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Best Poems Written by Linda Milgate

Below are the all-time best Linda Milgate poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Modern Marketing, a Sonnet

Oh heavy heart these PR men in power
Yellow waxen masks reciting lies
Discovered by research in college towers
Who watch flashing brains in MRIs
Recording as fear lightens lobes
Word and images recorded and sold by drones
For use by corporate men round the globe
Control both CEOs and worker clones
Yet life's free forces flow in city and town
For through the dark. forces strive to transcend
As ever bruised and bloodied onward bound
Through a jumble of fears passes the path of men

Copyright © Linda Milgate | Year Posted 2010

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Leave Me Now

Always leaning against the sycamore
Where leaves and shadows play upon your face
Standing solitary in evenings's softened light
You touched me once
In the midst of siren sounds and steel
You summoned and I refused your darkness
Yet your breath brushed my face gently
And your presence promised a quiet peace
Since then I have seen you
Near a friend's thinning frame
Heard you gently tap on hospice windows
Whispering do not stay to bear the pain
Yes, a time will come when I long for you
But you must me leave now--go away
I am too young to feel your heavy certainty
I wish to walk free and feel light again
To watch the newly born leaves open and dance
In summer's sun and jasmine's sweet perfume

Contest entry

Copyright © Linda Milgate | Year Posted 2010

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Winter Promise

The heavy cold grey skies
Tell of winter's want of lightness
Then lemon white breaks
Through the clouds
A painter's brush
Touches the ground
In the distance 
A promise

Copyright © Linda Milgate | Year Posted 2010

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Dancing At a Temple

I am dancing
Twirling and whirling
Hands and face open to the sun
Lost in the infinite You
Draped in gauze and silks
Whirling and twirling
To the sounds of chants and drums
As the deep tones of the monks
Melt into the tender tones of nuns
I am dancing, dancing
Yes, yes I sit here stiff and graying 
But bathed in this golden light
In my heart I am limber and strong
For my spirit dances round and round
As I fold into this universal song

Copyright © Linda Milgate | Year Posted 2010

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A Little Dog

Once I roamed through the woodlands 
With my large old shepherd companion.
We walked fearless, through redwoods and pines, 
Through vines and ferns 
To the top of the Cross mountain.
There we stood gazing out over the hills
Covered with sage and lavender,
Over the tops of homes cream and salmon,
The tall buildings of cement and glass 
On the shores of an emerald bay.

We made our way by the pampas grass
 Onto the dunes and sands,
Felt the water spray of the waves
As they hurled onto the shores.
We walked freely then in the world
As only nature’s  top predators can.
Gone now into ashes and into ground
My big dog is no more.

For now I have a little dog
Who jumps up anxiously for the treat in my hands.
When worried she barks and bears her teeth,
Or crouches down onto the ground.
No long walks into the forest deep 
Or along its mossy paths.
To a coyote or cougar she would  appear 
As an easy light meal
 And I fear I would not be able
 To keep them away.
So, no more wandering freely
Through the grandeur of the land.

I no longer walk along the unpredictable sea
Where rogue waves crash and crush;
Where unforgiving and unfeeling forces flow.
So now we stand upon the cliffs
Behind the gray old redwood fence.
Once, I had a big dog and we walked freely
Along the glorious shores.
Now I keep my little dog close
And when a stranger knocks
We stay behind closed doors.

Copyright © Linda Milgate | Year Posted 2010

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Dearest Universe

Dearest Universe,

May I call you dearest?
Though sorrow has shadowed
Our years together for I soon learned
The lamb does fall to the lion,
A lizard’s poison can kill a calf,
And often men in prayer are swept by 
Fear into a whirlpool's darkness.
Still I long to touch; to be touched
By a presence that I sense in the beauty
Of the velvet night. My head bows before 
The grandeur of morning's golden lights,
The vibrant glow of living colors
Bursting into verdant springs,
Light that flows from a great 
Painter’s hands--ribbons of such light.
I have seen a legion of men 
Gone into the chaos of dirt and blood
To ease  suffering
The arc of a rainbow; 
The last fragrance of a warmed
Rose in spring,  Light and darkness.

My dearest Universe,
To the images of light I cling.

Copyright © Linda Milgate | Year Posted 2010

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Divorce Memories

Morning bed
Sheets tightly tucked
One pillow crumpled

There once was a gal named Linda
Oh the marriages she did get inta
Try as they would to be as they should
They never could even begin ta.   

Wanting a home intensely  evolved into creations of delusion
Life broke through, one let go, in freedom lay the solution

For the Divorce Club Contest

Copyright © Linda Milgate | Year Posted 2010

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Shama's Dilemma Limerick

There once was a girl named Shama
Who wondered about her karma
As a poet her rhymes
Were always out of time
To most her terza rima was trauma

limerick contest

Copyright © Linda Milgate | Year Posted 2011

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Sapphire Haiku

A sapphire's night sky
Crickets' choir  nightingale's song
The bright light moon grins

Copyright © Linda Milgate | Year Posted 2010

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Legacy of Greed's Rains

under steel gray skies
ashen crusted forests
ghosts' whispers

DarK Rain contest

Copyright © Linda Milgate | Year Posted 2011


Book: Shattered Sighs