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Working Class Poems - Poems about Working Class

Working Class Poems - Examples of all types of poems about working class to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for working class.
Premium Member Sibling Working Class
Jane the eldest of three sisters, and the Tadpole was given an earlier debut. Hails the middle sister of extraordinary charm and endearinng demeanor that exemplifies an industry--I find lacking. This be the common thread of...Read the rest...
Categories: working class, analogy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The working class
All I see is sadness up on people's faces long hours away from family- yet employers say they are family friendly...Read the rest...
Categories: working class, work,
Form: Monoku

Premium Member Working Class Slaves
I walk these many streets I walk this path of stone I hunger for a life That I can call my own I'm a slave to my job I'm a slave to this town I'm a slave to the system That strives...Read the rest...
Categories: working class, work,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

The Rock
My pen write My heart speaks Of how my soul appreciate that one strong man Full of dust from head to toe Pushing those heavy wheelbarrow To earn for a bread Whose hands are those it...Read the rest...
Categories: working class, appreciation,
Form: Free verse
Angel of the North
Built with rusted steel Steel mined by the workers’ hands Faceless above crowds An angel not from the blue But built with man’s blood and hope...Read the rest...
Categories: working class, angel, community, england, humanity,
Form: Tanka

Working Class Hero
Working class hero With an untold memory On the steps of hell...Read the rest...
Categories: working class, anger,
Form: Haiku
Stupid Working Class
The stupid working-class It is odd is it not, the working-class have no idea of how powerful they are. Can you think of a world where no one cleaned the office? Build roads and keep street passable? Yet...Read the rest...
Categories: working class, absence, best friend, blessing,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Working Class
I. Daybreak what glint of morning is this where the rusty bloom of chain link fences cuts the turf of rowhouses the weeds still talk with the legs of crickets as the post-dawn moon fades like a bubble here the old Norges and...Read the rest...
Categories: working class, allusion, class, culture, freedom,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Native Steel
I am the American worker coal fired for refined thieves on the thirty first floor. My secrets rest roadside beyond the guardrail where ditched alleys lead to rowhouses. A list of porches repeating to each other the economics of wear. My secrets shuffle moon-side with...Read the rest...
Categories: working class, allusion, america, eulogy, extended
Form: Political Verse
The British Working Classes
He wakes very morning to trudge through his day a labor of love or just bills to pay? it seems that forever he's been burdened with debt and retirement a time to reflect or regret? She awakes every morning to labor all day kids are...Read the rest...
Categories: working class, children, family, for her,
Form: Free verse
Working Class Heroes
The world is full of working class heroes Made up of every gender, shape and size. Inspiring everyone, their strength bestows They become the backbone of enterprise. My father was my working-class hero He passed on his ethics, in his...Read the rest...
Categories: working class, father, inspiration,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Below the Working Class
Greatest is the servant’s slave to the pope the good looking still carries a dry throat such living is washed with a costly soap to break a jinx right from ancestral coat value’s attached to every mess and rag people...Read the rest...
Categories: working class, adventure, life, people,
Form: Sonnet
Working Class Zero
Working class zero. The art of poetry is to write what you are thinking; The best poetry sometimes, comes without you needing to think. I write from the soul And sometimes I use my subconscious mind to do...Read the rest...
Categories: working class, confidence, love, poetry, sad,
Form: Bio
Working Class Poet
Working class Poet It had been a long day at the factory but when there was a break he jotted down a few words and during the day it became a poem- he always had a pen and...Read the rest...
Categories: working class, absence, age, anxiety, best
Form: Blank verse
Working Class Mind
He's stuck with a working class mind And grooves in the working class grind And walks down the working class street Where the mud sticks under his feet. Always working to pay the rent Or the interest on the mortgage...Read the rest...
Categories: working class, life,
Form: Rhyme

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry