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Winnipeg Poems - Poems about Winnipeg

Winnipeg Poems - Examples of all types of poems about winnipeg to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for winnipeg.

Winnipeg Every day you drive down my street, through my neighborhood, anticipating the day we'll infinitely meet I tried to ignore the feelings I've felt since the moment I walked into your convenient store but it ever...Read the rest...
Categories: winnipeg, allegory, boyfriend, corruption, desire,
Form: Free verse
In Winnipeg Park
In Winnipeg Park ...Read the rest...
Categories: winnipeg, winter,
Form: Tanka

Sun Up Near Winnipeg
SUN UP NEAR WINNIPEG Endless black land sewn to pink sky Flawless dawn over the sown field Crack of gold splits the seam Pink is flooded with mauve Land is spread with sunshine butter ........................................................................... Entered in Francine's...Read the rest...
Categories: winnipeg, nature,
Form: Imagism

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Memories of Winnipeg
Memories of Winnipeg We often intensly disagree, but I know your face and over the long term you have always been here and tightening my strings. . Now I see you broken. You have temporarily lost and every one of your days is scary as you hang...Read the rest...
Categories: winnipeg, friendship, work,
Form: Light Verse
Winnipeg From 30 000 Feet
WINNIPEG FROM 30 000 FEET Flight over the Lakes - turbulent altogether: Wingtips alarmingly shaken like sticks. In the Manitoba prairie’s settled weather Pilot finds his...Read the rest...
Categories: winnipeg, urban, , cute,
Form: Sonnet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry