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Best Poems Written by Tony Omanachain

Below are the all-time best Tony Omanachain poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Not a rose

chasing the heat haze on the highway 

smoking a spliff while "let it roll” plays

praying to feel your touch by Friday

without adding another cross on the byway

I haven’t seen the world 
as it is
for a while 

but I refuse to close my eyes 
and abide 
by their lies

as a mother Searches 
for her child

all so some bastard can watch the sea
while it rises 
and dies

I hope this half gets me to payday 

although It wont take any pain way 

I can Stow it away 

for another day 

While it watches and waits for my minds decay

they left in 1921
but just took there guns 
to Jerusalem 

still a child throws a stone 
& they break bone
to break soul 

in the sky zanana’s flown 
to kick hope
show control

wains with nowhere to go 
forced to roam
with no home

a Folk with no gravestone
left alone 
not a rose 

Copyright © Tony OManachain | Year Posted 2024

Details | Tony Omanachain Poem

futile to the fed

they call it our independence
we were never dependent 
they'll rape our only mothers
make us repent it 
they'll sell our land
and bomb us when we tent on it 
they'll condemn our freedom 
after forcing us to shoot for it

morals are futile to the fed
to the hungry
different story

—Tony O'manachain

Copyright © Tony OManachain | Year Posted 2024

Book: Reflection on the Important Things