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Best Poems Written by Adeeso Adeyemi

Below are the all-time best Adeeso Adeyemi poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Whispers of the Forest

In whispers of the forest, secrets untold,
Nature's mysteries, a tale to unfold.
Beneath the canopies, where shadows dance,
A symphony of life, in nature's trance.

The ancient trees stand tall and proud,
Their leafy crowns like a verdant shroud.
Whispers rustle through the emerald maze,
Unveiling wonders in the sun's golden rays.

Listen closely, hear the babbling brook,
Its laughter echoing, as if from a book.
Crystal waters meander through the land,
Carving paths in earth's eternal hand.

Creatures of enchantment roam with grace,
Through mossy carpets and fern's embrace.
Majestic deer tiptoe through dappled light,
Their gentle presence, a soothing sight.

The owls hoot in wisdom, wise and old,
Guiding lost souls to the secrets they hold.
Their eyes, like lanterns in the night,
Illuminate the stars with a celestial might.

But hark! What's that rustle in the thicket?
A fleeting glimpse of a fawn, agile and quick.
Nature's riddles keep us yearning for more,
An eternal quest, forever in awe.

The whispers of the forest, a mystical choir,
A sanctuary where spirits never tire.
In nature's embrace, we find solace and peace,
As its mysteries and wonders will never cease.

So let us wander, with open hearts and eyes,
Through hidden paths where magic lies.
For in the whispers of the forest, we'll find,
Nature's timeless beauty, forever entwined.

Copyright © Adeeso Adeyemi | Year Posted 2023

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A Mother's Journey

In shadows deep, where burdens dwell,
A mother's heart, a timeless spell,
Her journey etched in tears and pain,
A testament of love's refrain.

Through sleepless nights and weary days,
She walks a path, an endless maze,
Her spirit sturdy, never bends,
A fortress strong, her love transcends.

With trembling hands and tender touch,
She mends the wounds that hurt so much,
Her soothing voice, a calming breeze,
A harbor safe in stormy seas.

In darkest hour, when all seems lost,
Her strength emerges, tempest tossed,
A raging fire, fierce and bright,
She'll fight the battles, day and night.

Like Phoenix rising from the ash,
She spreads her wings, with flames that clash,
To shield her kin from harm's cruel gaze,
With love ablaze, in myriad ways.

Through sacrifice and selfless care,
Her dreams suspended in the air,
She nurtures dreams, their seeds ignite,
She fans their flames, ignites their light.

In every stumble, every fall,
She lifts them up, and stands tall,
Her unwavering faith takes flight,
A beacon guiding through the night.

With steady hand, she guides the way,
A compass true, through shades of gray,
Through storm and strife, she'll never tire,
Her love, a flame that won't expire.

For in her heart, a love untamed,
A love that's destined, never waned,
She'll raise them up, to heights unknown,
A testament of love, full-blown.

So let her rise, like Phoenix, soar,
With love unmatched, forevermore,
She'll shield, protect, and hold them near,
A mother's love, forever dear

Copyright © Adeeso Adeyemi | Year Posted 2023

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A Falling Star's Poetic Journey

When you see a star falling,
It's time to make a wish amending,
Stars are gifts of beauty divine,
Guiding through nights, they kindly shine,
And illuminate my darkened way,
Revealing glimpses of light each day.

My gleaming star still hangs above,
Infusing my life with purpose and love,
I am a child of the cosmos grand,
A steward of skies, destiny in hand,
Born amidst nebulae's collapse,
Embracing my cosmic heritage, perhaps.

I have forged a path I proudly tread,
A chosen journey where dreams are spread,
Though I may stumble and lose my ground,
It is not my demise that can be found,
For in each fall, a rebirth awaits,
Igniting the fire that resonates.

Here I stand, on the world's rim,
Stretching my hands, seeking to skim,
The essence of my shining star,
And make a wish, both near and far.

Grant me the strength to fulfill my quest,
A gentle nudge to bring out my best,
To discover the depths within my heart,
And let my falling star play its part,
Guiding me along my chosen way,
Where dreams twinkle, and hopes shall stay.

Copyright © Adeeso Adeyemi | Year Posted 2023

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A Journey From Solitude To Hope

In the depths of solitude, a poet dwells,
A lover of words, where silence swells.
His heart, once vibrant, now laden with pain,
A life shattered, lost in a torrential rain.

A child, once joyous, his laughter's delight,
Now a memory that fades in the night.
A marriage, once promising, crumbled apart,
Leaving him broken, with a wounded heart.

Yet, amidst the darkness, a flicker remained,
A glimmer of hope that still sustained.
For deep within his spirit, a fire burned,
A steadfast belief, a lesson hard-earned.

Depression's grip tightened, a relentless foe,
But he clung to faith, refusing to let go.
In the depths of despair, he found solace there,
Whispering prayers, releasing his care.

Like a solitary phoenix, he emerged from the flame,
With resilience and strength, he overcame.
For trials and tribulations had shaped his soul,
And from the ashes, a stronger man he'd grow.

He sought solace in the verses he penned,
Pouring his anguish, a cathartic blend.
With each stroke of the pen, he found release,
A balm for his wounds, a gentle peace.

And as he shared his poems, he touched hearts anew,
For in his words, others found solace too.
His story became a testament of grace,
A beacon of hope in a desolate place.

Through the darkest nights, he trusted in God,
His unwavering faith, a staff and a rod.
And from the depths of despair, he arose,
A testament to resilience, where hope freely flows.

So let his tale be a reminder to all,
That in our darkest hours, we need to recall,
That even when we stumble, lose our way,
We can rise like the phoenix, find light in the gray.

Copyright © Adeeso Adeyemi | Year Posted 2023

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A Love Reborn

In shadows she wandered, a heart in despair,
For love's cruel embrace had left her threadbare.
Failure upon failure, the scars deeply worn,
A woman once vibrant, now tattered and torn.

Each stumble, each heartbreak, etched in her soul,
She yearned for a love that would make her heart whole.
But doubt whispered softly, like a lingering pain,
"Love's sweet illusions, will they come back again?"

Years turned to seasons, the hope grew so dim,
She questioned if love was a tale she'd never win.
Yet fate has its way, weaving stories untold,
And love, like a comet, will not be controlled.

In a moment unexpected, love's path crossed her way,
A spark in her eyes, as doubts began to sway.
This love she'd been dreaming, against all odds found,
She clung to its essence, her heart tightly bound.

In disbelief she stood, with a trembling heart,
For she had known love's touch, but it tore her apart.
But this time was different, a flame pure and bright,
She vowed to protect it, with all of her might.

No longer afraid to embrace love's embrace,
She cherished the moments, in their tender grace.
Through valleys and mountains, their souls intertwined,
She held on to love, her doubts left behind.

For what was once lost, had now been restored,
In the depths of her being, love's essence outpoured.
She refused to let go, not for a second in time,
For this love, she knew, was eternally divine.

So she danced with abandon, in love's warm embrace,
With scars as reminders, of strength and of grace.
For the woman who faltered, in love's cruel past,
Had found her redemption, a love meant to last.

Copyright © Adeeso Adeyemi | Year Posted 2023

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The Woman In Her

Her silence was her silent grieve,
A veil that few could ever perceive,
But deep within, a fire burned,
A fighter's spirit, undeterred and unturned.

She was no weak soul, as they thought,
A woman with courage, battle fought,
Resilient, bold, and strong at heart,
A woman king, who'd never depart.

In her soul, a fire burning bright,
She will rise from the ashes, take her rightful flight,
A woman of strength, of power, and grace,
In her journey, she will find her rightful place.

Though, darkness may assail,
She will stand tall and strong, her spirit shall prevail.
For she's a woman, a king deep within her core,
Unyielding, unbroken, forever she will soar.

Copyright © Adeeso Adeyemi | Year Posted 2023

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The Soul Healer

Gentle as a dove,
Eyes mirroring the vast ocean.
They dwell in solitude, their thoughts veiled.
Giving more than taking,
They seek and dream through life's commotion.
Unraveling the secrets it has woven.

Their place lies amidst nature's embrace,
Gifted by God with music and grace,
Endowed to mend souls, to heal and embrace.

An aura of zest and zeal they exude,
In worlds of fantasy and imagination, they elude.
Driven not by demons, but a desire to heal,
To share their unique view of a mundane ordeal,
Breathing fresh life into the mundane and surreal.

Sacrificing all for the sake of art,
Weathering life's lightning storms with a fiery heart.
Lovers of words, architects of thoughts they prove,
Aiding hearts to mend, souls to move.
They are the healer of Souls.

Dedicated to all poets.

Copyright © Adeeso Adeyemi | Year Posted 2023

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Emotional Bond

In the midst of a raging storm dance,
A man of strength takes up his stance,
Against the storm that seeks to tend,
The ties that bind, he won't rescind.

His weary eyes survey the bed,
Where his little fragile boy lay,
A little fighter, heart so bold,
Seeking comfort as life unfolds.

Father's gaze meets son's own light,
Their spirit connected so tight,
In a moment of silence, they find peace,
Laughter and songs, their emotions release.

The boy, fragile, yet full of grace,
Beams with a smile upon his face,
Knowing his time is drawing near,
He holds the vision, crystal clear.

"Heaven awaits," the boy proclaims,
"Together still, in timeless frames.
I'll be your guide, your angel true,
Watching over, forever new."

With heavy heart, the father weeps,
A love so deep, eternally keeps,
Their bond alive, though world's apart,
He carries on, with broken heart.

Through storms and trials, he'll endure,
His little boy's love ever pure,
A whispered serenade, their strong connection,
In cherished memories, they both belong.

Copyright © Adeeso Adeyemi | Year Posted 2023

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The King's New Hope

In days of old, a king of Hope did reign,
With joyous heart, he welcomed a new gain.
He was expecting a child, a son to bless his days,
A future bright, a hope that never fades.

In his preparation, plans were set in place,
His kingdom joyous, smiles on every face.
But fate, unkind, upon him cast its shadow,
The wicked world stole his joy, a heavy blow.

His son, the light of his life, was taken,
Leaving the king utterly forsaken.
Devastated, lost, the king lost his way,
Identity shattered, no longer to sway.

Yet, like a phoenix, he rose from despair,
His heart still filled with love, he could not bear,
To see two young phoenix boys lost and crying,
Yearning for a father's undying love.

He gazed upon them with a father's heart,
Accepted, adopted, a brand new start.
He guided them with wisdom, love, and care,
A bond formed, a family, a love so rare.

Through trials and sorrows, they found their way,
Together they faced each new coming day.
The king, now whole, a father to these two,
A love so strong, forever it grew.

And in the depths of their hearts, they knew,
A new hope born, from sorrow once it flew.
For in the love of this king and his young,
A family's strength, a bond tightly strung.

Copyright © Adeeso Adeyemi | Year Posted 2023

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Song of Songs

In the world where melodies resides,
Where notes and rhythms flows,
There lies a song, a timeless guide,
An orchestra of the divine.

It starts with a whisper, soft and low,
A gentle hum that stirs the soul,
A melody that begins to grow,
A seed of music taking its toll.

From the depths of hearts it springs,
A chorus of emotions, it sings,
With every verse, a story unfolds,
An embroidery of story untold.

It weaves it's spell,
A language that all can understand,
It speaks of love, of joy, of farewell,
Of dreams that slip through our hands.

It captures the essence of life's sweet dance,
The highs and lows, the twists and turns,
It echoes the laughter, the tears, the chance,
To feel alive as the music yearns.

It vibrates in the depths of our being,
A universal language, so deep,
It go beyonds borders, cultures and seeing,
A bridge that connects us , all around.

From lullabies that calm a restless night,
To anthems that ignite a fiery fight,
It holds the key,
To unlock the depths of our humanity.

So let us sing, let us raise our voice,
In harmony, let our spirits rejoice,
For in this orchestra, we find our way,
A deed to the power of what we say.

Forever it plays,
In the hearts of those who dare to listen,
A melody that lingers, never decays,
A timeless gift, a musical mission.

Copyright © Adeeso Adeyemi | Year Posted 2023


Book: Shattered Sighs