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Best Poems Written by Naldeem Bout

Below are the all-time best Naldeem Bout poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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When I look at you
nothing left to prove
your everything I'm not
and the reason for what I do
truth is we never met 
I just thought I should introduce
your boy without a clue
as to what his even gone do
when you step up to the plate
at a table for two
In a foreign avenue
with a type of nostalgic view
something like the movies
nothing realer than you though
a smile like honey dew
got me feeling like something new

I wish I could be more
cause whatever you deserve
is way out of my league
so much it even hurts
to know that I can't reciprocate
all of the worth I'm receiving 
every word
translates into your voice
and to me it means the world.

I never had this
and without it now I don't 
know how I can manage
so glad we came together
pray this is how God planned it
cause with His blessing
love would leave us with the advantage

If you were really here 
I'd say all of this and more
for now I'm content
sending messages in poems
I hope it make your day where ever you'll be going.
somebody loves you
you don't need me there to know it.

Copyright © Naldeem Bout | Year Posted 2024

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On your mind

You got too much on your mind
answers you can't seem to find
I was hoping to remind you
stay lit you still alive
so much hurting in these times
One thing certain though I find
If you give up then you die
Keep your head up
you'll be fine

frog in your throat
alot in your boat
feels like you sinking
barely staying afloat
wanna throw in the rope
wanna write em a note
cause the way your life going
its the end of the road

Ain't the end of it though
still got so much to show
your a part of God's beauty
His creative in you
always showing the world
what the greatest can do
keep a wreck in the storm
You'd know that if you knew him.

You got too much on your mind
answers you can't seem to find
I was hoping to remind you
stay lit you still alive
so much hurting in these times
One thing certain though I find
If you give up then you die
Keep your head up
you'll be fine
You got too much on your mind
answers you can't seem to find
I was hoping to remind you
stay lit you still alive
so much hurting in these times
One thing certain though I find
If you give up then you die
Keep your head up
you'll be fine

Keep the hope alive
if you lead a lonely life
no your not the only one
cause sometimes we think alike
got so much more in common
than we care to keep in sight
when we're focused on the problems
seems too dark to see the light
but let Jesus be your guide
keep believing deep inside
cause the victor wins by faith
let your dreams defeat the night
but let Jesus be your guide
keep believing deep inside
cause the victor wins by faith
let your dreams defeat the night

Copyright © Naldeem Bout | Year Posted 2024

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Till I get there

Much debated
Unphased yet constantly grazed with
Bullets filled with hate
I made up my mind
That I wont delay it

Dream for which my heart bleeded
Denied but the price I paid way to great
To forfeit for the reason for being
I’m not decaying
So easily I found meaning
In breathing with or without anyone seeing
don’t need em if they got nothing God given
Believe it

I’m better off on my own
Stuck between God and a hard place
In my zone and not too far from my home.
Still roaming

I ain’t stopping till I get there
swear I see it like I been there
But they don’t see it wanna kill me
stood together for my downfall
that’s all they wanted for me

To the son I never had
I’m sorry you don’t have a dad
That’s my biggest regret on the other hand I’m glad
I don’t want you in my shoes or my shadow that be bad
Being strong and too alone disadvantages I had 
To my wife swore loved you to the point it made me mad
You were always out of reach I could never understand
I kept trying to make contact but the number that I rang
Always left me disconnected when reality came back

But I ain’t stopping till I get there
swear I see it like I been there
But they don’t see it wanna kill me
stood together for my downfall
that’s all they wanted for me

Copyright © Naldeem Bout | Year Posted 2024

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Am I too late?

Am I too late or way too early?
Why am I waiting here so long?
I miss someone I've never met,
burdened with love too strong
I am a mess and yes I know it
without you I can't keep going on
and yet my only motivation
is that you face will light the dawn.

Please don't forever be a stranger,
I built my life on fairytales
wishing to see the fairest beauty
the sweetest soul, my serenade
love for which love could only makeup
truth in a world that often lies
held in my hand one that won't let go
held in my heart whom I said yes too.

Am I too late or way too early?
Waiting for you most of my life,
Only to know how much you love me
always in hope that you still want me.
Please don't forever be a stranger
time couldn't let you get away
you are my fondest distant memory
before you came, your meant to stay.

Copyright © Naldeem Bout | Year Posted 2024

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To: Love

If I had to dedicate it
this one goes to love
the kind that says that knowing you
is simply enough
no prerequisites or mysterious what ifs
tryna get more than I got
when God gave me such a gift
I'm so grateful for the benefit of friendship
that friends with benefits always seem to miss and mess up
You don't need to dress up for me to see your special
if that is what it takes than I'm just blind and superficial
for real
that God made you
enough for me to praise Him
His workmanship amazing
and that would be the case even if your not my lady
been thinking of you lately, loving you like crazy
praying that you will take me
this heart's been risking breaking
that's a part of life
when you take a chance on maybe
maybe it works out
and I can see you daily
look into your eyes
and embrace all of your frailty
there's no way you'll fail me
too perfect for me lady
worth every second, breath and heartbeat God gave me.
I swear His still using you to save me.
Your what the fuel to my flames be.
I'm a canvas your the color in my painting.

Copyright © Naldeem Bout | Year Posted 2024

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To my sister

saw you tonight with a black and blue eye
and I felt like a coward not hitting your guy
you suffer abuse while all I gots a clue of what it can do to you
and what it feels like
to be alone with nobody to help
their only voices trying to tell you their good advice
like they good at life
and you make mistakes like that's all you get right
even though you feeling like an outcast
I believe in you and love you never doubt that
Everything you did girl forget about that
and forgive yourself lets get around that
pass on the past and speak now facts
your beautiful no matter how bad
nobody's perfect, nobody's worth it
but Jesus said you know I got that.
She cost too much gimme the price tag
I die for you to get your life back
I'll love you till you get your smile back
I'll be your strength so you can fight back
I'm never far call and I'm right back
cause I'm right there, listening
there really aint no distancing
when you draw near I'm nearer then
your closest breath, I'm not upset
I know your time is not up yet
still in my hands I'm not done yet
hold on don't ever say I quit
the apple of my eye
my hearts delight
you are a queen
in my sight
Don't ever think that I'd forget you
Don't ever think that I'd forget you
I'm always with you I never left you
I'm always with you I never left you

Copyright © Naldeem Bout | Year Posted 2024

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Living in my Mommas house

livin in my mommas house
current job can't buy me out
feel like 69 I need clout
future uncertain I'm in doubt
got no respect,
get no respect
if ain't got money than i don't mean 
got gifts and talents I'm too well equipped
but I ain't a sell out so they don't see 
used to smoke weed I loved to get lit
facing a relapse, I might take a sip
they waiting to call me a fiend and a drunk
hearing my skillz theys can't you hear what I want
I live for the music
and God's number one
He gave me the chance
I took my shotgun
I'm letting Him drive me in the right direction.
if its the end guess who I trust in
not in no body, no booty bugatti, and not in money, to you it seems funny
I made regardless of all this i know cause I ain't got nothin even to this day
left a dream I've envisioned my whole life
can't give it away. to make it I pray
the stress got me so under pressure, I'm lifting the weight 
till I become great
I got a purpose I know it
already know where I'm going
screw what they say what I'm doing
is ballin to keep the ball rollin
I got a purpose I know it
already know where I'm going
screw what they say what I'm doing
is movin till I start a movement

livin in my mommas house
got no children got no spouse
zero in my bank account
too in debt to bail me out
come on heart don't fail me now
where these legs gone take now
hope these arms can break me out
work hard play hard break me off
gimme the bread, gimme the cake, gimme the cheese
gimme buffet
I want it all gimme bigger plate
save for dessert ain't no way
all this dough ain't going to waste
I did it for love and not for the taste
call my moms we'll celebrate
I told her this day was comin someday
didn't believe but at least let me stay
something that's beyond me
but I plan to repay.

Copyright © Naldeem Bout | Year Posted 2024

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I see you

I see you
I feel you
aint nobody been around long enough
to even  begin to
look within you
understand what's the reason for all you've been through
they keep drawing conclusions and conversation continues
but if you listen to reason
your life it has meaning
youv'e been predestined
in session is class
the lesson is being
what you can see they aint seeing
make em believe it retreating
is not an option
no stopping
until you get to the top

let em see the fire in your eyes
let em feel the temperature rise
let em recognise that they can't denies
it's your destiny they despise
watch em breaking out in a sweat
cause they know you ain't begun yet
this your moment so set alight
your shine betwixt all this night
the world is a weight you can't drop
that doesn't you can't lift it up
stronger than you think
so much left to give
even after taking what they want

I see you
I feel you
aint nobody been around long enough
to even  begin to
look within you
understand what's the reason for all you've been through
they keep drawing conclusions and conversation continues

but let em see the fire in your eyes
let em feel the temperature rise
let em recognise that they can't denies
it's your destiny they despise
watch em breaking out in a sweat
cause they know you ain't begun yet
this your moment so set alight
your shine betwixt all this night

Copyright © Naldeem Bout | Year Posted 2024

Book: Reflection on the Important Things