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Best Poems Written by Janet Cavan

Below are the all-time best Janet Cavan poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Dying Heart

I wish sun never set
And day never ended
And I was still committing my sin.
I wish, I still bled
And still felt tormented
But numbness is settling in.
Ignoring the pain is becoming so easy
Freezing sences is like a game.
I'd rather break down,
I'd rather stop breathing
For the chance to relight this flame.
The fire in me is slowly dying
Giving way to the cold instead.
I wish, I still burnt and still kept on trying
But my senses are hopelessly dead.
I lay down my sword...No longer deluded
One day we were destined to part.
Forever forsaken, forever excluded
From your life is my dying heart.

Copyright © Janet Cavan | Year Posted 2012

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Clad In Black

Raging battle of sense and emotion
Envelops my world... No escape...
So unbearable this devotion
And my heart's no longer safe.
My burden of pain will not lessen
To endurance my soul will commit
Am I bound to learn one more lesson?
Before I'm allowed to quit.
If you only hung on for a fraction
To the moment before it ends
But for you I was only distraction,
Stepping stone to make ammends.
I am facing the end of this fight.
Never turning or looking back.
I was destined to wear white
And instead I am clad in black.

Copyright © Janet Cavan | Year Posted 2012

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Intended To Stray

Weakened by hand of sorrow
Conquered by grip of death
Saved from the pain, so hollow
I am taking my final breath.
Released from the burden of craving
From earthly desires' hold
My mind no longer raving
My story no longer unfolds.
And my flesh is forever sleeping
While my spirit turns into light.
No longer can hear weeping
Of the ones I have left behind.
Though my life was so mercilessly stolen
And my blue sky is turning grey,
From the path of enlightened souls
I have never intended to stray.

Copyright © Janet Cavan | Year Posted 2012

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Never Fade

Never pass...
Never fade...
What is ignited
So it lasts...
Price I paid...
Can't relinguish
What's so inviting.
Can't endure your impassive state
So elusive, so forbidden
And I run from my fate
To remain forever hidden.
So I rage
And I hate
Then I break down
And I tremble
Never pass...
Never fade... 
I still live
I remember.

Copyright © Janet Cavan | Year Posted 2012

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Orpheus's Bride

Searching for something,
Waiting for a sign
Instead there is only silence.
Instead there is only lie.
Dreams lay forgotten
Desires cast aside
Until I reach the bottom
Like Orpheus's bride.
Trust is denial
Love is your foe.
Still so defiant
While sinking bellow.
Orpheus, you've lost your bride
Lost your faith and your only track
Was it pure obsession or mere pride?
Who has whispered to you to look back?
You turned around
Slowed your pace
Burnt to the ground
The last of your faith.
Lost all the chances
Broken is pride.
You were only enchanted.
I was never your bride.

Copyright © Janet Cavan | Year Posted 2012

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Don'T Let Go

Oh morbid silence, end at last
Will I awaken from this nightmare?
Does ardent love belong to past?
I cannot know. Refuse to dare.
The sins of flesh beyong contol
Your touch is sweet, yet heart is hollow 
The struggles're taking their toll
You will not lead. I will not follow.
So split your soul, divide your mind
Your body's strong, yet spirit's weak.
Do you choose hope or mere pride?
Refuge or life... What do you seek?
Dispelled's the myth, reprieval's wanted
Repressed rage meets it's demise
Yet I'm still lost and I'm still haunted 
But what I wrongly idolized.
Release is granted, yet I mourn...
Is this the cost of karmic debt?
Forsaken, damaged and forlorn
And yet refusing to forget.
Is there still flame when heart is torn?
Does it still burn when soul is slain?
To die... It means, to be reborn.
To live is to immune to pain.
The tears I shed don't mean a thing
And so I'm falling, deep and low...
Yet I still pray and I still cling
To hope that you won't let it go.

Copyright © Janet Cavan | Year Posted 2012

Book: Shattered Sighs