization. How can I help you keep your 
tender "souls" intact—your tread from
wearing thin out of align so as not to
fall flat. Your easy grace put to an 
unfair test of ill-will winds blowing
carelessly at your soft back. I long for your sweet
calm at rest so deep so empty filled with
solid happiness—you know you are loved 
beyond any measure that’s human or infinite. If
I could walk with you for a moment and peek
quietly at your conscience-----but no-it's yours  
and no Dooleys allowed. Forgive me to 
want to intrude on your ever pleasant play-would you
share with me like the kernel of rice or
squashed raisin-I might, but only if we all
can go. Keep it hold it for as long as you
can-as it suddenly disappears without a trace
never to be found again lest you become your 
own sondaughter and learn to bask on 
the outside looking in—---and be content. I 
will live to never intrude on your soulspace,
but will always knock first. I am sorry ahead 
of time for any pain I cause—for my mat 
was torn treaded , muddy and ragged—my
sleep had no wanting witness. But I promise
to watch over you      all ways.

Dave Collins. Song, Poem for a sleeping child, music to write by, Kevin Ubanks. Best read if listening to the suggested music. Spring 1991.

Copyright © Dave Collins | Year Posted 2013

Details | Dave Collins Poem

Class Or Claaasse'

Class or Claaassee!

Night owl with an open circumstance fears
from blue neglect with the rages of unfortunate
idealisms---“why don’t you”---a nag  nag  nag
sequence, fosters an arm’s length gaze glance
I peer through picket fence fingers, while tongue
depressing hop to it  emo euphemisms to gag
your elementary gesture fantasies with lurking
adult ill-ustrated gonatitudes, (egoenvy) in full glee—“I don’t
care---but then what if”---and
would even believe me if I tried to tell
you the truth, you don’t want to touch in mind.
I fail to the order of kindergartenal suicide
and prose my character to mold your moods in
one tenth hope of a swelled down deep particle
secret desire. Take it for what it is and not think
to misabandon,  stop, look and feelisten.
Your neighbor is only good as you. Plain 
simple downdeep and bittersweet bliss bias
but for—lorn fortunate to at least gain a
Goldilocks glimpse into your uncouth
vascular unconscious. Given a mathetical, grammitical
½ chance I may re-le-learn a think or 2 times nothing
and----------------------hey,  gimme me a hecka break
as he/she in razed eyebrows in an eduillusion exactimum? Well, yea!

Copyright © Dave Collins | Year Posted 2013

Details | Dave Collins Poem

Heybrother, Can U Spare a Brain Cell

Is there a memo motionless meaning that co considers
the let me know not the in between time of soul space that swells
spit in time and all things youless and common/uncommon in a new raw
omniplural potpourri vs a humnopre-salient cap-able anti
impractical public a anonoymous -----let it be the me behind
the windless wheel well of counter culture communation happy
ig no rant dance given to adulto frown friends with no 
inner countenance to the opposite of their children's 
heretofore genetic anaglous inheritenance, happenstance with the all degradratory of who's who on first impractical anal annoyance given to parentosociosuck prevelances.
Let it be me and my behold every endurance
behind the wishless wheel wonders like stale bread kisses that
will leave a bastard/bitch beholding another ever unpresent illego negligent
my me mine me behind--as an ever ill gotten gain gopher behold!!
I offer no ill indifference to a an anal ego indifference, as it wanes itself 
in an annotated post partum parental quandary with all of the estrogenous misgivings that minus all of our copious relative holiday misgivings; hope/love/angst/fear/fake fornication that co comprise our inner grasp gasp being to err offend everyone in our inner nature neighborhood never openly negative of your own offspring offerings as they relate to your perfectly PC credentialed crassness of age coinciding with the
all year round as life asked of us relatives to/fro in/out closed/open/in/out/add/subtract/distract, ect, ect, ect,. 
Far from first inner circle seconds included and removed offended defended included/excluded as to their proper "tudes" to be later revealed related as to a toddler tranquil trance perfectly placed belovedly behind a two tone parental (irr)rational regal rememberance
that reveals a riviteing rancid rationale reward right vs mostly wrong. 
Matching sibiling ill will/deeds and useless non needs can lead to a covert cancer covered man-nipulates meanlip measures of misgotten memories factly misered measured mandates. Welcome my friends to the drone that never ends, human race, human race; youngins' all youngins' all.

Copyright © Dave Collins | Year Posted 2015


Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry