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Writs Poems - Poems about Writs

Writs Poems - Examples of all types of poems about writs to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for writs.
i did not use special characters
...Inauguration Day 2025 - Monday, January 20, 2025, 12:00?PM Aforementioned event interestingly enough coincides with Martin Luther King Junior day. The late reverend American minister and activ......Read the rest...
Categories: writs, america, anger, angst, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
The Only Christmas Gift
...In kingdoms known by all the lands in which the Royal court commands The celebration must begin with love found of the hearts within December rules this favorite time ......Read the rest...
Categories: writs, christmas, love,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member When Deniers Stoke the Fires
...When we start off one rarely realizes all the true scientific downstream consequences of our original acts When we hear the key click in the car's ignition we know it revs up the entirety o......Read the rest...
Categories: writs, change, environment, fear, god,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member My Name Is Still Thompson
...Victory to the women who’ve survived Desertion, divorce and all that jive If your name is still Thompson, after fifty years. Maybe longer through drought, doubt and tears Do I stand alone, out ab......Read the rest...
Categories: writs, family, pride,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Song of a Poetess
... In a California suburb she sits, Pondering to go on with her writs! All seem pointless to her now. Even though~to her family she made a vow! To leave them a heritage of her life......Read the rest...
Categories: writs, happiness, how i feel,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Cliff
...Marvel of fond Mother-Nature, Carefully carved nomenclature! Mountains fold hands toward blue skies, Where stars flutter, like, butterflies! Water-waves warmly wash the feet, Fleets on sleets m......Read the rest...
Categories: writs, beauty, nature,
Form: Couplet
The Prophetic Challenge
...Tell me of things hidden under the dust of night. Tell me of hidden things under the dusk of light. Reveal tomorrow as a play acted upon today. Tell of the future as if you have played there today......Read the rest...
Categories: writs, bible, dream, faith, gospel,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member To Frame a Door
........a miner's tale Entré vous Was the cry oft-heard A smile, a nod a welcoming embrace Now circling high above it's prey Grand masters seek their earthly throne From hence to issue writs......Read the rest...
Categories: writs, freedom,
Form: Free verse
...In lengthening slumberous reposes lies Dickens' sterling pen under bluish skies; And through them gloats deathless sun, Taunting all that under his embers burn. No more savoring of Oliver’s t......Read the rest...
Categories: writs, bereavement, books, death, destiny,
Form: Elegiac Lyric
Premium Member Wandering Writes Weigh Wan-Ton
...wayward, wanting winds waiting without weigh weary woefull wanderers weaving weather warfare walking waters wringing whatever writing with whirlwind wonders working wrench......Read the rest...
Categories: writs, analogy, computer, technology,
Form: Free verse
...Why's your jaded tongue so slyly used To words buttered with ensnaring tone; Piping fibs empirical proofs poorly prop, Waxing lies into truth's patented throne? I with all joints and full sin......Read the rest...
Categories: writs, allegory, anger, betrayal, christian,
Form: Epic
...Though unlived ages defter poets shall bring, And blur all rhymes woven in my barren span; May young pupil-scribes with like relish savor These yellowing tropes as sworn zealots can. Despite t......Read the rest...
Categories: writs, allegory, art, first love,
Form: Elegy
Premium Member To My Seductress Duchess
...These, cacophony that beggars descriptions Disorder from indecent breed incubating, Confusion of morals, the imposition of strange culture, Filthily dressed to undress my mind, Our tea......Read the rest...
Categories: writs, anger, celebrity, daughter, deep,
Form: Quintilla
Aging Sequence Poem Three
...How will I be in 10 years, the fir tree asks the maple, the calf asks the cow, the baby splutters out I need to know before they publish the writs. I need to know before my head is present......Read the rest...
Categories: writs, age, anxiety, betrayal, change,
Form: Free verse
Shana Aubrey Harris
...The breast of this dada heaves with remorseful painful ache as if...the insides of my body into a bajillion pieces break though anniversary of birth, I intended to write, but... did rake akin t......Read the rest...
Categories: writs, beauty, celebration, cry, dad,
Form: Bio

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry