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Best Poems Written by Yoni Dvorkis

Below are the all-time best Yoni Dvorkis poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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God Is Love

Love is an authority.
It dictates choice and consequence
and joins together all the wayward lamenters
who grieve at their loss of purity.

Love is an actuality.
It breathes new life into masochists
who wished to die a thousand times over
and prey upon the weak and fragile.

When you let love in at first, it may seem out of place,
like a foreign object lodged in your chest, a parasite
feeding on the brains of its host, thriving in darkness,
blood-letting leeches drain this swollen heart...

But love does not enforce kindness; only offers a gentle reminder
for anyone who's forgotten how great it feels
to give for the sake of giving
and not be afraid of his own shadow.

Copyright © Yoni Dvorkis | Year Posted 2009

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Dark Ages

If in one thousand years they'll ask me
What made this one so different 
I'll say lust for purity  
And control lingered on
Only this time God
Was shaped like an 
'S' with two
Lines through

Copyright © Yoni Dvorkis | Year Posted 2009

Details | Yoni Dvorkis Poem

Probing the Unconscious Space

If the unbearable lightness of being has pushed you to the brink of catastrophic meltdown,
walk to the edge of our flat two-dimensional existence 
and take a leap of faith...

You may drift through space for quite some time
eyeing the stars, the planets, the galaxies
that make up the great and boring universe beyond.

Eventually you'll come across darker, scarier territory,
unseen with the naked eye
yet comprising 95% of all matter,
and all that matters,
otherwise known as the unconscious.

Some day you'll feel safer in the void, 
more secure,
at peace.

With not one mirror in sight to reflect your self concept,
everything and nothing make perfect sense here,
for they are one and the same.

You are the only observer
of man's true final frontier
and his one and only mystery.

Copyright © Yoni Dvorkis | Year Posted 2009

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Ash On the Floor

A plastic smile
He waves hello
To all his friends
He'll never know

Beneath his skin
There lives the sin
Protected by
The hurt within

A silent wish
A crazy thought
How does one kill
A mind distraught?

An answer looms
As dead as leaves
It covers life
In gasoline

A matchstick lit
An open sore
A fire burns
Consumes the core

The pain is gone
When all that's left
Ash on the floor

Copyright © Yoni Dvorkis | Year Posted 2009

Details | Yoni Dvorkis Poem

Don'T Cry For Me

.      blank page   
   this           I write
      and prayers.
     Tabula Rasa,   
    I wish to be    
    me ancient




I've kept my promise,
don't keep Your distance

Copyright © Yoni Dvorkis | Year Posted 2009

Details | Yoni Dvorkis Poem

Rebuild Anew

“Rebuild anew”, he says to me.
The one of stillness ‘neath the sea.
“Rise to the shore; as one we stand.
This hardened castle borne of sand 
conceals your darkest memory.”

A lone wolf blows with certainty
to shatter hollow masonry.
Destruction steadied by still hand.
Rebuild anew.

I crave only tranquility. 
Erase these tortures mindlessly.
My heart is still; my mind profound.
Upon the rock I claim this ground
to reinvent my destiny.
Rebuild anew.

Copyright © Yoni Dvorkis | Year Posted 2009

Details | Yoni Dvorkis Poem


Data Birth;
 INFILE 'C\Fathersperm\Motheregg\9_months\The_One_Of_Shadows.txt';
          LNAME = 'Dvorkis';
    Var Hidden_Meaning = "SAS code is not meant to be poetry you nut job";

Data Child;
 Set Birth;
    Where Age >= 4; 
    Var Worldview = Parents_Worldview; 
    Var Facial_Expression = compress('Fear'||'Bewilderment'||'Jews believe in guilt');

Data Teenager;
 Set Child (Drop= Innocence, Baby_Fat, Cheerful_Disposition);
    Where Age >= 15 and BAC_Level >= .01;
    Var Worldview = (Peer_Pressure * 100) + Favorite_Teacher_Worldview
                            - Parents_Worldview;
    Var Hidden_Meaning = "Where are you going with this?";

Data Adult;
 Set Teenager (Keep= Anger, Intelligence, Need_For_Material_Wealth, Hatred_Towards_Body
                     Drop= A_Sense_Of_Security_In_An_Unforgiving_World);
    Var Job_That_Slowly_Kills_You = "Healthcare Data Analyst and SAS Programmer";
    Var Worldview = (Company_Mission_Statement + Family_Is_Most_Important) 
                             / Screw_Everyone_Else_I_Have_My_Own_Problems;
    Where Age >= 21 and BAC_Level >= .15;
         If Yearly_Salary >= 100,000 then 
             Self_Esteem = "Now I'm worth something!!";
         Else if 50,000 <= Yearly_Salary < 100,000 then 
             Self_Esteem = "I guess I should count myself lucky...";
         Else if Yearly_Salary < 50,000 then 
             Self_Esteem =  ______;
    Var Hidden_Meaning = "Jeez, you're really laying it on thick with the salary stuff";

Data Old_Man;
 Set Adult;
     Where Age >= 65 and Yearly_Salary = "Whatever's left of Social Security"; 
     Var Cynical_Being = 
              (Why_Did_It_Have_To_End_Like_This  *  Years_Hiding_In_Plain_Sight )
                                            - The_Will_To_Keep_Going;

Proc sort data = Old_Man out = Old_Man_On_Deathbed nodupkey;
 By What_This_All_Meant_To_Me;

Data My_True_Identity;
 Merge Old_Man_On_Deathbed (in = a)  God  (in = b);
 By _all_;
 If b and not a;

Copyright © Yoni Dvorkis | Year Posted 2009

Details | Yoni Dvorkis Poem

Reality Check

What should I say to describe this empty feeling,
 like I'm missing something I could call Home.

How would I come to deny a thought revealing,
 given time and place, I'd invent my own.

A time spent in a state of agonizing pain,
 A place of worship I would not forgive.

Only the mind undoes the past through vision gained,
 in boundless timeless Love it all but lives.

Copyright © Yoni Dvorkis | Year Posted 2009

Details | Yoni Dvorkis Poem

Give the End Back To the Beginning

If I forget, remind me of how things used to be.
   Before the fall of man.
   Before I hired myself as his assassin.

When I start shaking, remind me why I have nothing to fear.
   That life won't go the way I planned.
   That I'm much better off not caring.

So that in the end I will remember how this all began.
   Retrace my steps. Find out what went wrong.
   And make it right again.

Copyright © Yoni Dvorkis | Year Posted 2008

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The Bruised and Rotting Pear

Certain moments make this all worthwhile

'Random' presets left but to defile 

Blink your eyes to see the flash of white

Blink once more to gain a different sight

Milliseconds gazing at the stars

In which I understood you as you are

And in that time the notion came to me

A sigh of love bled out of honesty

The story of a bruised and rotting pear

That learned to dance on wind and open air

Copyright © Yoni Dvorkis | Year Posted 2008


Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry