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Best Poems Written by Leila Knutson

Below are the all-time best Leila Knutson poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Tanka Haiku Cinquain Combo

A mandala sun
the evening sky expanding
past the pollution

in the midst of
the drama and chaos
a miniature miracle
that is

nature’s gift to us
the sunset cherry blossoms
twirling down to earth
plethora of pink petals
landing among mere mortals

Copyright © Leila Knutson | Year Posted 2023

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alone in the woods
all is completely silent
relatively calm
except for me and my thoughts
racing and running away

Copyright © Leila Knutson | Year Posted 2023

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How to survive middle school

Always be sarcastic, but not so much that it's rude.
Be very careful to pretend not to notice what others think.
Clothes don't matter, but they do. They really do.
Don't be annoying, just be yourself. But better.
Every teacher has feelings, so don't hurt them (intentionally).
Funny is funny until it's not.
Girls must focus on their appearance, but act like they don't.
Hello isn't something you say. Hey. Hi! How ya doin'?
Inside of the building, you usually have to wear a sweater.
Just remember, it doesn't last forever, only three years.
Knowing everything is good, but don't be a know-it-all.
Long hair isn't always better than short hair.
Mondays are just a day. Always remember that.
No one should have to eat by themselves. Invite them over? Maybe?
Only popular kids are popular. They just are.
Parents are NOT cool. At all. But they are useful with math homework.
Quit drugs before you start. Everyone should do well to remember that.
Recess is for little kids. Lunch (recess with food) is for everyone.
Struggling is normal, but don't admit you struggle.
Take the good electives. Only the good ones.
Unless your friends agree to it, don't add someone to your lunch group.
Very annoying people will forever be labeled as such.
Wednesday is hump day. Get through that, and you're golden.
Xmas is a time for giving. That's what the adults want you to say.
You can always find a loophole in homework. You just have to look for one.
Zero friends is what you'll have if you don't follow every rule.

Copyright © Leila Knutson | Year Posted 2023

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Apple Picking - Double Tanka

It wasn't just some,
the entire orchard was ripe!
Crisp fuji apples...
they would taste so good... maybe...
But I can't reach those! They're high!

I climb the ladder,
reach for an apple - and fall.
Come on! Grab it now!
Yay! I got it! Mmm... it's good.
Wait... is this the wrong orchard?

Copyright © Leila Knutson | Year Posted 2023

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Mixed Poem


One day I'll go to college, but where will I go?
It seems so soon, but will my life move slow?

How do I apply, and show what I know?
Should I make a list of every con and pro?

What school am I above, where I am below?
Do I decide with my friends, who I may outgrow?

Do I go where I want, and follow the flow?
How do I say goodbye, much less hello?

I wish I could see the answer...
where will I go?

Copyright © Leila Knutson | Year Posted 2024

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Random Animal Haikus

a small green gecko
smiling in the palapa
watching everything

arachnids calmly 
weave intricate spiderwebs
waiting in shadows

a striped iguana 
sunbathing on the smooth rocks
watching the ocean

hermit crabs scuttle
on wet sand, going nowhere,
only moving on

Copyright © Leila Knutson | Year Posted 2024

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The Rest of Goldilocks

Goldilocks was found lying in bed
at a house she broke into
they say she jumped out the window-
her fear of the bears was so great

but I know Goldilocks- 
she was my best friend in middle school
and my next-door neighbor.

I offered her oatmeal- she fainted
I invited her for a sleepover- she screamed
we went to the zoo- she ran home

But when we saw three bears walking in the woods, 
she calmly walked up to them 
and invited them for dinner.

I lost my best friend that night
for her only friend now is a bear.

Copyright © Leila Knutson | Year Posted 2024

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A single leaf floats to the ground,
bobbing and weaving through branches.
The color is red, turning brown.
I'm sure it will land sometime soon.

Maybe the wind will carry it.
A single leaf floats to the ground
but maybe it will fly, not float,
go higher instead of lower.

When it finally reaches ground,
what will become of the poor leaf?
A single leaf floats to the ground
probably to be decomposed.

It will be the first of many,
the pioneer, the ground breaker.
They will all follow the leader.
A single leaf floats to the ground.

Copyright © Leila Knutson | Year Posted 2023

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The Tower

It was covered by a blanket of moss

with a wood fence that looked as sturdy as 

a young child’s craft project, stretching across

a patio, the memory of jazz.

It had a tower on the balcony,

reaching towards the moon in the midnight sky.

A witches’ tower made with alchemy

in which a kidnapped girl, hostage, would cry.

It has a fierce lean, rivaling that of 

the famous Piza ruin, so extreme

it looks it will fall if you give a shove.

The castle, the image, must be a dream.

An old green forest, decaying behind

the stone castle, which I’m sure you can find.

Copyright © Leila Knutson | Year Posted 2024

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"Be not careless in deeds, nor confused in words, nor rambling in thoughts." (Marcus Aurelius)

In certain moments, less is more.
It's regarded as a cliche, 
but when you think hard about it,
it is true in many cases.

I'm not thinking in terms of wealth-
in certain moments, less is more.
Imagine a boring topic,
now someone rambles on about-

tax refunds, software management-
a bacterial infection.
In certain moments, less is more.
It will benefit everyone.

Think back to middle and high school-
your math teacher talking about
their lunch, then algebra, then pens. 
In certain moments, less is more.

Copyright © Leila Knutson | Year Posted 2024


Book: Reflection on the Important Things