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Best Poems Written by Ghairo Daniels

Below are the all-time best Ghairo Daniels poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Mantis eyes magnetised her sister’s heart
felt its imprisoned glint of gold
willed it to enlarge into a 
                                     lotus leaf upon a sea

It floats on a lake of blood before
dawn turning hot burning blue
heat of her own blood 
                                    gold of her own heat

‘Let her not drown in
bloodied gold of red 
running thick and deep’
                             So she murmured, so they did

To a shore of soft sand
Heart sailed escorted by
obsidian lidded dragons
                              gloomy gold unshackling

Guts, throat, tongue 
puddle, pond, lake of
blood transmuted to turquoise 
                               gold and blood morphing 

Cupids created decoupage dishes
with bloodied dollars gold
called for another stint 
                               to alchemise pentacles cold



Copyright © Ghairo Daniels | Year Posted 2023

Details | Ghairo Daniels Poem

No Wait In Vain : Poets Meet

For decades I waited 
And you did not come 
To listen to my rude insertion 
Finger a sound at the back of my throat
And the vibration of my name

For decades I wanted to meet
A small mountain as
I read her plain words in innocence
A bell in her Heart rang deep
With children running sweet

For decades I longed to touch
A struggling moth
As he ached for new wings
Smooth ebony cheeks
Passionate with letters of adoration

For decades I watched for
A painter to mirror my songs
Discover a talkative witch
Who still trampled from place to place
Broken shoes echoing my silent breath

For decades I wanted a smooth ride
Where conversation was free of tasks
And words on both seats of equal length
With apricots for the scoffing
Chocolates wrapped in red

So I upped my thumb to the veteran one
Who read from his leathered collection 
Notepads and pencils strewn about
Space in the warehouse oozed slivered glee
No wait in vain ! 


Copyright © Ghairo Daniels | Year Posted 2022

Details | Ghairo Daniels Poem



Obsidian oscillated into lava
     slid across syntactic streams
        tumbled thick greenwood thickets 
           impenetrability an intricate illusion wicked
              shattering splintered sassy sinkers

Lord Ashtar himself lifted gnarled garbage 
    two big broken black bags to Source 
      split seconds of screaming searing sores
        then baby posture soaked singular satin  
              Prophet Daniel’s prison-free prediction

Coloured lava languid loosened
     yin-yang of yesteryear’s yarrows
        as Watchfulness wedded yearnings
        no black bumblebees boomeranged bombs 
              rainbow hands belled belly beckoning 

Solar flares ignited twin hearts atoning
  corona emissions spilling splashing space
      sodalite sprinkled sundrenched shores 
       kaleidoscope pupils pleasing pulsing fate
           Hearts purely placed on golden plate 

Four eyes fathomed Guy Fawkes fickle 
    feuding onto a fervid foolproof floor
       Stonehenge now sturdily steadily stood 
           sedating simple silent sleep suavely 
               Axis acceded alchemical ascensions  

Missions matched mottoed moulded mountains 
    timelines merged in mossy musical movement 
        Justice jumping jibbing Jungian jurisdiction 
          Presence posied a present perfection
            Dreams delivered dictums to Duet
             Delicious domed desserts diffusing !



Copyright © Ghairo Daniels | Year Posted 2024

Details | Ghairo Daniels Poem



I combed cool waters of your 
baby blue crystalline Jewel as you 
waded waterfall waves washing 
my stellar rainbow rays 
Arching it melted into the warm 
womb of transducing tangoing Earth

Her Violet Flame devoured us both
as nectared dewdrops to fuel the fire
our soma swirling into ecstatic orange 
oxytocined crane flowers whispering 
wisdoms to a hundred yellow 
butterflies fluttering and flirting 

They circled a sunken Atlantean apex
atop where you ruled anew with 
Baconian brown locks surrounded by 
sirens serving savoury silver sardines 
oolite oyster shells sang solos as dolphins 
dived into divas oceanic mouthed 

In Ancient Egypt you followed my runcinate 
rulings or indigo sorrow siglums, sighing
becoming slimmed seeker who served 
Thoth well whilst wreathing my wounded
worthiness and fallow fallopian tubes 
at pyramidal plumed midnight hour

In our graped Grecian lifetime you draped 
alabaster urns lighting my marble mantelpiece 
I watched breath enter your nebulae nostrils
as you crafted provincial proverbs 
then instructed slaves to whiten your garb
with lemons from our sculpted garden

On lavender Celtic hills we exchanged kilts
not knowing whose waist was whose
barefoot our figs and flutes flaunted 
sleek sharp sapphire studded swords 
dancing the necessary wild wars 
rune stones becoming menhir mosaics

Who remembered and who forgot 
where in ether our nestling niche napped
as games of betrayal, fear or doubt 
doubled into involuting circles and spirals
each tried to neck THE VOID as naked
excuse for not excavating heaving Heart

How much escaping, escapades, 
evolutionary clocks cloak our cusps 
or cues or custard synchronicities 
how many summer summit starlings 
must seek to sing of sorrow or of 
wolves, withering willows, watermelons 
on this Planet of coloured curriculums
holding dear our distinctive designs 
where lacy lament is but 
another artful aperture into Space 

I seek not to know !


Copyright © Ghairo Daniels | Year Posted 2023

Details | Ghairo Daniels Poem



I am Sphinx Stone
Sun stationed statue
silent sculptured synoptic 
not marble or granite 
nor black tourmaline or
crystal sapphire quartz
vortex for Void actualising 
sacred amber ambles

Timelines cutting cross
my magnetic magenta 
miracle to dissipate in
dry desert winds
my gaze unmoved 
as quizzing quantum 
queens swirl around
a Blue Planet ascending

Sphinx Stone gathering 
goddess’ goodness  
whilst slippery Sophi-el
sprinkle sparkle Nile
evaporations down
Sumerian phantom
phœnix photons

Here I stare broken-
nosed across vast 
expansions exiting
or entering dual 
portal claws hot rooted 
into Violet Flames of
Mother Earth belying 
my etheric origins

Did my Leo descend from
helium Heavens or rise 
high headdress laboriously 
painstakingly perfect
from Her tumultuous gut
with dripping goblets of 
gold, goblins gyrating ?

Ask you may North 
African secrets slither 
no soiled sounds to
simmer in sandy
storms or scarlet 
sunsets spreading spells
Silence is my singular 
speech to scintillating 
skulls of pharaohs
peasant or politician alike

I am Sphinx Stone
my silhouette signposted
in simple or significant 
silver sigils as serpents 
ascend savoury spines 
for Sirius’ starlit sighs 

Bypass not my knowing
aloof yet vacant 
stare which agelessly
gathers stories of aeons
imprinting dreams of God 
into unmanifest luminosity 
becoming your words on
my lithe lion bones or
this ephemeral page 

Sphinx Stone I see 
sabian riddled 
profiles making prolific 
progress patterns as 
patina leak slow 
stealthy tears down 
tawny throats filled with 
lumps of steely grit

Come now release 
agitated ages of bygone 
bitters to prickle or 
paddle dimensions
where appled anemones
sing my stare into 
song to swallow swiftly 
sweetly slivers of soft 
symphonic sanctities

I remain Sphinx 
Stone stable squared 
unsullied forever 


Copyright © Ghairo Daniels | Year Posted 2024

Details | Ghairo Daniels Poem


Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Jovial Dr Jekyll played for juvenile Justice
                    a just jaspered journey
jokingly jumped a joyride 
                                to juicy jukebox jabbering 
in jackal jackboots 
                         from nearby jungle 
Dr Jekyll clasped a jackknife eating 
                                  jambalaya to justify a 
                             juggled juxtapositional 
jurisdiction jamming 
       as jugular vein jingled jewels 
joyfully jauntily jaywalking 
                 to a jay named Jim Jolly ! 

Onward he jumped to a 
                                   Jungian junction 
              Jupiter jocund watching his 
 journeying joints
              journalese seemed a jibe jig
but neither Jewess, Jesuit 
                            or jeweller jiggled this job

So he jerked his jess 
                          like a jape for Japan
Jejuning onto January for the 
                           next jangle of jasmine 
No jellyfish was Dr Jekyll in Jordanian jerkin 
           though sometimes Mr Hyde
                   with jeroboam swirling alongside !


Copyright © Ghairo Daniels | Year Posted 2024

Details | Ghairo Daniels Poem

Headstone Song


May my gifts spread across the Blue-Green 
Globe when I return to Sky
May my smile ripple in your open hearts
When I dance on an orange horizon 
May my healings remain remembered 
Balms and my presence a
Feather in your hat

May my meals remain flavourful 
Tastes on your buds and my touch
Soft breezes in your sacral spiral 
May my glance remain sweet
Small sapphires in centre cells 
And my breath a warm circumference 
In your cosy rooms

May my grey hairs nourish this Earth
When I harmonise with angelic harps
And my consummated flesh become a 
Wordless magnolia at your window pane
May each slender match you use to 
Light your candle kindle my flame that 
Warms your marrow

May glistening tears you shed for me 
Be crystal water that slates your
Thirst after each marathon month
And the colours of my washing day 
Be fragrant seeds you plant afresh

May the velvet indigo that covers my lids
Cloak your luminosity that penetrates
Each unfolding hour in soft footsteps to
Embrace my baton you now hold aloft !

Copyright © Ghairo Daniels | Year Posted 2022

Details | Ghairo Daniels Poem

Solitary Confinement 1


Many chains, many locks and bars
clattered at four in the morning 
black bitter coffee drugged
a single bucket of cold water 
            it was winter

I had ten minutes to speak 
with a small piece of soap 
then bucket and soap was ripped away
whether I was still
           naked or not

a thought of throwing the
        water over my head 
tangled with a thought 
           of throwing it at the cell door 

a tangle like a tango
                          unlike my taut steel

I counted my toes over
and over again, then its hairs
to stop reading prison graffiti 
               on the cold grey wall

they were my loyal friends
I couldn’t think of names
                        for them
                           except “Hello Toes”

A warden brought me a 
                           wooden coloured cube 
hidden in his dirty hankychief 
as a gift 
               to play with
                          heedlessly grateful 
                                            was I 
At four the next morning 
Station Commander 
confiscated it

            seemed to like that hour

I remembered that Ouma Lama
said : “Four is when the ghosts leave”

In my prison cell, this was when
they arrived 


Four a.m was my birth hour too
                    on the fourth day of middle month
            I guessed four pillars to hold an 
ever-crumbling roof

the roof of my mind

             Casspirs circled this hour to 
                circumference my home for a pick-up
At the calculated dark time neighbours rose
                           sensed war as a moon waned
                                   peered at rifles through 
                                          half drawn curtains

Four Casspirs, eight police-vans
          too many soldiers to count
          surely a multiple of four
for a forty-two kg body
                    a hilarious drama of fear
How did mind know it was 
four in a house with no clock ? 
It did not ! 
       Gut knew the precise hour
the hour I started breathing outside the womb


Smiley wily warden wrapped my 
one daily meal in newspaper 
winking “something to read…”

I read the four sheets over 
and over again
                     marriage and death notices
Memorising dates and names on the oil 
stained paper

At four the next morning
Mr Station Commander burnt the
newspaper pieces at my
                        numberless cell door 
                              number should have been 
                     four, yes, you guessed
since the station had four cells
only one boasted a body, my pipsqueak one with 
four intact limbs

their threat to crack my bones
                       could not succeed
I was too connected to external pylons
and what with standing for 24hrs at a stretch 
                  in the interrogation room
my bone calcium strengthened 

                Commander and door both 
           relished a smell of fire at that hour
        curling smoke was breakfast
I saw marriages and corpses go
up in momentary flames
        shed tears for the individuals involved

it was my marriage and my corpse
                              time of no sequence 

small dried leaves found their way 
                 into the cell
A mystery of How ?
   no teeny slits anywhere 
or any slit of sunshine to sail on

Winter leaves wanted to
               crawling on a dark grey blanket
               over the plastic floor mattress I 
tried to sleep on

or perhaps leaves wanted me 
to make music
crushing their veins with my veins

a floor never swept or wept 
the smell of …. dead mice
the day of a little fire at the door
I ended up screaming at a 
minuscule wall grate 
                    near the ceiling
“Bring me a fresh daisy or a mirror !” 

It brought me
                  the next darkened police vehicle 
                                               to Caledon Square
for another session 
of 24 hr questions 



Copyright © Ghairo Daniels | Year Posted 2023

Details | Ghairo Daniels Poem

Circle of Love


Time in Space
Moments and Seconds
all in a row
Days and nights
all in a row
Years, decades, centuries
all in a row
Side by Side
calm eternity
Sparkling joy
quiet Wisdom
all in a row

Waiting for bait
for dusty flies...
lucky geckos
for humans looking 
for Love
Watching souls
dancing in a circle
around a never ending Fire
Seeking newness which will 
not be found
except in time in space
All in a row

In an open sky
the row becomes a 
Circle of Love

Copyright © Ghairo Daniels | Year Posted 2012

Details | Ghairo Daniels Poem

Ode To the Myrrh Tree


So the tree stood in the centre of the desert
Mangled by winds of change and truth of joy
and chains of dust and torrents of rare rain 

Burnt black and senseless by an 
unrelenting Sun of nightmare beauty
And orange was the sand of scorpions
orange was the mirage of miracles
orange was her veil of innocence 

As the tree stank of heavenly myrrh
itched to pour its oil over orange
nippled breasts and buttocks
Stroke curves and carves
of luminous beauty with its
ancient branches of stony bark
As beetles made holy love
in its crevices of dark deep velvet depth

And the mangled magic of the myrrh
stood short and stumped and watched
the breath of the timeless desert
A slow movement of a noble camel
with its long thick lashes speaking of
Magnificent slowness in the lick of lick
a lip in a lip

Tree of a thousand loves
Spice of sprinklings in sparkles spaced
over a tent of chiffon on sand
Slithering with patterned serpents
and eyes of dark magic
of long limbs all in one
Twine and twine and grow together 
as all become one 
with myrrh and magic 
Heavy beads of sweat and
Amber laugh and scream 

Moments of a tree of ugly love
as ugly melts into vacant beauty
Irresistible wordless wrinkles ageless 

Deep furrows of sweet scent
Sent the desert creatures weeping
to smiling stars as the
Tree of life stood stock still
to imbibe eternal myrrh 


[View Recital of poem by Poet on YouTube channel @ghairodanielspresence]

Copyright © Ghairo Daniels | Year Posted 2023


Book: Shattered Sighs