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Void Poems - Poems about Void

Premium Member echoes from the void
poised in the enchanting hum of silence we dwell therein dissolving flow of time from a centreless fulcrum bliss mists rise our pure childlike heart embraces love’s chime as nodes within form stir boundaries blur ego recedes and we...Read the rest...
Categories: void, silence, spiritual,
Form: Quatrain
In this void
I want to stay forever in this void of peace & tranquility Forget every responsibility I want to remember what it means to be me How it felt like just to be...Read the rest...
Categories: void, betrayal, dark, dream, life,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member View from the void
Mind but echoes heart’s innermost desire, offering a clue known to but a few, that if we become pure like mountain dew, ego’s consigned to the funeral pyre. We’ve walked many a mile but now we tire, weary of rancid...Read the rest...
Categories: void, god, heart, innocence, spiritual,
Form: Italian Sonnet
What is this void you try to fill, A void empty yet stuffed with society's swill, Stark emotions driven by dopamine, Scrounging for joy on a subconscious mezzanine, Started all by a demented serpent's lie, If you eat it's fruit,...Read the rest...
Categories: void, anxiety, christian, depression, emotions,
Form: Rhyme
I can't accept that we are not together My chest just feels heavy and ready to explode Everyone teaches you the concept of love but none teaches how to live in their absence I can't see happiness anywhere Nothing excites...Read the rest...
Categories: void, angst, art, caregiving, crazy,
Form: Free verse

[This is a Metaphysical Poem, though I’ve classified FREE VERSE since poetrysoup does not have a Metaphysical Category. I’ve uploaded a reading of poem on YouTube channel @ghairodanielspresence in Shorts section. ThkU for read ] WOOHOO...Read the rest...
Categories: void, allegory, change, crazy, deep,
Form: Free verse
A marionette
A marionette of the void Aware of the needle like strings, Stranding on the edge of light Yet covered by the veil of hollowness A woeful homunculus, gazing at the abyss...Read the rest...
Categories: void, feelings, grief, light, mental
Form: Free verse
Words Unspoken
In the mind of a poet on days when his muse is uninspiring In the smile of great-grandma as her wrinkled hands hold her great-grandbaby In the thoughts of a philosopher when he ponders on the intricacies...Read the rest...
Categories: void, emotions, life,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Navigating The Void
Smoke until my eyes burn Unforeseen circumstances occur Forget to eat forget to sleep Remind my heart to beat Magical flaws in fountains Rules of strength flaunted Breathtakingly steep, so steep Conjuring colorful plumes Thought-provoking imagery How...Read the rest...
Categories: void, confusion, endurance, pain, perspective,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member In the begining the earth was formless and void and darkness was on the face of the deep
Slowly a subdued group of people, some sobbing carried A lifeless body along the stone paved path.' Despite their Tears and grief stricken denial mindset, the burial must Take place, the procession wound its way along the mountainside...Read the rest...
Categories: void, appreciation, courage,
Form: Didactic
Premium Member view from the void
within this dream where thought streams flow heart beams pure love...Read the rest...
Categories: void, dream, heart, life, muse,
Form: Than-Bauk
Eulogy of Void
Some memories never die As some people never cry, They just laugh and laugh till they die. It's not cry that measures their pain, Instead it's their laugh that rest of us failed to gain. Let's take it to our...Read the rest...
Categories: void, cry, depression, emotions, feelings,
Form: Rhyme
Filling The Void
Between truth and falsity In the cold empty darkness — lies a poem (Dreamsleep: January, 2025) ...Read the rest...
Categories: void, poetry, truth,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member My guardian Angel
You have been gone for a while Leaving a void of emptiness Difficult to fill and contend with All around me your presence looms large Your beautiful face lulls me to sleep nightly I see...Read the rest...
Categories: void, absence, angel, best friend,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A leap in the void
Limited by body-mind, we are gripped in ego’s bind, caged in fear, blurry our sight, even though we’re living light. Bereft of love, light and bliss, heart tells us something’s amiss but we’re afraid to negate, desires that do not abate. With senses...Read the rest...
Categories: void, god, joy, light, love,
Form: Jueju

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