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Wangled Poems - Poems about Wangled

Premium Member Planning and Saving the Planet
...planning The other day Anna created a Pinterest board of wedding ideas (Cheesy, she knows). “It’s time to hop on the bandwagon,” she said. She insists every other girl she’s aware of - ex......Read the rest...
Categories: wangled, school, student, teen,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Mislaid Indented Help
...Helplessness seeks help in despondency When resources slip out of porous hands A tacit realization of innate inadequacy Devours the dregs of impaired self-esteem. The feeling sinks in the pool ......Read the rest...
Categories: wangled, change, word play,
Form: Free verse

Glorious God
...Glorious God that grips and grabs the heart of great grandees Who wangled on the walk-way of war and wastage They truly troubled me and I trembled tremendously But HE breaks their backbones bits b......Read the rest...
Categories: wangled, deep,
Form: Alliteration
Life In a Mask
...Keeping magic wands of happiness in hands Why are we pleading for happiness outside? We are the masters of our own happiness And if mastered, will master the world in ease. Bereft of courage th......Read the rest...
Categories: wangled, happiness, life,
Form: Free verse
Divorce Court
...Divorce Court He doted on phishing, that viral, newfangled invasion, though most of his handshakes got tangled. He fumbled his Trojans, cunningly dangled in front of my mouse so that I would be......Read the rest...
Categories: wangled, anger, divorce, light, wife,
Form: Rhyme

Felonious and Harminious
...Felonious and Harminious Bible toe me a book has become More than equal to each some Put together and compounded By God it had been founded. (Our first founding Father.) Sometimes things ar......Read the rest...
Categories: wangled, allegory, analogy, humorous,
Form: Couplet
Angela's Dream
...Such strange fat fireflies so early in the month of Beltane, pondered Angela, as she watched their ephemeral light brighten then fade. Was she ken to a mutation from some radioactive mist or super a......Read the rest...
Categories: wangled, dream, fantasy, horror, insect,
Form: Narrative
Man and Wooooman
...Eyes pierce; words penetrate; countenance corrodes… pity those tough hearts of rough masculinity genuflecting tender muliebrity. Just think of poor God …He dares once in a while out of May......Read the rest...
Categories: wangled, allegory, imagination, love, mystery,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Descent of the Geese
...DESCENT OF THE GEESE defying levitation, they wangled wings in unison- breaking over the cresting waves as sundown beckoned loneliness war, starvation, hypocrisy, nothing of man mattered, ......Read the rest...
Categories: wangled, nature
Form: Free verse
Batman's Genie
...I'm a genie and Batman wangled a one-wish, real deal from me; he said graveyard shift duties have been driving him real nuts lately; he was bored flapping nocturnal, ch......Read the rest...
Categories: wangled, funny
Form: Rhyme
Batman Wants To Be Spiderman
...Batman wangled a one-wish deal from a genie fair and real, ruing that his graveyard shift duty had been driving him nutty, this flapping around nocturnal, chasing this and that criminal. H......Read the rest...
Categories: wangled, children, funny, people,
Form: Tail-rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things