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Wagner Poems - Poems about Wagner

Wagner Poems - Examples of all types of poems about wagner to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for wagner.
A Life in T-Shirts
...Going through a closet, I was quite surprised to find Several shopping bags of t-shirts That my son had left behind. While looking at them, one by one, I realized they portrayed His entire gr......Read the rest...
Categories: wagner, nostalgia, son,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Looks Are Many Things
... Igor Stravinsky was no Adonis, to say that he was is dishonest. And Mozart, as a certain portrait shows, had like his mother a bulbous nose. As for Wagner in early sketches, his head is over......Read the rest...
Categories: wagner, humor,
Form: Grook

Premium Member Selectively Eclectic, a Musical Matter of Taste
...I freely admit I love classical music, And please don't think me a snob If I keep my composure When I mention composers As Beethoven, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, and Schumann, And not Ludie, or Wolfie,......Read the rest...
Categories: wagner, humor, music,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

A Musical Moment
... She talks incessantly of Opera, my nervous systems not listening, it’s desperately trying to connect to her voluptuous body, neural cells hum like eclectic cars. I cannot think at all of Moz......Read the rest...
Categories: wagner, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Mr Wag
...We really rather love our Mr Wag. A bag of music, music in a bag. Such masterpieces did he once produce. We listen every day to Mr Wag. Oh such a man, a wit was Mr Wag. Oh what a dish of gifts......Read the rest...
Categories: wagner, character, music,
Form: Iambic Pentameter

Race 2
...Race 2 Same old going down Graves of men now silent Nowt much happening here Just dead bodies buried After being riddled blasted Russians killed by Ukrainians Prisoners mostly of Wagner Sent......Read the rest...
Categories: wagner, conflict, military, violence,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Slava Ukraini
...A year ago, the Russian state launched an unprovoked attack Seizing land from Ukraine but they've bravely fighting back If Russia can't have it, they operate a policy of scorched earth And tu......Read the rest...
Categories: wagner, death, evil, horror, war,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Clerihew Wagner
...William Richard Wagner whose music still causes a stir Much like the spread 'Marmite' loved or loathed never trite......Read the rest...
Categories: wagner, music, people,
Form: Clerihew
Premium Member Georges Scoriety Bash
...Picture this..? Seedy joint.'mediocre comedy one Kiev night. Hunky billionaire bored and sour, joins his guests Uneventful hour.? A pan faced man is on the stage, mocking life with inward rage. Ge......Read the rest...
Categories: wagner, addiction,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Acknowledgements
...1. John Desmond Patrick Keegan 2. Alfred, Lord Tennyson 3. Sally Aline Mae Beller 4. Charles Edward A. Berry 5. Ambrose Gwinnett Bierce 6. Béla Ferenc Dezso Blaskó 7. Joh......Read the rest...
Categories: wagner, appreciation, dedication, inspiration,
Form: List
Premium Member A Christmas Prayer Poem For 2020
...A CHRISTMAS PRAYER POEM FOR 2020 Exiled to our homes, We sit, so many of us alone. Outside, in a world a whirl, In which darkness and fear swirl, We peer for your light, A respite from our so......Read the rest...
Categories: wagner, christmas, faith, prayer,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Play Ball
...I have attempted to capture my favorite major league baseball players in this little shape poem of home plate. Included are (in no particular order): Say Hey Willie Mays Wal......Read the rest...
Categories: wagner, baseball,
Form: Shape
Premium Member A Poem During a Modern Plague
...Every morning upon rising Routinely searching my vital signs As a poverty stricken person Searches pockets for spare change. The grim news reports, The skyrocketing death tolls, Mausoleums more......Read the rest...
Categories: wagner, death, faith,
Form: Free verse
...It rained this morning until this moment, now the birds are singing! A blessing. It’s not much of a tune, kind of repetitive and it could use a base accompaniment. In fact, to be honest, the bi......Read the rest...
Categories: wagner, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Slow Burning
...Slow-burning fuse A sad day first heavy rain going into mist it is not an outdoor day, but I had to pay some bills which was not spiritually uplifting. This is a Wagner day, never cared for hi......Read the rest...
Categories: wagner, fashion, fate, father son,
Form: Blank verse

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry