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Wanky Poems - Poems about Wanky

Wanky Poems - Examples of all types of poems about wanky to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for wanky.
Reserata Carcerem Lxi
...*Reserata Carcerem LXI* Yore lived a sage b' bounty brook pining; dainty daffodils, his keen kins. Oft would tumbling tide whisper 'ts tune 'n' sewn sage bewitched, ajar would croon. ñ longe......Read the rest...
Categories: wanky, myth,
Form: Sonnet
Reserata Carcerem Lix
...Yore was bounty birth ''f inky ire; moistened malady, dribbles dire. ''f callous cedars 'n' sane Sequoia; one t' th' other blitzkrieg, bis loyal. Torn tidings ñ wanky wind's wings rode; porous......Read the rest...
Categories: wanky, nature,
Form: Sonnet

Reserata Carcerem L
...Yond odd orb apared asp cruised crawl 'f hurled hymns hoisted sanity sprawl; 'f cherubic sways marred mercies crave - t' savor sumptuous stray sanct'ty sprayed. Ah! Wanky winds bore sewn syll'b......Read the rest...
Categories: wanky, dark,
Form: Sonnet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Reserata Carcerem Xlvi
...*Reserata Carcerem XLVI* Salient Sufi quondam was hexed; haggard hags hoisted hurls 'n' were vexed, apt alakazam gin behoved - ere, he'd betrothed marred mercies thrown. Pestered paddock ano......Read the rest...
Categories: wanky, gothic,
Form: Sonnet
Reserata Carcerem Xliv
...*Reserata Carcerem XLIV* Yore, chewed churning curse sewn sage - ñ an urchin did he spit rasp rage; ñ bounty bicycle had h' ridden. Alas! Moist murk his tarred tog cl'ven. Anon, tottered by ......Read the rest...
Categories: wanky, anger,
Form: Sonnet

Reserata Carcerem Xxvii
...patience is not an embargo; eerie enmity oozing flows gaunt gores, perforated pores pruned fostering felon feasts - foiled fluid neither is patience hoisted hay; nocturnal nature chopping day,......Read the rest...
Categories: wanky, wisdom,
Form: Sonnet
Reserata Carcerem Xxi
...hope ain't a pored plague - sassy spell: gaunt gullible on craving etched tamed time trailing hampered boul'vard felon fate fostering farts hope is not a pruned parable: smothered syllables, n......Read the rest...
Categories: wanky, hope,
Form: Sonnet
Reserata Carcerem Xx
...wealth ain't luxury - jolting joy: callous confetti crimson coils kleptomaniac feelings kindled blitzkrieg blaze, la-de-da nimble wealth's everything but comfort: salient sanity sucking nasty ......Read the rest...
Categories: wanky, wisdom,
Form: Sonnet
Reserata Carcerem Xviii
...wanky wit is not moist motive; hoisted hankering damp feelings dark denotations foils fleshened salient smothers, sil'ette slackened wielded wit ain't fame - fostered fleas la-de-da lurch humm......Read the rest...
Categories: wanky, wisdom,
Form: Sonnet
Reserata Carcerem Xvi
...lanky love's a sassy spell; airy alakazam, wit's nest callous cauldron oozing nectar wanky witchery, salient bicker its features foil hankering hoists masticated moaning churn coils dark dirg......Read the rest...
Categories: wanky, love,
Form: Sonnet
Reserata Carcerem Vii
...if lanky love pushes you 'til you fall eerie affections to a meagre maiden draw but moaning mind finds no solace there admit the urge, then contend with bruised bear if jolting jealousy trigger......Read the rest...
Categories: wanky, philosophy,
Form: Sonnet
Reserata Carcerem V
...the more you have, you spend oozing urge pruning passion rends less you have, you save wanky wills by wishes waved nosy nature's call's seeped'n spree bruised blitzkrieg drooping felon flea d......Read the rest...
Categories: wanky, wisdom,
Form: Sonnet
Reserata Carcerem Iv's a voluptuous venom, wanky wares until between cruising couplet it's shared make no name if seeped'n felon flaunt porous penury outsmarts wielded wealth: wanky whore whooshing war's bette......Read the rest...
Categories: wanky, life, wisdom,
Form: Sonnet
Reserata Carcerem
...whoever lives in only a world takes a swig from buised boredom's gourd taunted time squashes churning chance leers lanky lusts, tuning trance I live in sundry worlds yet on a spot! sometimes i......Read the rest...
Categories: wanky, truth,
Form: Sonnet
Svv -Deux not integrity on a man in penury's bed for he'd borrow quaking qualities penury lends if wanky wealth wakes him hither, rustic rhymes of his attributes is better give not what you scarcely......Read the rest...
Categories: wanky, philosophy, wisdom,
Form: Sonnet

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