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Best Poems Written by Edward Orozco

Below are the all-time best Edward Orozco poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Forever Dance

it's been a while since I last felt alone yet happy The sun dances in the sky, and I smile for such beauty only is of God At times I find myself deep in thought to a dreaming point even It's kind of funny that I hangout with my shadow it is my favorite poet A part of me who will not change it's heart towards my mind A romeo speaking of truth and beauty, a lover of women and whom they are Women the flowers of Gods garden, all with their own uniqueness I knew of love once, she promised her heart would never turn But just like that her heart not only turned but felt for another Words call and break on rooted feeling but dry on shallow ground She sprinkled color into my life, I lived only on black and white Good or bad, but she showed me hope and faith, how to dream Verses flowed and passion grew I loved her more than anything in the world I only feared not being at her side, death herself had no grip on me Events came to be that shaped today, everywhere I look she's absent I never got the chance to tell her from my soul I loved her A part of me died since I last seen her, yet I don't feel empty Memories of what once was still linger past my mind and heart Maybe someday I will cross her path again and I will smile Today she's happy and I stay away for she deserves this God given joy Because of what I once felt for her I died to her her long ago It brings tears to my heart that I too let my heart turn I once believed in true love yet my heart proves this otherwise in my spirit She once said you can love one without being with them I realize this true I don't know why I am writing of her, if all I feel for her is compassion I pray to never see her again, and even tho I run into her now and then I see her not All I see is a person, the woman I once loved so dearly got buried with my past Perhaps putting it all behind me for good is what is best Let the sun dance and my soul rejoice that my heart no longer feels but sees

Copyright © Edward Orozco | Year Posted 2013

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A Heart To Remember

Cold words fall deaf upon the joyful heart
A memory keeps its meaning until death makes it no more 
Her brush always spoke to me, her canvas was my souls imagination
Her soft lips, her beautiful eyes never will I forget for with her I became a man
A nightfall always brought  dreams of holding her, I love her 
She paints to the song that plays over and over again in her heart 
I miss her more than ever
I weep to the heavens and call her name, yet she is absent from my eyes
All I have is the memories, which only God can pull from me 
Her kisses always rose me to the highest point of my self love
When she held my hand I floated carefree 
I love her, she is my heart and I will always remember

Copyright © Edward Orozco | Year Posted 2012

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Art of the Heart

Some write to write, others to please their own romance and love
I write to enchant thy heart, and thy imagination, thy vision
To tell yee the truth I write to please my desire, to fulfill a personal mission
For I am to touch the souls of men into the right path with God our lord from above

When yee find thyself in the open pause thy heart and look at your surroundings
Pay audience to nature herself, for she comes alive but by His breath of life that creates
Open thy ear, feel the peace that flows in the open air, hear yee not the wind it sings!
Whom but all poets shall come to open eyes, for their gift is to see and write to appreciate

Walk in thy own path, make thy own life come to life
Thank Him everyday for thy joy, for thy own peace
For sooner than the sun sets for eternity will His return be, and all time will cease
Drink thy wine, live life with joy, and be true to thy wife

For it is promised that yee shall receive no more than thee can bare
As He knows of thy hearts smallest desires, and will provide, if thee seeks Him first
Jump with tears of gratitude, for He promised a Bright tomorrow
Will no one believe, as in the times of Noah? Believeth so for all must end, all sorrow

With each passing sun He nears
Yet the world stands idly by, no one even fears
The heart of the earth finds itself celebrating and ill in fake cheers
Little do they know, that He will arrive in times of sleep and with an army of spears

Hear the message for it is not I that write to thy aid, but our Lord himself for he loves us all
as all men were created equal, and some to speak to hearts
Feel the burden that dwells on my heart, and read on before thy soul departs
Rejoice in my art, as I bring about the art that comes from the heart

Copyright © Edward Orozco | Year Posted 2009

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An Angels Wing

My dearest friend, i truly hope these words of council find you well
Word has come upon my ear that you are in much need of a warm speech
Means find me not suited to come exchange words personally, yet my soul is with you
Yes many moons have passed since we last stood to our own shadows, this i cant deny
Only if you knew of recent events that have scared my spirit deeply ever now
Loose not thy faith, for at times like this it is the only warmth that one could find real
The hand of life presses firmly on, yet i plea to you and stand strong it will be hard
Open your eyes, and bless Him that loves us all, His life he gave that you may draw breath
Gently feel the wind, listen it whispers of better times that are still to come
Pay mind to the wise council of God, for joy lays in the days of he whom keeps it
Lift your troubles, embrace the present, look back knowing it's long gone
Learn if you can, mistakes only aid the growth of wisdom in each spirit
Ignore the tounges that speak to their own benefit, seek the joy of your own soul
Dont you see tomorrow they claim their joy, least you whom still seeks to theirs
Aid those whom you can, tomorrows moon will look down upon you with gratitude
For those whom aid the sons of God, build treasure up in heven where rust ceases to be
Let the colors of life be painted unto your canvas where your story begins
Bear the fruits of whom you are high, for life alone is but a gift
Love with your all, make mistakes we all fall short from the glory of God
He knows you better than anyone else, love Him and see his blessing poured unto you
Listen that my verse fades unto nothing, pause and take note of facts that stand
My knowledge comes from one greater over all the earth
Jehova my God loves you, take  then hope beneath my wing, and angels wing

Copyright © Edward Orozco | Year Posted 2011

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Jeremiah Is His Name

An empty room was the scenery to his death
Not a single living soul was present to witness the events that took place
A sliding door covered with a mirror spoke back to him with his own reflection words spoken and breath
A change he saw in the playful mirror, he had a different face

A broken heart powered his spirit, a spirit that had lost all sense of direction
Fake, selfish to the heart he crawled into his path
All along yearning for his fathers attention
A feeling that he never met, for he was truly lost in the yearning of affection

Anger flowed in his heart
Hope was locked up, it wasn't free always it had a bail
He never truly mean to harm anyone, yet the ones closest to him felt it all, saw his spirit fail
Alas all was lost, his family, his dreams slapped him awake, awake to his reality in part

All alone, at the bottom of the pit
His heart was bleeding and not a soul around to aid him, he fell to his knees
With his heart in his hand, reaching for the sky, he asked Jesus to take his heart and dwell in it
An ugly howl of the mind with the spirit and soul all at one, gasping for air, for life he said "please"

Shattered, his all, he was nothing but dirt with dirt
His eyes blinded by the endless tears could not see the sky, a beautiful night it was
He asked with all his mind, heart and spirit to be forgiven for his past, for his fault for his flaws
At point zero he blacked out, he died

In his death he saw a light, brighter that the sun itself, it blinded the heart 
A presence he had never felt before came over him, yet there was no fear
Pleaing to his understanding, he knew it was good, and that shortly he would awake from his sleep
Wrong, for the light drew closer and it even spoke, at the words that vented into him, he did weep

A sense of security, of purity overwhelmed his body
Afraid he was not, for His Lord was the light
In the beginning, from the very start He was there to guide him into life herself, teaching him how to fight
Darkpoet died that night, but a new being was born! In the name of Jesus Christ, he was called Jeremiah

-God, father I have been seeking you all my life,
Here I am Lord to serve You, My King.
Jeremiah I shall be, to write for You Father.

Jeremiah Eduardo Orozco

Copyright © Edward Orozco | Year Posted 2009

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Corazon De Papel

Aveces pienso en tu sonrisa
Bajo las nubes me pongo a suspirar
Mas las estrellas claman tu nombre
En tus brazos como quisiera estar
Mis lagrimas son como la lluvia
Tu memoria canta en mi corazon
Y en lo mas alto del cielo esta tu cara
Tu memoria hoy es mi vida

Copyright © Edward Orozco | Year Posted 2010

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A Brush

She rested upon the edge of her desk, lifeless for there was no paint in her hair
The world arose and it too did set in light to her view
Lonely she wept, as the paint teased her emotions, and tears did flow 
Greens and yes many blues
Lost, no direction the canvas yelled in agony, for fear of emptiness
Her only desire to be caressed by the hair of the brush
Beauty would be the medium, the track to unite the brush that just sat and the weeping canvas
Blank, no message emotionless for color was no where to meet the eye
Tears made the oil-based paint thin to water-color and yet not a single stroke to joy
The brush saw the crying canvas, it rose to her foot and gently dried the canvas tears of fear
Her color did stay
A heart it formed, love was to display
Alas a love that would for ever stay
Like a tatto, for a lifetime there
Her hair brushed and brushed
The canvas smiled with joy it revealed
A huge heart and they called it love
Ink grew and time stood still
For the power is countless to a strong will
The brush paused, it dried
Dead in color her message lives on til this day
In many hearts a canvas weeps, awaiting the beauty of art
Comeforth and reveal its love

Copyright © Edward Orozco | Year Posted 2009

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I lose my self in thought only to surrender myself yet again to you
The irony bites my soul and still I don't know what to feel
You leave and I die inside I miss you 
If only things could have been a little different yet it is what it is
I can still feel your lips on my neck, your scent fulfilling my hearts glee
Where as you go on as if I never existed it hurts to know I meant nothing to you
I pause to the sun and question His will of me 
He brings joy into my life only to take it when I find the affection drawn by my heart
I miss you.

Copyright © Edward Orozco | Year Posted 2011

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O God of Mine

Lord, let me not fall
Hold me, embrace me in your arms
Father God in You i trust with my all
For your love is perfect and true
All is to come, but by your will
Father dont forget me, as i leave my flesh
Thank you Jesus

Copyright © Edward Orozco | Year Posted 2010

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The Eight Heart

Do not be afraid
So walk in the name of love
I, with open arms

Copyright © Edward Orozco | Year Posted 2010


Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry