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Yn Poems - Poems about Yn

Yn Poems - Examples of all types of poems about yn to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for yn.

Premium Member Rip Mark Taff Langley
...Devastated at the news I've heard. Totally shocked this is absurd The passing of a Welsh legend Proud to have served my butty friend. He started his long career As a proud Welsh infanteer He ......Read the rest...
Categories: yn, death of a friend,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Croeso Y Cymru
...Wales to me is ... places of unpronounceable beauty steam trains coastal walks in the rain castles Cromlechs and Celtic crosses ......Read the rest...
Categories: yn, beauty,
Form: Lyric

Yr Un
...Mae hi yn yr un hi yn yr un i caru hi yn unig un......Read the rest...
Categories: yn, love,
Form: Senryu

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Dyheadau Colli
...A ghràidh Gadewch i cwtsh ers i chi farw Bûm yn crio Eich calon yn gynnes A ghaoil,Cusanu yn lle eich bron Cusanu yn lle eich dymuniadau Cusanu yn lle fy marwolaeth Swsus rhedeg i ffwrdd ......Read the rest...
Categories: yn, adventure, allusion, imagination, lost,
Form: Free verse
Slump Swamp Stream
...An unfortunate calibre is a turtle turning in a towel. Vast vistas vacate villages videoing vests vehemently And all the time the sleeping beast snores as the cattle drive by in their mooving mobile ......Read the rest...
Categories: yn, weather,
Form: I do not know?

Human Being Shell Sleep No More
...Human being shell sleep no more, Lubits has murdered our sleep forever Right up we must get to the hard truth and not blind out the fact that our wisdom and common sense should not have been......Read the rest...
Categories: yn, philosophy,
Form: Ballad
Time To Say Goodbye
...How do you say "Goodbye" to a friend How do you realise her life had to end What a huge gap you leave which will never be filled Remembering your smile your manner so mild I will remember you with ......Read the rest...
Categories: yn, friend, goodbye,
Form: Couplet
A Chapel Speaks of God within her Shadows
...I know you see me from up there, from halfway up the steep and twisting lane. In early half-light as you take your walk I no doubt seem to loom as you descend, appear to grow, to rise from earth,......Read the rest...
Categories: yn, dark, fear, god, history,
Form: Free verse
The Flower of Wales
...St David our patron and wearer of daffies Lynched by the English who named us all Taffies With our fellow Celts, they feared we would stand and repel Anglo-Saxons from all British land But spring......Read the rest...
Categories: yn, anniversary, nature, daffodils,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things