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Wiffle Ball Poems - Poems about Wiffle Ball

Wiffle Ball Poems - Examples of all types of poems about wiffle ball to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for wiffle ball.

I Am Made of Moments
...I am from spaghetti from tomato pie and pigs feet dipped in sause I am from mt Italian neighborhood (treeless city streets. I am from my grandfather's house who I never met I am from yell......Read the rest...
Categories: wiffle ball, city, ocean,
Form: Free verse
The Park Contest
...The Park Contest Sponsor: Craig Cornish Somewhere between a toddler and a teen, I carried visions of my future days. It was just us, my sweetest friend Christine, at our neighborhood par......Read the rest...
Categories: wiffle ball, beauty, childhood, nature,
Form: Sonnet

The Flame Melds So Slick the Shadows
...Brown black centipedes crawl from within the white washed walls Their shadows, creeping and quick, are cast througout the halls Echoing thoughts bring a crashing sound to my ears, clattering Mu......Read the rest...
Categories: wiffle ball, depression, hope, life, sad,
Form: Prose Poetry

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Not Like We Did
...Not Like We Did Sometimes I wonder about the good old days Growing up and parting ways Sometimes wish I could have stayed a kid They have good times now but not like we did Painting ghosts on store......Read the rest...
Categories: wiffle ball, childhood, nostalgia, old, old,
Form: Couplet
On the Front Line (Free Style "slam")
...It was a hot June./ Late afternoon./ I stormed into that saloon / like a 30 men platoon!/ The bartender says, "Gentlemen not in here." / I smiled and said, "Old man have no fear."/ ......Read the rest...
Categories: wiffle ball, on writing and words,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member To Reach Back
...Sometimes an old song or an old movie can revive memories If only we were able to reach back Recapture the feelings, the simple joys, the dreams To reach back and touch the moments That first ice......Read the rest...
Categories: wiffle ball, nostalgiaold, old, drug,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Yesterday's Dreams
...Sometimes I'll close my eyes And go back to yesterday's dreams Where love had no disguise A simpler life it seems Men working in the mines Mother's making quilts with yarns Red Man chewing to......Read the rest...
Categories: wiffle ball, nostalgia, love,
Form: Bio

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry