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Best Poems Written by Victoria Addino

Below are the all-time best Victoria Addino poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Ladybug and Dragonfly

I opened the window to let in fresh air
In came a ladybug who landed on my chair
In next came a dragonfly with black beaded eyes
It stared down the ladybug its found its prize
Up went the wings on the ladybugs back
She must escape or become a snack
A dash to the window the ladybug flew Next came the dragonfly who landed in my shoe
Goodbye little ladybug enjoy your day
I’ll keep tabs on this dragonfly for a little longer stay

Copyright © Victoria Addino | Year Posted 2019

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Love Beam

Sparkles fill your hazel eyes
Reflections of light beam through your hair
Your skin so soft 
My heartbeats are lost,
A warmth that boils deep within
send goosebumps atop throughout my skin
A deep cleanse of dust 
Remove any thought of lust
True love I have found
Throughout my soul we are bound
Live life as one no longer as two
Love has captured me and you

Copyright © Victoria Addino | Year Posted 2019

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Melody Though the Air

Melody through the air
Fly through the flowers than up to the tree 
Sit on the Branch the one facing me
Spread out your wings 
I’m ready to sing
Let’s do a duet and sing pretty things
We’ll sing about Flowers the moon and the stars
We’ll sing from the morning this day is now are’s
Many will join us the birds and the bees
The flowers will open and spread through the trees
The owl who’s hiding alone in the dark
Will hear fa la la and join other Larks
A humming from you a la la  from me
Will bring us together we’ll sing happily 
Fa la la la hmm hmm hmm a whistle from others a hoot from another 
a magical melody will sound through the air
A beautiful day for us all to share
Fa la la la hmm hmm hmm

Copyright © Victoria Addino | Year Posted 2019

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Operation Went Wrong

Operation gone wrong
Last words I heard
Close your eyes, just sleep
I obeyed, I closed them tight
I heard the Dr. say, 
She’s out like a light
But I wasn’t, I could hear everything 
I heard the slicing of my skin,
Humor about the scalpel so thin
I heard all but felt nothing 
I tried to shout, I HEAR YOU-ALL!
Nothing came out nothing at all
Small talk a few jokes
One about 3 days without a smoke
I’m here, I’m here, I’m not asleep
Dr. I know you sliced me deep
Could this be happening
While the Dr.s practicing
I need to get up, I need to get out
Out of here, away from all
Code blue, code blue, I hear them call
Wait, I see, I see them all
I hear, I see, how can this be
pressing down upon my chest
1, 2, 3  
Their trying to save me
But I’m ok, I feel just fine 
No pain no longer in my spine
She’s gone, 
I hear, I hear them say
No, I’m thinking I’m here to stay
They cover my face I turned so blue
Must tell her loved one’s, the dr said
The correct time I pronounce her dead
Where do I go? what happens now?
Into the light a whisper said softly
Your pain now gone, your where you belong
Be Thankful your operation went wrong

Copyright © Victoria Addino | Year Posted 2019

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A Walk In Central Park

Central Park is where I walk
Many people to who I talk
About the weather
May seam so small
Yet little talk
Is spread with all

Copyright © Victoria Addino | Year Posted 2018

Details | Victoria Addino Poem

From Land To Sea

A sea serpent rides the current
He owns the sea, he soars through the blue so free
Large marble black eyes, scope all surroundings as he flies
Dragon sharp teeth, scare all creatures, deep beneath
Sun rays form a carpet, his scaly fin their target
Has an old journey ended or has a new one begun
Body scales change colors as he soars with the sun
From a distance I close my eyes
I reach, I grab hold, of his sharp scaly fin
Along with the sea serpent, my journey now, shall begin
We ride the waves, together so brave
I smell the sea, it now becomes a part of me
A piercing fin grows from my spine
I’ve change from man, I’ve crossed a line
My two feet now a tail, my skin now covered with dry sharp scales
I can swim above, I can swim below
An internal breath I now know
A feeling of freedom, a blue green kingdom
I feel I belong, the sea sings my song
I shall swim with the whales
Along ships that sail
A new life, a new winning, there’s always time for a new beginning

Copyright © Victoria Addino | Year Posted 2018

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A Tall Tall Tree

At the end of the forest
Stood a spruce tree so tall
From miles away it was seen by all

In the spring it’s bristles we’re green and bright
So shiny that some even glistened the nite

In the winter it’s tip was topped by snow
Dangling iceIcles made it appear,
from afar an elegant chandelier 

A wandering lumberjack ,
came across the tree
He shouted out loud, this tree is for me

His chainsaw had teeth made of cold iron
It sounded so loud it roared like a lion
Squirrels,chipmunks, raccoons and birds
There home now in danger 
By this funny looking stranger

In their  critter language they spoke together
Mr lumberjack began to laugh
He laughed and laughed he asked, is this a joke?
He shouted out loud this tree is for me
But it was no Joke nor was it a hoax

Within seconds, vines sprung down 
flying branches flew through the air
Prickly needles began to spear
Flooded by sap the chainsaws gears 

Mr lumberjack ran away
He never returned to the tall tall tree 
The tree shall be seen by many many eyes
It will glow in the dark and sparkle in the rain
And never again be taken in vain

Copyright © Victoria Addino | Year Posted 2018

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The famous portrait of Mona Lisa
globally known like Mother Thersa

Her pose so perfect, not a hair out of place, 
a hint of a smile I see on her face

A touch of cleavage painted for view,
as if she’s been painted to draw me to you

White porcelain skin, 
fingers strong yet thin,
a busty women not big nor petite
Her arms lay cross on the arm of her seat

Da Vinci’s chose of a model 
questionable so bland 
drew global attention to far away lands

Her wardrobe so dark, draped to perfection
Each stroke by Da Vinci 
brought out her complexion 

A background of beauty to 
compliment one’s star
Fills holes with color which hide all scars

Sits a model in peace with herself and others
Painted by a painter, a friend perhaps her lover

A portrait of beauty painted deep from within 
An everlasting look from beneath ones skin 

If I close my eyes I see centuries of Mona 
Museums may share but not one will own her

Leonardo shared Mona 
through his talent in a portrait 
Mona Lisa lives on in our hearts 
without forfiet

Copyright © Victoria Addino | Year Posted 2019

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Christmas Carrols Around a Barrel

Christmas Corral’s, around a barrel,
Filled to it's brim,
Holiday hot cider, spiced with cinnamon,
Street lights so dim,
Our towns Christmas tree just had its trim.--
Its lights shine bright, this frosty night.--
Funny hats, mittens and gloves,
A missal toe with two white doves,
A lot of holly, townspeople so jolly,
This time of year, we all meet here,
Friends and family, strangers welcome.
A small town tradition, which shall never be broken,
A Merry Christmas! A Happy New Year!
Same time next year, we’ll all be here.

Copyright © Victoria Addino | Year Posted 2018

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Seahorse of Gems

Seahorse of Gems

I see a Seahorse riding a wave
A body of gems
Sapphires Rubies Emeralds & Pearls 
She rides on her tail 
Such a beautiful swirl
She rides with such grace
A Royalty expression on her face
She owns the waves
A master of the current
She rides with the wind 
Ruby eyes so observant 
Her nose points high
Through a fog in the sky
An illuminated brightness
Leaves a minute of blindness 
I curtsy to Gods creature
A Creation of beauty
With eyes of rubies
Through fog soaring 
Disappearing so peacefully
A memorable moment 
I will keep for eternity

Copyright © Victoria Addino | Year Posted 2019


Book: Reflection on the Important Things