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Xavier Poems - Poems about Xavier

Xavier Poems - Examples of all types of poems about xavier to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for xavier.
Premium Member God's Blessings
...Alluring Blessings Come Down Earthward, From God. Heaven Intercedes Jubilant, Kindles Love- Magnificent Nourishment, Obliterates pride. Questing Radiant Souls Thirst Umpteen Virtues.......Read the rest...
Categories: xavier, blessing, god, love,
Form: ABC
Premium Member Charo
...20 year old, Charo, Was not on the straight and narrow. Divided boys from the men. Her “cuchi-cuchi” hips got her married to 60 year old Xavier Cugat.......Read the rest...
Categories: xavier, humor,
Form: Clerihew

Premium Member The Bells of San Xavier
...Emerging from a doorway shadow Through thick air - sweet with incense - Comes a dark figure dressed in a robe To be near the altar in silence. The trappings pierce the dark with gold;......Read the rest...
Categories: xavier, christian, history, western,
Form: Ballad

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Emma Frost
... Emma Frost (aka White Queen) is a powerful character in Marvel Comics. Is she a hero or villain? Sometimes, it is hard to know! She is a mutant with the most amazing telepathic skills. She......Read the rest...
Categories: xavier, fantasy,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Owl Outa Luck
...view incredible owl swoops mouse - concrete stands still rats...inedible I considered naming this haiku 'An Owls......Read the rest...
Categories: xavier, western, write,
Form: Haiku

Premium Member Clerihew Winterhalter
...Franz Xavier Winterhalter with lithographics made a stir He captured self image i the main of the bourgeoisie so often vain......Read the rest...
Categories: xavier, art, people,
Form: Clerihew
Premium Member Clerihew Messerschmidt
...Frans Xavier Messerschmidt Basque busts he often did depict Famed for his'heads&faces' often with distorted grimaces......Read the rest...
Categories: xavier, art, people,
Form: Clerihew
Premium Member I Sip My Keepsake
...doves lade the sky like stars the snowy white peace a starry night released over San Xavier del Bac the cactus fruit and prayer alive in sanguine petals the mission gold altar and pew......Read the rest...
Categories: xavier, art, imagery, travel,
Form: Verse
Only If I Was Charles Xavier
...Only if I was Charles Xavier I would have a virtual trip To the kingdom of your heart, To unlock its secret locks, To swim in its lakes, To find the colours of its sands It's coral leaves, it......Read the rest...
Categories: xavier, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member All In a Day
...All alone By the side of the Creek Dreaming and Even Feeling the Gusts of wind Have Interfered with my Joyful repose Keeping Little Musings Notes to myself On a Parchment, inked by......Read the rest...
Categories: xavier, nature,
Form: ABC
...I’ve always thought dancing with a stranger in the rain seemed too far fetched With my mind? It sounds like a kidnapping Or a ploy to sell my organs Even a scheme to violate me Because in real......Read the rest...
Categories: xavier, anger,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Ramblings of a Lockdown
...An apple a day so they say Barn owl hoots throughout the night copper boiler full of Monday’s wash dare one think of paradise? Elite dancers shun the maypole Flowers of purple garlands glisten......Read the rest...
Categories: xavier, angst, change,
Form: Abecedarian
Xavier of Humanity
...never change, Some one can save us, Well Known as Xavier. Those who believe Hopes Call him as god, Trust him…. Those who does not believe. Utter him as the power, As fictional science, Some......Read the rest...
Categories: xavier, art, bible, earth day,
Form: Blitz
Premium Member X-Ray Oscar
...(Pentagon E-ring office—executive officer knocks & enters—General motions him in) XO, Explain examinees... Examinee X-11,......Read the rest...
Categories: xavier, military, poetry,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member What's In Your Will
...Not everyone has houses or lands, gold or silver, stocks or bonds, IRA’S or CD’S, Cars or cash, insurance policies, etc. But that does not mean we have nothing to leave behind when we depart this ear......Read the rest...
Categories: xavier, death, memory, remember,
Form: Couplet

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