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Best Poems Written by Tania Weissberg

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Today, I loathe you. Today, I leave you, the sum total of all I won’t hang on to. Not an inch I sway, not a word I say.
Strong. I stand. I am. You are not.
Today, I leave you, today, I loathe you.

Once able to push me, now look at the ledge I hang on to.
Hear the sound of my nails in the rock do and see my shoulder push onto my palms and my arms lift my neck to carry my head onto the horizon and it is me, the new me. The line in the sand.

The end of a day has finally come when I don’t look back and fear you. I don’t fear you. Who ? You ? I tighten my belt and harden my gaze and keep you below, you. No, I won’t flinch, as hard as it seems. With each passing second, more blood through my veins, I radiate. Yes, I radiate. I am calm like never before. A tight rope artist on a sidewalk abyss.

With one sweeping gesture I clear the table and set a new order. Order of the day, not to sit but to step, up, onto the level. With a glacial wind, a quasar beam, through a universe of past, in the present it crowns me, elevating me. I am transcending, arriving, finally. Ice queen to Sun, do you hear me?

Today, I lead you. Today, I love you.

Jan 22 2021

Copyright © Tania Weissberg | Year Posted 2021

Book: Reflection on the Important Things