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Wiccan Poems - Poems about Wiccan

Wiccan Poems - Examples of all types of poems about wiccan to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for wiccan.

Wiccan vibes
Here lives old witch visionary, Great-great aunt of Hermione, H. Potter deemed not so great, Rank amateurs do not rate, She's happy in her pumpkin patch, Conjured up a wizard match, Her suitor's name is Ethelred, Makes him feel really good in...Read the rest...
Categories: wiccan, appreciation, cute love, giggle,
Form: Rhyme
Shortest day, longest night Celebration of light Glistening ice and snow Temperatures low Bare trees Ponds freeze Dress warm Long sleeve uniform Cardigans and sweatshirts Goodbye mini skirts Silk and wool Indoor pool Soup and stew Don’t misconstrue Wish Bread Glaze spread Cinnamon and cloves On...Read the rest...
Categories: wiccan, blessing, december, international, joy,
Form: Rhyme

A colorful time of year The skies are oh so clear The sun shines bright For our delight Longer and warmer days Welcoming the sun’s blaze Trees and flowers blooming Grilled foods we are consuming Pools opening Divers motioning...Read the rest...
Categories: wiccan, environment, holiday, magic, march,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Wiccan Woman
She is earthly like her garden Her roots are deep within our planet’s bowels We are no longer amazed by her green thumbs They suit her, and she suits them She carries a scent of fresh roses, butterflies and...Read the rest...
Categories: wiccan, woman,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Sasha Marie and Marda
Sasha Marie woke up early, getting her healing herbs ready for market. She was bringing the masses the ones they liked the most. St. John’s Wort, thymes, catnip, allspice, and eye of newt. Eye of Newt made her...Read the rest...
Categories: wiccan, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Prose Poetry

Premium Member How Did Wiccans Acquire a Bad Rep
How Wiccans acquired a bad rep is not clear. Misogynist bullies afraid of these women’s light, A young teen with an ugly heart of jealous fear, Might point a finger under cover of night. But in Salem Massachusetts, hysteria...Read the rest...
Categories: wiccan, america,
Form: Chant Royal
Premium Member The Wiccan Creed
Mysticism is her religion Animals are her go to souls. Blessed be to all who see her as she is. Her heart realm is perpetually open She is a healer, following the Wiccan creed To no soul do harm. Blessed...Read the rest...
Categories: wiccan, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Welcome Garden Witches
Witches in my gardens, blessing them. Using their notoriously generous green thumbs to help repot the plants snatched out by gray wind yesterday. Witches, welcome! So grateful you have arrived! ...Read the rest...
Categories: wiccan, garden, tribute,
Form: Free verse
Wiccan Witch Poem
I cast spells. I work with nature I believe in a God and goddess. I predict the the future I believe in other realms. I believe in magic I am A healer. I do not believe...Read the rest...
Categories: wiccan, 12th grade, africa, age,
Form: ABC
Premium Member Handfasted By My Sexy Wiccan Witch
I met her, my witch, my little Wiccan love, I met her in the dark of the night, She stood in a circle she’d made of round rocks, Wearing a beautiful dress all in white. Her altar...Read the rest...
Categories: wiccan, love, spiritual,
Form: Quatrain
For the Wiccan
If I could dream of a better purpose-seeing how the wisteria works wonders, by the power of this cauldron, manifesting the the thoughts of sage for lord and lady with potato and carrots. © S. Wesley...Read the rest...
Categories: wiccan, psychological, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Wiccan Doll
Few times of the year are as glorified as this. It is the Sabbath of Litha, the summer solstice. Just two hours before dawn in the dark of morning, among the witches gathered is a pretty thing. With fiery...Read the rest...
Categories: wiccan, adventure, fantasy, nature,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things