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Best Poems Written by Robert Plentychief

Below are the all-time best Robert Plentychief poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Going Home

Been away and gone for so long I don't know what's waiting for me at home. 

I came to this world a stranger treated like an oddity that was meant to be left alone

Not knowing the words never feeling the love hate taught me how too be alone

For years as a freak treated like a dog not knowing that it wasn't my fault

Looking for the way out to stay out of the way to not be seen or heard at all

Finally got a voice finally can be heard yet still don't belong still nobody knows 

The once discarded burden out of the blue becomes an asset an upper hand 

A voice of a stranger but the body of an outcast and Still can't find where I belong 

Stop trying to belong stop trying to fit in was blessed with a gift a voice from God

Meant to teach meant to guide meant to remember meant to be both light and dark

Forever leaving not any where to go nowhere too be but easy too leave

No roots no ties only the knowledge the Blessing of the universe just be me

I miss home but I don't know if I've ever been home no matter where I go

Time  to look at me from deep inside tired of leaving time for a rest time to live

No one knows the path I've been on its time to share time to share my story

All I have are these memories and a hope and a dream that one day I'll be home.

Copyright © Robert Plentychief | Year Posted 2022

Details | Robert Plentychief Poem

And Then He Died

Now in our lives we forget about the love we felt and remember the hurt we gave.
 In our lives we die a thousand times.
 When we died no one cried .
We live like there's no tomorrow, and when we we are dead it's just like a carnival. 
No one knows why no one knows when all they do know is one day we died.
 Never did we say cry and mourn, just once if because of our deeds we ask not a tear no, not a sob not a soul should ever mourn, for what's already gone.

But rejoice the release the excess of love.
 There is no reason and there is no time to ponder the moments.
To ask ourselves if we knew you well or if we knew you not.
 Should it be done so we use regret to ponder the wealth savor the knowledge.
 That we don't get if we had asked we would never forget.
 Never should it seem due is owed. It's not the cost it's not the price.
 It will forever be did we know when he left. 
We have so much time. Why can't we try? Why did they go? it's not bout how it's not about when. 
We make a list, we know what we want when its all done. 
We feel the contempt. 
That's all we know, all we loved will never be the same. the once felt love is now just a dream. 
Our lives are sacred. our love precious. we ask for help. we cry for an ear. 
It's over now so there's no more tears. Live isn't over life never ends.
 i ask that the energy you spend scratching your skulls, Wondering why? when did we quit saying I love you.  I miss you.
 I just wish. I just want, I ask that you hear from my prayers,that I wish you could hear, from all of my heart in your short lived tears that only one thing matters.
 that once I lived I once was here. Not when I died not where I rest. But for a brief shiny moment I was alive and once lived here.

. Hau hece tu yedo, ake wanna wacekiya, taku wakan omakiya heh canku duta Nina tehi yedo. Omakiya wicizani heh mazani Nina sica hena niwiconi nina waste ake nina wopida ata ohitika waste. Heh nina wopida anpetu waste wacekiya waste, wana wamakaska makasitomnia oyasin mitakuya pi. Wopida tonka nitakoja heh wiconi waste nina wopida tonka!!!!
That's the way it is lets again pray.  Creator help me live this road is hard. My Life was both good and bad thank you for the courage to live and making each day sacred day to pray. Please allow me to join the universe and be a part of all its wonders. Thank you for the life and love of my grand children.
Mahto Tehinda Pi - Bear that cherishes All

Copyright © Robert Plentychief | Year Posted 2021

Details | Robert Plentychief Poem

Cry Silent

No one heard no one listened 
Now you're gone and everyone is trippin
You were so young no one payed attention
A fly on the wall a part of our life.
Our voice don't matter it hurts me to know you're gone.
No sees us no one feels our pain they look past us wishing we'd go away.
Another statistic one more dead soul. It's not your fault that that the world just didn't know
Our hearts weep now that you're gone we always saw you for the blessing that you are
You were left alone to die as in life when you needed it most no one by your side
We tried and we tried to be a family you wanted we're left to feel alone now today we cry 
You're in a better place we'll miss you always please check in on us. We miss you we Need you you'll live forever in our hearts always
Rest well lost one

Copyright © Robert Plentychief | Year Posted 2022

Details | Robert Plentychief Poem

Where Is Tomorrow

Looking for tomorrow wishing for the future.  Don't know what's gonna happen today, but I wish it was tomorrow.

No one can see me no one can feel what I'm feeling.  It's all in your mind take you meds instead of wishing to be dead.

Today isn't hard yesterday was harder,. If I look into myself I can see who I want to be , if I try real hard I can set myself free.

Tomorrow will be better if I find who I am I can forget who I was but learn from them both so I can make a life tomorrow.

Copyright © Robert Plentychief | Year Posted 2022

Details | Robert Plentychief Poem


So many nights not sleeping a wink wishing I could for an hour not feel the pain.

Everything hurts no one understands, you're gonna be ok you'll be fine, it's all in your head. 

Why am I sad? is it because no one hears? 
Nobody understands the pain "you're strong get over it".

Beginning to doubt, no longer believe, my faith is shattered.  When I fell no one took my hand.

Why do I need to go on? I'm left here all alone.  All I want is to be able to just close my eyes, feel no pain.

My eyes force themselves open try to find the light instead of light all it sees are bright flames.

Waves of destruction, thought of death.  No one was there no one cares if I'm here or not.

Once, twice, three times, tried to burn it down.  Each and everytime an unexpected angel saved my life.

It's not their name or their motive, it was the fact that though still in darkness finally someone cared.

Tough choices I'll have to lose something, if I'm to gain what will make life, not as it was but better.

Eyes wide open, give of my heart, body and soul,. It's all become clear, life's lessons are always hard earned.

I've paid my dues, earned my wisdom, The true power of life is in the surrender and not control.

Angels in disguise are still meant for what they are... A sign from the universe I'm still here please don't quit.

One life saved one positive choice.  Like dominos of life.  Each one connects and creates life.

I thank God for all I have for all my learned.  I choose life I choose now I will never again say I'm done.

Copyright © Robert Plentychief | Year Posted 2022

Details | Robert Plentychief Poem

No More Tomorrow

Sitting in the moonlight thinking about tomorrow 
Waiting for the darkness to fade into the light.
Wish I had another hour another minute with you in my life.
Thinking of your smile hearing your laugh. You're so beautiful, I knew it wouldn't last.
Life if just a dream, filled with pain and sorrow,. My time with you made me wish we had tomorrow

Copyright © Robert Plentychief | Year Posted 2021

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Eternal Night

For one night, we loved a lifetime.
We found each other in a world of darkness, drawn to each other by fate or love.
Living each second like it was our last
Neither of us knowing what the future holds 
But for one night, just that night we tried our hardest to make up for thirty years of lost love.
Never in my lifetime will there ever compare my one night, to any.... No all others in the past of the future.
Your body and mine, were meant  to be together. And our fit and our passion will forever be written Inda stars as a night of total alignment in the universe.
And for one night just one night you were mine.

Copyright © Robert Plentychief | Year Posted 2022

Details | Robert Plentychief Poem


Living free yet a prisoner in my mind
Knowing what its like be free and love
Without you locking the world out 
Blocking any emotion, wanting to feel but afraid to have feelings.

Out of the dark a shining beacon of hope
Drawn to you like a month to a flame
So close without fear of burning
As always  love and life is a price
I paid with my love my heart for yours

From then until now my love is there
I can't feel nothing but that first kiss
That day you swore to be mine 
My heart and soul rose to the stars 
The last the only I don't need a new wife

A gazillion stars in the sky each night 
Bright like the sun bringing my smile
Drawn to you from a million miles
Only one this night til the nights are gone
Your light is the star that leads me home

I found my love found my life 
Always and forever you're my wife
Forever and always my heart is yours
I'm happiest when you're near
But I'm happier just knowing you are there

Copyright © Robert Plentychief | Year Posted 2022

Details | Robert Plentychief Poem

Celebrating Life

We lose loved ones friends enemies.  The impact of the heart of that lost one is felt like a ripple in a pond.  Love and loss is part of the natural order.  It's internment, it's reuniting, it's grief and happiness.  The thought of living with an emptiness a hollow spot inside our hearts and mind.  It's the seed of hope as well as the seed of doubt. The hope that they are in a better state a better place without pain and suffering.  And the doubt that we will ever be the same now that their gone.  But time moves forward but there are wounds time can't heal. So we celebrate while we are here and when we go we celebrate life just the same.

Copyright © Robert Plentychief | Year Posted 2022

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Times were hard  my heart took a beating I felt so bad when you stopped breathing.

Mom, I remember the day that you went away, All of our hopes and prayers, wishing you would stay.

It tore at my heart sitting by your side. Knowing every breath was one closer to the other side.

You gave us a gift, you gave us all life, You made us appreciate all the gifts of life.

Baby bro still hurts, feels all your pain. It broke my heart, He said "Mom don't go! We need you! Please stay!"

We all stood together, we held our heads high. You're at the edge of heaven. Watching the world go by.

Our hearts still hurt, yet life moves on. But always Mom, in our hearts, your spirit lives on.

Robert Plenty Chief

"Mahto Tehinda Pi"

Copyright © Robert Plentychief | Year Posted 2021


Book: Shattered Sighs