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Best Poems Written by Ashtyn Ludwig

Below are the all-time best Ashtyn Ludwig poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Can Anything Stop True Love?

Can anything stop true love, not in my mind,
True love lasts forever, it lasts for all time,
Every small breath and sweet kiss shared with the one you love,
Nothing could stop that, not a push, nor a shove,
"Death cannot stop true love, it can only delay it," 
It may be said that it can, but who is there to say it,
Believe what you will, believe what you might, 
But the love is still there, even when out of sight,
It will watch over you like an angel, as transparent as a ghost,
Caring for the one it loves and it's you it loves the most,
Nothing can blind true love, it can see through the dark,
It is everything from special moments to lark,
Nothing can deafen true love it can hear through stone walls,
If there are words of true love spoken in this world, from your lover's mouth it falls,
Nothing is stronger than true love's chains, not any person, nor hurricane,
Nothing can get in true love's way, because the light of true love is blinding, as it 
guides you night and day,
Nothing can true love, nothing is what you say, that is to those who believe, that is 
what they'll say,
Love is something that is not shattered nor broken, it' cannot be touched by anyone but 
those who are in it, 
It is unreachable to the weak who aim for the destruction of it,
So nothing can stop true love because it comes from within, not from below nor above,

Copyright © Ashtyn Ludwig | Year Posted 2005

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U Bring Me Down

What you do to me, what you do to me now,
I can't watch you hurt yourself, I don't know how,
Pain is pleasure in your world, but not in mine,
Am i here for something true, or is this just a waste of my time,
I can't see this now i'm going blind,
Soon what you'll see of me is nothing, you won't have nothing to find,
Woh, woh, oh you bring me down
Take me from this place, i'm nowwhere to be found,
All that's left of me is nothing you want around,
No one seems to know just how you are feeling, 
All of these lies from my skin are peeling,
Kill this pain inside, i'm ready to be free,
No one seems to know what's really insidde of me,
Woh, woh, oh, you bring me down (x2)

Copyright © Ashtyn Ludwig | Year Posted 2005

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A Mother's Words

Be strong and be careful, be smart and be wise,
Let no mask fool you, no clever disguise,
Always feel beautiful for if you do, you inside will be,
Even if the outside doesn’t seem, and your eyes can’t see through,
Laugh all the time and laugh loud, even if it is not perfect,
Just to laugh you should be proud,
Stay true to yourself and do what you feel, think not only with your head
But with your heart and the choices you make will be real,
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes it’s the best way to learn, everybody gets hurt, it’s 
healing that’s the challenge, not the crash and burn,
Call when you need anything no matter what time, for this call
Could mean life or death so a few minutes to spare is definitely fine,
Sing loud and let your unique voice be heard by all, if you hit a bad note let it go 
don’t let your voice fall,
For it might make someone’s day, no matter what anyone feels the need to say,
Be nice to all, for in your time of need, whether you do or do not call, 
Your generosity will be more than justified with an equally grateful deed,
Life is a gift given to you, by the one who made the birds, 
When you realize the significance of this gift, you will then perceive
The value of a mother’s words.

Copyright © Ashtyn Ludwig | Year Posted 2005

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My Own Goodbye

As it takes me in and swallows me whole, 
It can take my body but it can't take my soul,
When i find my inner peace, i'll be the one to take control,
And once I retain it i won't ever let it go,
The bliss of comfort impels me to last,
I desire to undergo great ecstasy such as I have in the past,
But there is a barrier that enables me to see through the haze surrounding me,
I have no halo to light my way, and this is a place i sure as hell don't want to stay, 
I'm not sure if it's real, maybe it's a dream,
I cut myself to find it flows a steady stream,
A dream may feel real but this i know is not,
Because as the rush of adrenaline surges through me, the blood on my skin feels hot,
The agonizing pain devours me without graze, 
Which soon enough forces me into my own delusion without my say of pace,
I want something to raise me up, instead of force me down,
Because once temptation takes me in, six feet under's the only place i'll be found

Copyright © Ashtyn Ludwig | Year Posted 2005

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The Power of One

Put on a pedestal of shame because of belief, 
immeasurable weight drags you down full of grief, 
Immense pain engulfing your heart, mind and soul, 
draining ‘til empty, rather than full,
When you want to speak out but scared to do so, 
for the friends that you know now may soon turn to foe, 
To them you are only one person, maybe less nothing more, 
But your voice is made to speak up, if not what else for,
Doesn’t matter what race nor what age you are, 
say what you need to for words from the heart nothing can mar, 
Those on top feel that they are superior to god, 
when the one’s below only wish to stand beside him, 
rather than be trampled by others in to sod,
Your strength can be measured in the deeds done by you, 
let those deeds formulate hope that in the darkness shines through, 
You are not all alone, it only seems so, 
your performance in life determines how far you go, 
You can make a difference that will be perceived by some, 
when the impact you’ve made multiplies in others visions, 
it will be shown, the power of one.

Copyright © Ashtyn Ludwig | Year Posted 2005

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The Right Way

I let go, I didn't know, how to hold on, after you were gone, I just fell,
No one even knew, what the hell to do, they watched me as I slipped, they thought i'd 
only tripped,
That i'd get back up, that i'd be okay, but i'm still down here, I thought that there 
might be another way,
But my escape from this prison isn't going anywhere, no matter how far I run,
I feel so alone, I wish that I were home, but there's nothing left to do, except find a 
way to you,
People said it'd be nicer for you, that it wuld be bright, but I don't hear no angels 
singing, I don't think that they were right,
What'd I do wrong, did I make a mistake, i'm not standing where I wanna be, i'm not 
walking through the gates,
I didn't see a light at the end of the tunnel, i'm pushing away these demons,but all 
they do is pull,
I'm sorry I can't find you, i've looked around forever, rain and thunder are the only 
things to describe the weather,
I don't know what i should be doing now, you were always here to tell me what and how,
As I start to lay down, start to give up, I hear the sweetest sound and to the sky I 
look up,
It's like for the first time i'm opening up my eyes, and my heart races fast because to 
my surprise,
Your warm gentle voice is ringing in my ears, but when I look to the side it's just a 
video I hear,
I guess that's okay because i'm glad to be hear, instead of in my nightmare where I was 
living in fear,I know you're watching over me, even though it's you I can't see,
You just want me to know it's better this way, i'll have to wait to see you, wait for my 
I just wanted to let you know i'm gonna be okay, i'll get to you someday but this time 
it's gonna be the right way

Copyright © Ashtyn Ludwig | Year Posted 2005

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Friendship Memory

You told me if I ever needed someone to talk to we could just chat, 
Remember the time we both sat, on the bathroom floor and just spilled out all our 
feelings, but a great friendship is what a good time spent brings,
I trust you with my feelings, to hide them in your head, all the things I let go of, all 
the things I said,
Only I can bring all this outside of me, the rest is left inside for no one else to see, 
A memory or a thought of the past can bring me right to tears, and when you comfort me 
with all your generous words it lets me know someone cares,
Most people don't even notice the way I really feel, probably because they're acting so 
counterfeit, i'm jsut acting real,
Remember the bad times we went through, you could count on me and I could count on you,
You know i'm still hurting over all my loss, and life can have it's good times, but 
death will be the cost,
If you ever need someone, i'm still here for you, no matter what good or bad times we go 
I hope this friendship lasts forever, is something that's for sure, because that's what 
a good built up friendship's for,
So thank you for your comfort, help and hope, and caring, we both know this is a 
friendship worth caring,
I'll keep all the laughs and memories inside my head, all the bad times and arguements 
will be the things I shed,
The past is what i'll look at, the future we'll look for, because this is a friendship I 
hope will last forever and for more,

Copyright © Ashtyn Ludwig | Year Posted 2005

Book: Shattered Sighs