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Whole Number Poems - Poems about Whole Number

Whole Number Poems - Examples of all types of poems about whole number to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for whole number.

Being Zero
...May by any FAILURE, I get Divide, I'll not be one to pray God, to me, If he can hide, Though by any SUCCESS, I get multiply, I may have wings, but will not prefer to fly. Yes, I'm a ZERO, wh......Read the rest...
Categories: whole number, inspiration, moving on,
Form: Rhyme
Ultimate Genesis
...Moon shines with silvery light To the eye it is delight But when moon will turn red Does it mean someone will be dead? Wolf has fire in his eyes So does the falcon diving from the skies Every......Read the rest...
Categories: whole number, fantasy,
Form: Couplet

Premium Member Mooku: Haikus On the Moon: With Cliff Notes
...1. Lunar Perspective #1 month long day and night also sees earth wax and wane no season penchant 2. Lunar Perspective #2 moon's sun mimics earth's earth pirouettes on star stage sun’s ......Read the rest...
Categories: whole number, life, love, moon, science,
Form: Haiku
Testing Environment
...Such a loud silence Occasion anxious tapping Of a pencil or less often a foot Shifting uncomfortably while squeaking in their desks, in that too small of a space barely able to contain your raci......Read the rest...
Categories: whole number, anxiety, math, time,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Circle Gets the Square
...A is for algebra, where numbers are represented by letters B is for base, a base ten number system is much better C is for circle, it goes round and round D is for degree, in a circle, 360 a......Read the rest...
Categories: whole number, science, relationship,
Form: Free verse

Mad Side of Love
...Im a savage with sick ways, her baggage is ***** made, stupid and brainwashed doin whatever a witch say, which may, bring you ****s closer to any realm other, than partys, hearty ****in, and kids wit......Read the rest...
Categories: whole number, growing up, life, urban,
Form: Light Verse
Pledge of Allegiance, Revisited
...I Pledge Allegiance a solemn vow of obedience, from the earliest age of grievance, when found deliverance, one people, united against tyranny and intolerance, become the model of democracy and tol......Read the rest...
Categories: whole number, dedication, devotion, education, history,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things