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Unpredictable Poems - Poems about Unpredictable

Unpredictable Poems - Examples of all types of poems about unpredictable to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for unpredictable.
Changing the unpredictable
Changing is ever universal As society changes, the rules change as formed by themselves.... But how, what,? why changes come out Just like failure is a part of success; Thus go changes a part of life. Nothing is ever...Read the rest...
Categories: unpredictable, change, people, universe,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Unpredictable
gauze covered sunshine plays peekaboo with the sea beach umbrellas up...Read the rest...
Categories: unpredictable, nature,
Form: Haiku

Life is Unpredictable
ROBERT SHERRIFF - AUSTRALIAN - POET -AUTHOR - SINGER - ACTOR - AMERICAN HISTORIAN – PHOTOGRAPHER Life is Unpredictable Life is unpredictable, and taking a moment to appreciate who we are today can make a world of...Read the rest...
Categories: unpredictable, blessing, care, character, confidence,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

I am Human
I am Human I am complex in my nature, And unmethodical. I can appear aimless, but eventually suprise you when I reach mountain tops. And the sweetness you see can be decieving Rest assured bitterness may be hiding In secret...Read the rest...
Categories: unpredictable, confidence, deep, encouraging, endurance,
Form: Free verse
Just like each and every one of us, nature also has good day's and bad. Life is very unpredictable. Enjoy the calm days MOODS OF NATURE - THE SEA The sea roars with fury, The vast...Read the rest...
Categories: unpredictable, change, nature, sea, water,
Form: Rhyme

Women are iffy If you don't understand her Talk to her straight....Read the rest...
Categories: unpredictable, character, conflict, perspective, women,
Form: Senryu
River of Mystery
Title - River of mystery! Don't say my dear exceptions does not exist, It just need a single interest. World is not a table spoon, Mean it, world is not a swimming pool. Wonders and wonders are...Read the rest...
Categories: unpredictable, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Selfdefeating Victory
Cancer is a paradox. The more it grows. the closer it comes to taking the life of its host and its own. So is war. Wars go their own way, whatever those who start them say....Read the rest...
Categories: unpredictable, cancer, violence, war,
Form: Other
The Unpredictable Sea
A giant magnet for young and old Its many mysteries to unfold For dipping toes in ebb and flow Revealing wonders deep below Calm and still like mirrored glass Then raging wild a storm can blast Giving pleasure, causing grief Magnificent colour...Read the rest...
Categories: unpredictable, appreciation,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Earthquake
Earthquake broke out Disaster came No prevention but salvation Fate is to be blamed or God is to be blamed Loss of properties Deaths Destructions to landscape Countless and unpredictable Where compensations won't work Salvation will be The most important part They do their parts and...Read the rest...
Categories: unpredictable, courage, death, god, leaving,
Form: Free verse
Laughing At God's Unpredictable Magic Wand
i do not know how we got here it is weird how we went from loathing each other to loving each other i guess it was an attention thing when we were kids however, we grew up, and...Read the rest...
Categories: unpredictable, beautiful, blessing, god, thank
Form: Free verse
Here at the back-end of March here at the epi-center of normal daffodils death-dance in the snow and sleet, squirrels return to dray's seeking shelter from the unpredictable, this helter-skelter weather. Tomorrow we may simmer in winter warmers the sun flirt with rays...Read the rest...
Categories: unpredictable, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Life Is So Unpredictable
Your forever one can turn into stranger, Those with Gucci bags can turn into begger, Life is so unpredictable, So please don't discriminate between gender. A heart doesn't seem to see outer Beauty, Making others happy should be our duty, Life...Read the rest...
Categories: unpredictable, poems, poetess, poetry, poets,
Form: Rhyme
The Wonderfully Unpredictable Solids of 'Mr Calavicci'
damona and i write a book everyday is not the same whether we are under the sun whether we are in the rain we choose to help others who are in pain the smiles that we inspire help us to...Read the rest...
Categories: unpredictable, blessing, change, growing up,
Form: Free verse
Random Unpredictable Me
I am the memory that you cannot slip, I am the smile that you cannot flip. I am the shade that you cannot forbade, I am the fire that cannot be laid. Twirling through the train of thoughts, You will...Read the rest...
Categories: unpredictable, 10th grade, absence, appreciation,
Form: Rhyme

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