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Weights Poems - Poems about Weights

Weights Poems - Examples of all types of poems about weights to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for weights.

Weights and Measures
There is no scale that can weigh the power of hope Winter ICE riding an Alberta Clipper from the new northern state down to the Gulf of America A Brown wave No time for Brown waves...Read the rest...
Categories: weights, america, angst, betrayal, conflict,
Form: Free verse
Ode to Weights
Dear dumbbell, I can remember the first time I held you in my hands. Two 5-pound weights - small, yes, But if you can remember, I was seven. My father, forty-six and still going, Introduced me to you. I was young, and wasn’t...Read the rest...
Categories: weights, 8th grade, father daughter,
Form: Ode

Premium Member Ten Pound Weights
Ten pound weights, of encouragement, uplifting smiles, curl, extend, as fingers unwind, and romanticize. Felicitous lips, the story of joy explored with double dutch jump. Flickers of childhood light, that of a born again saint. Cash into my hands, at Christmas time, as my smile made her smile. I passed on the bills to my child, who needed it more. Pass your...Read the rest...
Categories: weights, joy, light, smile,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

The weight He had written two short books Wanted to show her, his work, Not now she said, I’m watching telly. Around the beam that keeps the heaven’s roof from falling down, He slung a rope fastened to a scrap...Read the rest...
Categories: weights, business, car, cat, chanukah,
Form: Blank verse
The Old Man and the Weights
It was his younger years in being a competitive Bodybuilder He competed in numerous Bodybuilding Contests and won It was his sheer dedication in not being out done It was other sports just for fun The Old Man saw...Read the rest...
Categories: weights, adventure, appreciation, art, body,
Form: Concrete

Soulmates Or Emotional Weights
Big and Carrie, a romance that carried Passion, desire, hunger and thirst But a bad boy’s love is what hurts the worst For when one craves and gets an inner inch For love that’s wings are clipped and stitched Conditional...Read the rest...
Categories: weights, life, love, love,
Form: Couplet

Book: Reflection on the Important Things