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Vehemence Poems - Poems about Vehemence

Vehemence Poems - Examples of all types of poems about vehemence to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for vehemence.

Overwhelmed Dark Vehemence
Overwhelmed dark vehemence i swedges each breathe for emancipation from shackles of dark streets i walk pawing of his covetous touches loath tie-ins running since ages serfdom of a man's wench or from the core of philtre of miseries...Read the rest...
Categories: vehemence, 12th grade, age, character,
Form: Epigram
Her Oil Indulgence
Her oil indulgence... Her oil indulgence... It was all over her hair tress and Permeated in her whole skin too From top to toe And the drape slips away 'Her nape just uplifted her bun on air' 'Her breast embellished those glinted...Read the rest...
Categories: vehemence, 12th grade, art, beautiful,
Form: Narrative

Love I love you I love you the way you live me I live you the way you made it That's why I say I can't leave you... Dreams are mine Dreams are yours All in one We are both each other's...Read the rest...
Categories: vehemence, 12th grade, beauty, emotions,
Form: Narrative

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Amorous Love
In me a great hunger and thirst A hunger for your perpetual love I feel it's an un-natural vehemence Cause by unusual amorousness Many feels in my mind Fervidness and disquietude amongst them For a girl so pretty and wonderful Her beauty...Read the rest...
Categories: vehemence, 8th grade, feelings,
Form: Free verse
Locked in the Amorousness Cage Alpha bodies with alpha rage Seduction of gaits, On a hunger and thirst page Effervescence of desire A roar of wild fire A vehemence of body entire, In the love wire Animality veneration, moment...Read the rest...
Categories: vehemence, animal,
Form: Free verse

School Dance
The gym was decorated: crepe draped and glittery. Disquietude was partner as I stood against the wall, misrepresented hunger gnawing at my soul and a misunderstood thirst. The electric strumming died, so the vehemence of a heart-throbbing perpetual drum solo and snare’s...Read the rest...
Categories: vehemence, boyfriend, dance, first love,
Form: Free verse
Vehemence Vs Sentiment
You crawl beneath my timid heart Deploying feeble desires I speak with vivacious eloquence But, I have not changed my reasoning Or, lack there of I dive, head-strongly, into the same folly Dreaming dreams I've halfheartedly dreamed before With vehemence as my...Read the rest...
Categories: vehemence, allegory, desire, dream, imagery,
Form: Free verse
Empyrean Vehemence
What is this reeling throughout my being? I gaze into the mirror; albeit elusive to eyes seeing… Churning with pleasant burning, emotions swimming with eloquence… With ease… With ease… I release my breathe breeze… Centered, still, in this moment; anchored to...Read the rest...
Categories: vehemence, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
If your love were a flame I'd allow it to blaze through me and singe the edges of my heart with it's sweltering fierceness but your admiration is a thick-headed icicle shaped to weather any firestorm ignited by adoring hands how gelid it...Read the rest...
Categories: vehemence, love
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things