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Best Poems Written by Kim Merryman

Below are the all-time best Kim Merryman poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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You Reap What You Sow

If you sow seeds of kindness,
Then kindness is what you'll reap.
If you sow seeds of forgiveness,
You'll reap untroubled sleep.

If you sow seeds of anger,
of hatred or discontent,
You'll reap a crop of violence,
Discord and evil intent.

If you sow seeds of brotherly love,
Then love you will receive,
But if wickedness is what you sow,
Then wicked you will be.

The lesson here is pretty clear:
You reap just what you sow.
Therefore, strive to sow only good seeds,
And spread them wherever you go.


Copyright © Kim Merryman | Year Posted 2013

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You Took My Place

Amazing love,
Amazing grace,
You gave Your life,
You took my place.
I should have died,
On Calvary's tree,
But You stepped in,
And died for me.

What can I say?
What can I do?
To show my love, 
My gratitude?
To You my Lord,
My Savior King,
For becoming my
Sin offering?

Here is my heart,
Here is my soul,
Come Lord Jesus,
Take control.
The old is gone,
You've made me new.
You died for me,
I'll live for you.


Copyright © Kim Merryman | Year Posted 2012

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Death By Chocolate

Sandy was a chocoholic,
The worst I've ever seen!
If she didn't eat some daily,
She'd become crazy mean!

It didn't matter what kind it was,
Ice cream, cake, pie or candy,
As long as it was chocolate,
Sandy was  fine and dandy!

Then one day the unthinkable happened,
To the chocolate loving miss,
While eating her favorite candy,
She choked on a chocolate kiss!

"Death by chocolate," the coroner concluded,
As to the cause of Sandy's death.
At least she died doing what she loved,
Eating chocolate til her last breath.

11/21/11  for Natalie the Rogue Rhymer's 
"Die a fun Death" contest

Copyright © Kim Merryman | Year Posted 2011

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Treasure of My Soul

I held an angel in my arms today,
A precious babe snuggled against my breast.
And my heart was overwhelmed with so much love,
As she lay contentedly at rest.

I watched her as she slept so soundly,
Gazed at her cherub face in sweet repose.
I marveled at her tiny features,
Like her dainty shell-like ears and button nose.

I brushed my lips against her downy head,
Her skin like velvet to my touch.
I gave thanks to God above for His priceless blessing
Of this little angel girl I love so much.

The birth of my first grandchild has awakened,
A joy that my soul cannot contain.
From day one my heart's been captured by her,
Firmly caught and held by love's strong chain.

Entered in Shadow Hamilton's "Your Favorite Old Poem" contest

Copyright © Kim Merryman | Year Posted 2013

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Come and See Jesus

Come and see the tiny baby,
sleeping on a bed of straw.
The angels came and sang His praises,
and shepherds watched in silent awe.

Come and see who's in the temple,
listening to the rabbis teach;
a twelve year old who asks them questions,
His wisdom is beyond their reach.

"Come and see," said John The Baptist,
"The Lamb of God sent from above.
On Him the Father sent His Spirit,
it came down on Him like a dove."

"Come and see," insisted Andrew,
when he found Simon by the sea.
"I believe we've found Messiah.
Drop your nets and come with me."

"Come and see", cried out the woman,
"The man who told me all I'd done.
He said He'd give me living water.
Could He be the Holy One?"

Come and see this man called Jesus.
He heals the sick, the blind, the lame.
Even demons are subject to Him.
Those He touches are never the same.

Come and see this Jewish Rabbi,
as He teaches on the hill.
The crowds are spellbound by His message,
He teaches them about God's will.

Come and see the righteous anger,
of the man from Galilee.
See Him cleanse the crowded temple,
of the merchants and their greed.

Come and see the Lord at prayer,
in the garden on His knees.
Sweating drops of blood in anguish,
God's will be done is what He pleads.

Come and see the man betrayed,
by His own disciple's kiss.
Sold for thirty silver coins,
by a traitor in His midst.

Come and see the suffering servant,
hands and feet nailed to the cross.
Hear Him say, "Father, forgive them,"
as His friends weep for their loss.

Come and see, His tomb is empty.
See, the stone has been rolled away.
The Son of God has conquered death,
He has risen from the grave.

Come and see the risen Savior,
See and touch His nail-pierced hands.
Hear Him say, "Go preach the gospel,
to every nation, every land."

Come and see, men, women, children,
Jesus is the Life, the Truth, the Way,
to peace and joy and life everlasting.
Believe in Him without delay.

Entered in Richard Lamoureux's Battle of the Honorable Mentions Contest

written  2008
entered in Anthony Slausen's "Jesus" contest
Honorable Mention

Copyright © Kim Merryman | Year Posted 2016

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Rabbits On the Ark

God told old Noah to build an ark,
To make it out of gopher bark.
Noah did as he was asked,
And worked until he completed the task.

Then God told Noah to gather the beasts,
Two of every kind, the hes and the shes,
So that when the earth is dry again,
They can procreate, new life begin.

All the animals were good, except for the rabbits.
Though small and cute, they had some bad habits.
Quiet and stealthy, they would roam around,
Hiding in dark corners where they weren't easily found.

You might be wondering how bunnies could be bad,
But you need to remember the reputation they have.
Hiding in the shadows, what do you think they're doing?
They're not playing hop scotch - they're cuddling and wooing.

Now cuddling and wooing isn't such a bad thing,
But rabbits are known for quickly multiplying.
Though Noah tried to keep the bunnies apart,
He was no match for their affairs of the heart.

So when it came time, the ark to depart,
The animals came out two by two like the start.
Two by two they strolled off the ark,
After being cooped up, getting out was a lark.

But then came the rabbits and to Noah's dismay,
Not two but hundreds were coming his way.
Then the Lord told them all to be fruitful and multiply.
Noah looked at the rabbits and let out a sigh.

Entered in PD's 101 in a row contest #5

Copyright © Kim Merryman | Year Posted 2013

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God's Whispers

An amethyst sunset splashed across the sky, a rainbow after a storm; majestic mountains crowned with snow, and a pristine lake of cobalt blue. A crimson cardinal hopping across the lawn, the purring of a cat curled up in my lap, its fur soft against my fingers; wisteria hanging in grape-like clusters, infusing the air with its intoxicating perfume, and azaleas in full bloom. The soft sigh of a baby's breath against my cheek, and the innocent laughter of children at play. A hug from a friend, my true love's kiss, the arms of my grandchild wrapped tightly around my neck. In all these things, and so much more, God's quiet voice whispers, "I love you." 11/12/15 For Brian Strand's All Yours (March 28) contest

Copyright © Kim Merryman | Year Posted 2015

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Sailing Life's Seas

My life is like a sailboat,
                    Sailing on the sea.
                    Beneath blue skies and sunshine,
                    I sail on peacefully.

                    I go about my business,
                    A smile upon my face.
                    Sailing upon smooth waters,
                    I bask in God's sweet grace.

                    But often times the sky grows dark,
                    And the winds begin to blow.
                    The rain comes down in buckets,
                    This boat rocks to and fro.

                    And as my life is tossed about,
                    Like a sailboat on the sea,
                    I must decide whom I will trust,
                    Jesus Christ or me.

                    By myself I am overwhelmed,
                    When faced with stormy days.
                    I'm cowardly and weak,
                    Inclined to hide away.

                    But Jesus is the Master 
                    Of the mighty winds and waves,
                    And if I cry to Him for help,
                    He will come and save.

                    Jesus is my lighthouse.
                    He's my beacon in life's storms.
                    If I keep my eyes on Him,
                    My turmoil He'll transform.

                    I much prefer to sail still waters,
                    But tempests are a part of life.
                    I'm glad Jesus is my Navigator,
                    To steer me through the strife.

                    Entered in PD's 100 in a row #3 contest

Copyright © Kim Merryman | Year Posted 2012

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Like a Puzzle

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle: thousands of little uniquely shaped Pieces needing to be connected to form the whole picture. Piece by piece we p a i n s t a k i n g l y try to fit them together. Some pieces don"t seem to belong, but they are all part of the puzzle. Some pieces seem to be miss ing, but they are there, waiting to be found. Perseverance, Patience, Prayer, are needed to assemble the puzzle of our life. Only when we look to our CREATOR will we ever be complete. The One who made us knows us best. In the end He will place the final piece of our puzzle. 9/20/16 Brian Strand's July 18 free verse

Copyright © Kim Merryman | Year Posted 2016

Details | Kim Merryman Poem

Missing My Little Boys

My babies have all gone,
They've grown and left the nest,
Spreading out their wings to fly,
Upon life's thrilling quest.

The years flew by so quickly.
Babies turned into little boys.
Little boys grew into manhood,
Putting away their childish toys.

I miss those little boy faces,
With their mischievous, winsome smiles.
I miss their childish chatter,
And their creative little boy wiles.

Why didn't I pay more attention?
Why didn't I play with them more?
Why didn't I realize how fleeting time was?
But I didn't and it makes my heart sore.

I miss the little boys that my sons were,
But I'm proud of the men they've grown to be.
They will always be my little boys,
And I will treasure each and every memory.

Kim Merryman    3/10/12

Copyright © Kim Merryman | Year Posted 2012


Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry